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Author Topic: zymmetrical - removing images  (Read 7861 times)

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« on: July 24, 2008, 09:49 »

Does anyone know if there is a way to delete images from my profile at zymmetrical. I can not see any way to delete.

I also  entered my email with a .con, should be .com but I can not find anyway to change my email address.

I just joined this site the other day and had major rejections. I sumitted images that have been accpted and have regular sales at all other sites, DT, IS 123 and so on........ probably about a 90% rejection rate Zem....Across all sights that I submit  I might have an average of 25% rejection.

Since it does not look like this site allows you to control your image (delete (accepted/uploaded)), can't change my email, they do not respond to submitted to a trouble ticket......I most likely will not submit to this site anymore.

Thanks for any info you can give removing images from Zem.



« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 11:18 »
Hi Don,

We did change your email address as requested, but that probably is why you didn't get the response to your help ticket. At any rate, the help tickets are always available online in the site, since the whole point is to avoid reliance on email.  We do not permit unmoderated email changes as it is part of our security system, one should not be changing their email often in a general sense so it is done upon request.

Now, that our line of communication is established, let's examine the situation: you came to a new agency, got more rejections than is typical of your portfolio, and you want to delete the ones that have been approved?    We have very strict editorial standards, and occupy a different market position then the other agencies you mentioned. I have 99.9% faith in our Reviewers choices, with the remaining .1% reserved because they are indeed humans and can make mistakes like anyone else.

It would not be much of a business for anyone involved if our Reviewers spent their workdays reviewing photos, only to have the person press a big red 'delete' button immediately thereafter, because they don't agree with the Reviewers choices. We act in good faith, and hope everyone else that works with us does as well.  I'd be more than happy to have your abnormally high rejection rate examined, you just need to talk to us directly.

« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 11:34 »
Yeah, I must agree: they have very strict editorial standards, and occupy a different market position then the other agencies you mentioned. They have very special review times as well - about a year. And best of all they are not able to sell any of the images they have very strictly chosen. I gave them up months ago. The second they add a delete button I am going to delete all the images too. There is really no point. They just keep boasting about their being different but all the differences I can see are zero sales. Everywhere else I have my images sold...


« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 11:59 »
Well, the OP of this thread got 74 photos reviewed that were uploaded yesterday.

Peep, have you tried contacting us about lack of sales? Since I don't know your Zymm portfolio name, I can't speak directly, however the MSG message:


containing the quote:
"And in addition I have just found out they use a very strange price system - some of my images have 49 USD for RF!!! I had to change it all. I wondered why nothing had been sold so far, checked my portfolio - and this was the reason! Why should anybody bother to buy for 49 USD when the same picture is possible to buy at SS or IS or anywhere else for a fragment of this price."

..may be an indicator of your lack of sales. If you cranked all your prices down to $3 in a reactionary move based on microstock norms, it's no wonder your sales are in the tank. Buyers are possibly perceiving your lower-priced files as having less value.

If you had simply left the prices assigned by our Reviewers, I can't guarantee you would have had more sales, but my gut feeling is that it is shooting yourself in the foot to apply flat microstock pricing in our marketplace.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 12:02 by zymmetrical »

« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 12:54 »
I have zero sales so far.  That is bad but I just checked my portfolio and there is a big problem.  This is my portfolio.


I most definitely didn't upload these ones below.  They belong to someone else and have been put in to my portfolio by mistake at your end.




There are two thumbnails linking to this image that are not mine.

Please sort this out.  If I had a way to delete them, I would do it myself.  I hope this isn't happening to all of us.


« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 13:05 »
Fixed.  Specific to the category 'Objects : Industrial', there was some overlapping photos.  Sales would have been tracked normally, so the side effect of this error is the wrong name on the photo for a couple artists over a period of hours.  I apologize for the error.

As for sales, I am quite shocked because your submissions are always of the highest caliber and we look forward to them, and indeed they are mostly priced at prices around where our Reviewers would choose.  All I can say is hang tight, you have at least the reassurance that we are working hard to bring the site up to launch status. Buyer-side improvements such as expanded currency and payment options and a multitude of other improvements are on-track and coming soon.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 13:11 by zymmetrical »

« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2008, 13:09 »
Thanks for your swift response.  I also see that some of my images are priced between $1 and $3.   I want to make mine a minimum of $10.  If I ever do get sales, I won't make much money selling for small amounts.  As you say above, it makes me look too cheap.

Is there a way to do this?  I changed 1 price but couldn't change another as I have to wait 8 days.

« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 13:13 »
Now I see the prices are for small sizes.  I want to sell for $10 minimum at full size.


« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 13:15 »
Yes, the displayed public prices (under the thumbs) are typically of the Smallest size price. This is a choice we made in order to not completely terrify clients with the highest possible price, but instead show that they can get the small size for cheaper if that meets their needs.

The 8 -day restriction is per file, so that buyers can complete any extended payment methods such as Paypal E-Check and not get a strange surprise of a changed price. You can change all the files you want, just not each one more than once in that 8 day period.

Note that the same improved UI from our new submissions page is currently being applied to making a new Art Manager, with bulk price changes possible. The current Art Manager is dreary, I know.

« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 13:23 »
It doesn't seem to be working per file.  I updated the price on one file but now I can't change the price on a different one.  Is that correct?  If so, it will take me about a year to change the prices I want to.


« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 13:53 »
I tried, but could not duplicate this effect you are describing. Most of your prices already look 'healthy', so I would advise waiting until next week when the new, improved Art Manager is online and changing the price will be possible in batch.

« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 15:13 »
OK, I will wait.  I hope one day I will be complaining about too many sales :)


« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 16:30 »
Thanks for the support. I can sleep with a clear head knowing that we are at least making the best effort possible, and trying to treat buyers and sellers fairly. We'd rather have a slower sales buildup, because we spent a bit more time and money on development to make a credible brand, then to do the typical 'wham bam thank you ma'am' committee-designed online business, and then blow the budget on huge ad campaigns in order to promote it.

You can bet that Google's Gmail service has been in beta since 2004 for a great reason: they are trying to get things exactly right before attempting a marketing coup. We try to follow this principle too. Of course, we don't anticipate another couple years of beta, but at this point we are very much still trying to shape something really useful. If you've already got great files in the system, but aren't achieving sales results like at established businesses, it's important to know that you're time and trust investment thus far has not been in vain, we are working hard to get the pixels moving.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 16:35 by zymmetrical »


    This user is banned.
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2008, 18:38 »
I think u need to be commended for how you've dealt with the issues above. How and ever, coming on here is extremely risky and maybe youd be best advised not to in the future if u want to protect your bizness.

« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2008, 20:37 »
I think u need to be commended for how you've dealt with the issues above. How and ever, coming on here is extremely risky and maybe youd be best advised not to in the future if u want to protect your bizness.
I TOTALLY commend ANY of the sites that come in here and exchange feedback with the photogs. There are a few sites that are oblivious to the cares and concerns of their contributors. On a negative note, I've been with Zym from the beginning with no sales to date. I've stopped uploading until I see some results. Same with MostPhotos but actually had my first sale there 3 days ago, but still not uploading anything until I see legit action. But both Zym and MP have been very responsive to the boards here, and for that I salute them whole-heartedly.

« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2008, 01:11 »
We have members posting here from snapvillage, stockxpert, cutcaster, mostphotos and zymmetrical.  I have probably missed some out.  From what I can see, it has been positive for the sites and for us.  It is the only reason I joined some of them.


« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2008, 05:06 »
'Boots on the ground' - great way to get real feedback. Besides, we simply can't leave questions unanswered.  It's not like we've been around for 5 years and the site hardly changes: if that was the case, then the member community could probably help each other out more with answers.   

In our case, since things change daily, it can be confusing so it's worth the effort for us to answer questions and rumors as soon as they crop up.

"About that sales issue.." (what a loaded leader) :      we recognized a problem with the Submissions page, worked for months to solve it, and now have something smooth as silk. You can bet the Buyer's experience is going to be to next one we deal with.

« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2008, 14:28 »
Hello zymmetrical,

Thanks for responding to my post, appreciate it.

I was just really shocked at the rejection qty, over it now and understand where your coming from.

I will continue to submit and hope some of my images meet your sites acceptance criteria. It takes a little time to feel out a site and get an understanding what they are really looking, I'll get there.

I still have a number of uploads to do and most likely will get some rejections but I can live with that.

Once again thank for the explanation and  for fixing my email address.



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