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Author Topic: First Sale Zymmetrical  (Read 20481 times)

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« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2008, 07:21 »
We are working on a guide/wiki-type system for helping our sellers know what we are looking for technically and conceptually - it will tie in nicely with the new statistics system that is near completion. We want to be as transparent as possible and not have uploading content be like dealing with the Wizard of Oz, the last thing I want to see is people get frustrated and go because we are ambiguous about content requirements. 

There is no simple answer for clarity on this, it is a multi-level approach through personal communication (like this), documentation, and live statistics - all of which we are improving daily.    It's a bit of a change in gears when you are selling files direct, at 'midstock' prices rather than by bulk subscription or at micro-prices, the stakes are much higher but on the flipside, you know the buyers really mean it when they buy. So, stay tuned we should have something put together that puts the Artists into the loop more.

zymmetrical, WOW  :o
I will contact support soon. Thank you very much!

If you could outline the major preferences of Zymm-buyers in this topic, it would be very usefull for all of us. Probably, the content I submit is not really needed  :-\


« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2008, 07:34 »
Thanks for the feedback-  with the rejections and it's effect on ranking, I can say there is a very large buffer around that factor: it will only start to kick you down if you exhibit a severe case of a medical affliction known as 'harddrive-itis', in which victims select C:\ and proceed to upload every .JPG they have. There has to be checks and balances, as you know we don't directly limit upload #'s and it is of course a big challenge to keep up.     A ranking hit for repeat rejection offenders is a simple way to keep our limited resources fairly distributed.   

No worries about the glitches you mentioned, absolutely no effect from those problems described. 

- have you had a disproportionate number of rejected photos, which can negatively affect your ranking

This is good to know. Now I am sorry that I had a few rejections because I did not submit the model release properly. The other time, I also had keywords from two different images bundled together and then two rejections because of irrelevant keywords.

I also had two images shown in my portfolio that did not belong to me, but they were displaying keywords from my images. Upon contacting support, they got disabled. I hope these don't count in my rejections as well....

Perhaps the ranking dependency on rejections should be disabled for a while until all contributors get to know the site, its policies and interface, and until the site is stable enough so that these kinds of mishaps don't happen...

Just my two cents as I really like the site, and I think it can become quite successful.


« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2008, 08:24 »
Well, after all this raving I tried to register but it didn't work. I tried 2 times but as the site is sooo slow I guess my registration is lost in space everytime.
What is the problem?


« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2008, 08:58 »
Hi Hofhoek,

Thanks for your interest. I saw your registration come in normally, you should be live as expected.

I tried a test register quickly and did experience a slightly longer than expected wait after clicking Register, is this where it slowed down for you?

« Reply #54 on: December 18, 2008, 09:06 »
@ Zymmettrical: After attempt three it worked but maybe you can tell me something about the reviewing system. I upload with ftp a bunch of about 25 images. But when I log in I can't find them. Is this normal? How will I know if they have arrived at zymmetrical and just are waiting for review or if they have never arrived at all? And I also didn't see any images in my queu. (when looking at statistics.)
Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 09:08 by hofhoek »


« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2008, 09:45 »
Thanks for the uploads. As per the instructions on the FTP section in the uploads page, you need to put the appropriate media types in the right directories, such as /PHOTOS or /GRAPHICS.         We require this because it requires a human decision for example with raster JPG graphics vs. JPG photos: we do not have the manpower to sort out huge batches of those types of files so we rely on you, who knows what content should go where instantly, to upload into the correct directories.   I moved the files manually and the automatic process now is picking up the files.         

p.s. you may want to use our on-site support channels such as the contact form our our own forum for direct support questions: contacting us on Microstockgroup does indeed work but may have the side effect of boring people who are perhaps interested in more dramatic concepts. :)       Thanks.

« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2008, 08:28 »
Hi Keith,
I wanted to contact you via the site but the site will not open. It takes minutes and minutes and than still nothing. Early this morning I was able to log in but I couldn't send my images up for reviewing. Is there something wrong?


« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2008, 10:54 »
Yes you may currently experience a slowdown, we are working on the problem at this moment, thanks.     

« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2008, 10:58 »
Oh Keith, it seems you sleep as me, some 5-6 hours a day! You wrote me a message some 6 hours ago, and you are already awake and active in the forum

Oh, upi live in Germany :D so we are in the same or almost the same time zone. That explains a lot :D
« Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 11:55 by whitechild »


« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2008, 15:28 »
I am pretty much 50/50 between Vancouver and Germany, and with staff all over the timezone dial, strange hours are a norm.   I am hoping Santa brings me my clone I asked for so at least one of us can get enough sleep. ;)


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