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Author Topic: To all YAY MICRO contributors  (Read 23094 times)

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« on: May 23, 2009, 17:24 »
Like many of you, I contributed lots of pics and gave this site lots of time to get its act together. It seemed whenever you raised an issue over the lack of sales there was an excuse and a reason why just around the corner sales would happen.

I am looking for others to join me in mass to submit to the site a SHOW CAUSE why we should not close our accounts.

Any thoughts, I think if we do it in bulk we might get a better response.

« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 17:50 »
I had Yaymicro remove my images several months ago. All promises and no action. With nearly 2,000 images on the site for about 7 months and zero sales. I gave up and quit.

Too bad it was nicely designed for uploading, in fact the best.



« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2009, 17:55 »
I have there 95 illustrations uploaded but not put on review... Same reasons... When I see some sales (not single sale) I will continue to upload... Over 500 vectors on-line there... Not a single sale yet!!!

In the meantime: I signed in with Featurepics and had several hundreds of income !!!!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 17:57 by Milinz »

« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2009, 18:24 »
I have there 95 illustrations uploaded but not put on review... Same reasons... When I see some sales (not single sale) I will continue to upload... Over 500 vectors on-line there... Not a single sale yet!!!

In the meantime: I signed in with Featurepics and had several hundreds of income !!!!

That will do it...  No reason to gather a mob. Milinz got some vectors on hold :o

Im sure theyll come crawling soon...

« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2009, 18:48 »
Well, it's not a year yet sinte they are live and I saw some sales (only 7 so far) but since they are a startup, I'll give them another 2 years. If anyone has been in business before, you know it takes at least 3 years to build the business. This week, they blogged about some kind of partnership that already had some result with a small test group. Some people reported sales of 54 Euro for one sale on the forums.

Uploading is so easy and fast there, I don't know why I would stop doing it. I still hope to reach my first payout this year and I still hope they will stay in business.


« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2009, 04:48 »
I have there 95 illustrations uploaded but not put on review... Same reasons... When I see some sales (not single sale) I will continue to upload... Over 500 vectors on-line there... Not a single sale yet!!!

In the meantime: I signed in with Featurepics and had several hundreds of income !!!!

That will do it...  No reason to gather a mob. Milinz got some vectors on hold :o

Im sure theyll come crawling soon...

Wait 10 years and I will have so many vectors that my hold will mean something! ;-)

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2009, 05:39 »
There is sales, we just get our first payout (over 100 euros) with about +1500 images. We will definetly upload more images there on the future.

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2009, 06:59 »
I am over the payout limit largely thanks to a deal they did with a 3rd party site.  Hopefully they can do a few more like that, if we support them and give them some time.

« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2009, 07:06 »
At the begining I told you that Yay (and any other new agency) is pure waste of time, but you didnt listen to me. :p "It is so easy to upload, it is so beautifuly designed, bla bla...." who cares about site design if there are no sales! Money is what counts, not aproved images, or easy workflow....

« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2009, 09:11 »
You were wrong, I have made over $60 so far for about 10 minutes of my time.

« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2009, 09:27 »
60$ per year is not worth... 60$ per month is something to consider.


« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2009, 11:48 »
At the begining I told you that Yay (and any other new agency) is pure waste of time, but you didnt listen to me. :p "It is so easy to upload, it is so beautifuly designed, bla bla...." who cares about site design if there are no sales! Money is what counts, not aproved images, or easy workflow....

My wife told me 30 years ago that if I didn't slow down I would get a speeding ticket.  I got one yesterday.  She said, "Told you so."   ;D


« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2009, 12:04 »
There is sales, we just get our first payout (over 100 euros) with about +1500 images. We will definetly upload more images there on the future.

Well, you persuaded me... Uploading over 100 new ones ;-)

« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2009, 12:38 »
There is sales, we just get our first payout (over 100 euros) with about +1500 images. We will definetly upload more images there on the future.

Off topic: what a wonderful port!

About YAY, they were quite open about what happened. To start, they had a fantastic coder that developed all from scratch, a true genius. Compare to all new (and even older) sites to realize what great job he did.
But he ran off with the code a bit in disarray. That's always the danger when the IT manager/project leader and the coder are the same person. A project like a stock site should be documented and managed tightly, and implemented in such a way that coders can come and go, but the project stays intact.

The new guy had to spend a lot of time dismantling and rebuilding the code, and some mistakes have been made. When he finally was in the position to extend the functionality, he had a car accident that knocked him out for a while. Now he's back on track but he still has to address the heart of any site: the search engine.

Sales are very slowly taking off, true, but there is some improvement over time. In general, me thinks that sites with very easy and fast upload should be given a chance, unless they are complete morons like Albumo or Crestock. It took time to upload, what's the point of deleting a port? In the worst case, there will be no sales and nothing is lost. In the best case, you might reach payout. 60$ = 60$. Port deleted = 0$.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 21:33 by FlemishDreams »

« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2009, 14:00 »
When I see how long time it has taken a couple of other agencies (FP and CS) to build decent sales, I think I will give YAY a year or two more. I've had some sales with them, and they can succeed over time.

« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2009, 14:04 »
I am over the payout limit largely thanks to a deal they did with a 3rd party site.  Hopefully they can do a few more like that, if we support them and give them some time.

same here.  I just had 100 Euro dumped in my account from the same third party deal.  That is enough to keep me uploading.

« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2009, 20:11 »
something really strange here. some reporting payout limits, and the rest of us not one single sale. very weird.

« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2009, 21:34 »
same here.  I just had 100 Euro dumped in my account from the same third party deal.

Is that "third party" secret?  :-X :-X

« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2009, 01:06 »
same here.  I just had 100 Euro dumped in my account from the same third party deal.

Is that "third party" secret?  :-X :-X

yes it is - for now anyhow, apparently .  Perhaps due to competition?!

« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2009, 01:33 »
something really strange here. some reporting payout limits, and the rest of us not one single sale. very weird.
If you look on their blog, they are selecting another 20,000 images for their 3rd party site.  That is where most of my earnings came from.  It shows they have been doing something, unlike some of the new sites that don't seem to be doing much to find buyers.  Hopefully they will have success with more buyers.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 01:35 by sharpshot »

« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2009, 03:23 »
something really strange here. some reporting payout limits, and the rest of us not one single sale. very weird.
If you look on their blog, they are selecting another 20,000 images for their 3rd party site.  That is where most of my earnings came from.  It shows they have been doing something, unlike some of the new sites that don't seem to be doing much to find buyers.  Hopefully they will have success with more buyers.

Sounds great, but I have a problem committing my images to an agency for three years. In the fast changing world of stock photography, this is much to long.

« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2009, 07:40 »
Sounds great, but I have a problem committing my images to an agency for three years. In the fast changing world of stock photography, this is much to long.

They aren't locked in. You can delete them any time. It's not Pixmac  :-\

« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2009, 08:24 »
Sounds great, but I have a problem committing my images to an agency for three years. In the fast changing world of stock photography, this is much to long.

They aren't locked in. You can delete them any time. It's not Pixmac  :-\

I may be mistaken but I just tried to delete a duplicate photo of YayMirco delete option is gone.

« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2009, 18:14 »
I think the reality is they are not pulling their weight. I think the 3rd party deal is recognition they are out of their depth.

« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2009, 11:14 »
I am over the payout limit largely thanks to a deal they did with a 3rd party site.  Hopefully they can do a few more like that, if we support them and give them some time.

I'm also over payment limit (over $60.00) from a 3rd party site. I have and will continue to upload.
I hope they do well and have great success for the future!


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