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Author Topic: That does it. Closing account.  (Read 29802 times)

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« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2008, 14:50 »
It'd be a lot of work for a scam. I don't fault their intentions so much as their planning and executions.


If we contributors hadn't been so naive years ago these new sites would have had to "sell" us on their worthiness. They would have had to put up some convincing reasoning that included: management resumes, a solid marketing plan and a believable commitment to spending significant money. We'd immediately discount any promises of "alternative marketing" of the sort we swallowed whole from Lucky Oliver as the BS it is. The current crew at Yay is destined to fail if for no other reason is their treatment of contributors as minimum wage chumps deserving no real information as to what's going on there. And we'd never believe that just because a site pops up started by a big name macro site, it would be successful. Especially following months of inept marketing/advertising, management shakeups,  as well as dismal sales.


« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2008, 15:09 »
Well, I am not doing this for my hobby as well. And I am with you, I am not doing it if there is no serious income that is why I do not upload to 123rf and BigStock as well. And I also do not upload to Yay anymore until they prove to provide serious income. But it does not hurt me to let my images stay there a year or two until they are proven unsuccessfully.

From my experience I think you are wrong about 123RF.

I find 123rf and BigStock have good consistent sales.  Those two combined often make me more than some of the top 5 sites.

I know that some are doing well with them. But I am doing horrible with them. They account together for ~1%-2% of my microstock income.

Same for me.  I recently dropped them both.

« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2008, 15:13 »
I remember when Google started up, against strong competition. I don't recall that they did any marketing.

« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2008, 05:59 »
I am uploading everything to Yay as well as other sites. The most time is spent in processing images. Once the image is processed, it is a negligible extra to upload to 2-3 more sites.

« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2008, 13:15 »
I don't think anyone has covered this reason to back off from any new sites until they show a reasonable success possibility.

Say you upload 100 images to New Site "A", and good selling sites B,C, and D. And over the next few months you had 10 downloads on A. Then they went belly-up. You hadn't reached payout on A. So you've gotten zero money for all that effort. The flip side is that if you did not have those images on A, some percent could likely have found your images on B,C, or D.

« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2008, 23:34 »
I don't think anyone has covered this reason to back off from any new sites until they show a reasonable success possibility.

Say you upload 100 images to New Site "A", and good selling sites B,C, and D. And over the next few months you had 10 downloads on A. Then they went belly-up. You hadn't reached payout on A. So you've gotten zero money for all that effort. The flip side is that if you did not have those images on A, some percent could likely have found your images on B,C, or D.

Well, if everyone had that attitude, then the new sites wouldn't even get off the ground because they wouldn't have any images to sell.  Am I right?  The more images they have to offer in the beginning, the more chances they will sell something and start to build a customer base.  If everyone just holds back to see what will happen, nothing will happen because nothing can happen if they have nothing to offer.  I still do not understand why some people are so impatient.  If you are expecting good sales from the very beginning, then you will be very disappointed.  I'm guessing it will take several more months before we will really see what Yay is capable of.

« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2008, 23:53 »
I don't believe we have the responsibility to support any site, new or otherwise, that doesn't offer reasonable results in a reasonable time frame. It costs us time and money to upload and we bear the loss in income if a site fails before payouts are reached. It's up to the sites themselves to give us a reason to upload. If a site chooses to hide their marketing plans from their contributors that's their right. But I choose not to play their games anymore without some convincing reasons. So I'll keep tuned to the forums and see what sites, if any, will be worthwhile adding.

« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2008, 08:54 »
My account has been successfuly closed, and images deleted.

Now I feel much better. Reborn. lol.

« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2008, 17:06 »
I have wasted a bit of time with duds. Like Crestock, MostPhotos, PhotoShelter, CanStockPhoto.
I have a good feeling about Yay. Maybe it is that I just want to sell editorial stuff.
Like Jan says. Might as well leave them there for a while.
I know where you're coming from, litifeta....  I had the very same feelings about LO, was one of the first to upload there and, didn't cash out until the day before shutdown....  what can I say beyond that?  LOL

Sitting on the sidelines on this one because both sides are making super valid points. Both sides make sense in this one.. ha ha ha ha

I'm looking for a new place to dump my stuff...  I got accepted by YAY some time ago,  then after reading some older threads on it... I got cold feet and pull back off what I put on...  I'm still sitting on the fence...  the account is still open, just bare.
   The school of thought.. that  "they're there, just leave 'em"  makes sense, on the other hand,  I don't blame some others for pulling out... ... I'm having conflicting emotions on YAY...     8)=tom

« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2008, 19:10 »
Even though I come down hard on some of these yet-to-be-any-*-good sites, I really really want them to be successful. The best thing that could happen for us is for there to be, say, twenty top notch excellent selling sites. It will indeed be more difficult for the new guys on the block to get decent contributors. But some will do what's necessary to attract us and convince us that it's worthwhile to upload there. 

As it is there are only 4 or 5 consistent selling sites, depending on whose portfolio is involved. Our time is best spent uploading to those winning sites.

« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2008, 23:56 »
unless something extraordinary happened, I will not be uploading to any more micro sites. I will focus on SS, StockXpert, DT, Fotolia and let the rest just sit there. Fotolia seems to have come reasonable for me, but nothing like the others.

I am new to StockXpert so have no idea how well I will go. DT has been going backwards for me in sales despite the fact I am building the portfolio, and SS sales are dependent on keeping the uploads going.

Where I want to go in the future is on the sites like Alamy.

« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2008, 13:24 »

I am new to StockXpert so have no idea how well I will go. DT has been going backwards for me in sales despite the fact I am building the portfolio, and SS sales are dependent on keeping the uploads going.

Where I want to go in the future is on the sites like Alamy.

Dude.... StockXpert has been picking up for me...  I'm seeing more and more sales with them going to Jupiter and ... the flippin name escapes me....  one of the other of their affiliates.   So just for round numbers... maybe I've jumped up in total sales ..roughly, guessing... 20-25% thru the affiiates? (if I wasnt so lazy, I'd go get some actual numbers for you.. but sufficient to say, I'm happy with the increase) 
         ...   hey, i'll take it. 

of all the sites I would bail out of...  StockXpert  is not on the list.  8)=tom


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