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Author Topic: API and newsletter  (Read 9357 times)

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« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 12:25 »
Nice!  :)
Who are these 2 agencies, who will distribute our images via API?

« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 12:37 »

you have on your blog:

"We are working on an opt-out option, . . . . "

Does that mean we are all opt-in without using this future option?

I hope so, keep up the good work.

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 17:53 »
Will the opt-out be specific per Partner? There are lengthy discussions about Pixmac (as a - former - distributor of DT, FT, 123RF) in this forum, much of that not really positive...

Some more points:
You say "The commission is as it is on our site - you get 50% of what we get on all single image sales! "
But what do you get? The full sale price? or is the photographer cut in the end 50% of 50% or less? What are the price points of the partners? Is further distribution allowed (if the partner has further partnerships)?

If all these points are made transparent and an opt-out option per partner is available that would be great.

« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 05:51 »
Hi dirkr!

Let me try to answer your questions - and if you have any more, keep 'em coming!

Linda :)

Will the opt-out be specific per Partner?
I hope we'll be able to make it partner specific, and I'll know more next week. My experience with Pixmac is very positive, but we are aware of the issues with other agencies. We've discussed these issues directly with Pixmac, and we'll make sure to audit the agreement on a regular basis. Traditionally in the image industry agencies must depend on a high degree of trust in a business relationship. New technology makes it easier to monitor a relationship, together with frequent audits. I believe Pixmac will do their best to restore our and the industry's trust in them, as it's crucial for their survival in the long run.

You say "The commission is as it is on our site - you get 50% of what we get on all single image sales! "
But what do you get?  The full sale price? Or is the photographer cut in the end 50% of 50% or less?

We negotiate different terms for different providers, depending on anticipated volume of sales, market, and so on. We will give our photographers a 50% commission on the amount we get from our reseller. In some cases it might be a bit less than on our site - but not substantially, and in other cases it will be substantially higher. The price we get for a large image will never be below €7, giving you no lower than €3.50 for a large image. In on of the deals we're negotiation the price we get will be app. €40, and then you'll get a €20 for your large image sale. 

What are the price points of the partners?
This will differ from site to site. Due to confidentiality I cannot give you details about other parties, but you are free to ex. search your images at our API partner sites and take a look yourself.

Is further distribution allowed (if the partner has further partnerships)?
No, we do not allow sub-licencing on our API.

« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2011, 06:44 »
Thanks for all the answers Linda and well said about pixmac.

In regards to pricing, to try and understand what you were saying. Does the % of sale you receive vary between partner? And can you give us a range that it falls within?

Say €20 image sale - API partner 40% (€8) €12 left for YAY, so then €6 to YAY and €6 to Photographer.

Or is the API partner % much lower like 20%?

« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 07:16 »
Thanks. Yes that makes it clear, and I agree that sub licensing is unfortunate for the photographer as there becomes a lot of middle men, but having the option to opt out gives the photographer the choice and agree that 25% of sales you wouldn't have otherwise is in most cases better than not having the images available. . I will plan to opt in.

I am also very glad to hear that the API partners cannot further sublicense the images.

« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 07:52 »
Hi leaf!

Does the % of sale you receive vary between partner?
Yes, in some agreement we don't have % but a fixed price. On both % and fixed price we split 50/50 with our photographers.

Thanks for the clarification, but a fixed price arrangement is something that gets me a little worried, especially if your partners have extended license options.
If, for instance, your cut from the partner is a fixed €7 and they sell an "extended license" for €100 at their site, do you have an arrangement in place for this or do you still receive the agreed €7 and €3.5 goes to the photographer?

Thanks again

« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 07:55 »
I am also very glad to hear that the API partners cannot further sublicense the images.

Agreed. I'm not aware of any agency allowing this, but I bet there are some. And it's definitely not beneficient to the contributor, so thanks Yay for not going down that path.

« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2011, 08:27 »
Very glad to hear that :) I will be opted in

« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2011, 19:17 »
Thanks for answering Linda.

Where I see a benefit in such distribution partnerships is when the partner is an agency I cannot simply submit to myself, i.e. a market / customers I otherwise would possibly not reach.

But if it is an agency like Pixmac, that easily lets me submit my content on my own account (if I wish to do so), it would just mean a reduction of my share of the sales price and makes no sense at all.

That's why I prefer to have full control of where my images go to and full transparency about the conditions. I hope you can provide those two things.

« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2011, 08:29 »
Where I see a benefit in such distribution partnerships is when the partner is an agency I cannot simply submit to myself, i.e. a market / customers I otherwise would possibly not reach. But if it is an agency like Pixmac, that easily lets me submit my content on my own account (if I wish to do so), it would just mean a reduction of my share of the sales price and makes no sense at all.

Thank you dirkr for the comment. Our approach at Pixmac is to bring higher volume of sales to all YayMicro contributors instantly. Some of them prefer to spend time on uploading to many agencies, some just prefer one hub such as YayMicro. The time saved can be more valuable than the revenue split. That is why I hope the API partnership is beneficial for all parties. For us at Pixmac it saves time and we can focus more on marketing/selling the content.

As for the trust in the industry: Leaf and Linda are right. We'll make everything technically possible to make a perfect system and I advice you to watch/test us anytime too. In the end the amount of eyes might tune the system to perfection...

« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2011, 08:35 »
I am also very glad to hear that the API partners cannot further sublicense the images.

I've seen many contracts and it was never allowed. So I guess it's always like that.

« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2011, 17:41 »
Our approach at Pixmac is to bring higher volume of sales to all YayMicro contributors instantly.

Higher volume of sales instantly? You're very optimistic. That can't be based on your past experience. You had my portfolio up both from DT and FT (yes, duplicates, your duplicate detection did not work) when they still had their partnership with you active.
Both of those portfolios sold exactly one file each over several months. I think that says enough.

« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2011, 01:06 »
Higher volume of sales instantly? You're very optimistic.

Yes, I am optimistic, sorry for that! When I was checking your portfolio at other sites, the highest download rate at Fotolia was 94. I guess the reason is that your animal images are focused on a niche theme. And obviously Pixmac is not selling in the same volume as the top 5 agencies. On the other hand I believe that our sales are way higher than any micro agency that launched in 2006 or later.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 02:11 by zager »

« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2011, 13:55 »
I am also very glad to hear that the API partners cannot further sublicense the images.

I've seen many contracts and it was never allowed. So I guess it's always like that.

not always.  I have seen my images distributed by a third party distributer.


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