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Author Topic: Veer sales increasing?  (Read 23466 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2010, 11:23 »
I just had a sale disappear on Veer - it was only for $0.35 but since I tend to get one only every other month, I really care about them :D

It was there on Thursday or Friday and it is gone now ??? Does anyone know how Veer handles customer refunds and if they show up in the sales statistics?

« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2010, 13:54 »
Yup... There's some strange things going on there... I had some number of sales and suddenly I have less than yesterday.

What I heard there are also $0 sales too?

Interesting development...

« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2010, 02:46 »
After months of zero sales, friday I finally had a sale on Veer. But me too for 0,00 dollars.
I've contacted support about that, but I'm still waiting for an answer.


« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2010, 03:02 »
Now what . is going on there? What's with these 0.0$ sales???

« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2010, 03:17 »
Now what . is going on there? What's with these 0.0$ sales???

I'd like to know. Still waiting for an answer. But if they answer fast like they review images, maybe they'll answer next year, March or April.

« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2010, 03:50 »
You, I got few sales as well

« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2010, 12:29 »
Had an EL today, they're still doing ok for me. I had my last ones from Dash for Cash inspected and cant complain there either...no rejections.
About disappearing sales (not the strange 0.00 ones): there was an answer somewhere in their forum but i cant find the link anymore. It has to do with the timeline; as it moves sales at the beginning of the line fall off, showing a lower total balance, but the sales are not really gone...its a bit confusing.

« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2010, 12:40 »
I lost several sales as well...around 2 dollars one day last week and another this week.....strange...what is happening?

« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2010, 13:14 »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 14:23 by borg »

« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2010, 13:22 »
Now what . is going on there? What's with these 0.0$ sales???

The "$0.00" sales showing up on some contributors stats pages is a bug that we're working on a fix for now. This is an error, and does not represent sale(s) you are not being credited for. We'll post an update here and on the Veer Contributor forums on our site when this is corrected.

The issue with total earnings changing or appearing to drop, is because the current stats page shows a rolling 1 year period, showing earnings from the last 1 year prior to todays date. Now that we are 1+ year into things, this has recently become an issue.
So to be clear: sales aren't actually dropping out of the system and accrued earnings will still be paid, the display and UI on the stats page is the issue. We're working on a revision to this page and presentation of stats to make this clearer and eliminate this problem.

In the meantime - the workaround to see your correct lifetime total:  on the bottom half of the stats page,  customize the date range to start at the earliest possible date, and you will see all sales since launch. You can switch this to 'table view' for individual sales detail, and can then export these to Excel as needed.

 - Brian


« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2010, 14:45 »
Thanks, Brian for clarifying.

While we're talking about statistics, may we have tables organised by months instead of weeks? Most of us do monthly statistics for all sites and using weeks is weird, as weeks from different months partially overlap. Even more for us Europeans, as you Americans swap the day and month :)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 14:48 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2010, 16:13 »
Thanks, Brian for clarifying.

While we're talking about statistics, may we have tables organised by months instead of weeks? Most of us do monthly statistics for all sites and using weeks is weird, as weeks from different months partially overlap. Even more for us Europeans, as you Americans swap the day and month :)


And while you're at it, I couldn't find my current account balance anywhere on the site.
I can see total earnings since I began, but I can't find past payouts or the balance anywhere.



« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2010, 17:29 »
Now what . is going on there? What's with these 0.0$ sales???

The "$0.00" sales showing up on some contributors stats pages is a bug that we're working on a fix for now. This is an error, and does not represent sale(s) you are not being credited for. We'll post an update here and on the Veer Contributor forums on our site when this is corrected.

The issue with total earnings changing or appearing to drop, is because the current stats page shows a rolling 1 year period, showing earnings from the last 1 year prior to todays date. Now that we are 1+ year into things, this has recently become an issue.
So to be clear: sales aren't actually dropping out of the system and accrued earnings will still be paid, the display and UI on the stats page is the issue. We're working on a revision to this page and presentation of stats to make this clearer and eliminate this problem.

In the meantime - the workaround to see your correct lifetime total:  on the bottom half of the stats page,  customize the date range to start at the earliest possible date, and you will see all sales since launch. You can switch this to 'table view' for individual sales detail, and can then export these to Excel as needed.

 - Brian

May I suggest a "current earnings" value on the stats page - that is, the cash that was not payed to the contributor yet? Without us having to select values from comboboxes, etc. Of course, all-time earnings is cute to know as well. But I was under the wrong impression that I made it to payout this month and it appeared not to be so.

Last 2 weeks Veer was doing quite well for me, I hope it keeps up. :)

« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2010, 18:58 »
Now what . is going on there? What's with these 0.0$ sales???

The "$0.00" sales showing up on some contributors stats pages is a bug that we're working on a fix for now. This is an error, and does not represent sale(s) you are not being credited for. We'll post an update here and on the Veer Contributor forums on our site when this is corrected.

The issue with total earnings changing or appearing to drop, is because the current stats page shows a rolling 1 year period, showing earnings from the last 1 year prior to todays date. Now that we are 1+ year into things, this has recently become an issue.
So to be clear: sales aren't actually dropping out of the system and accrued earnings will still be paid, the display and UI on the stats page is the issue. We're working on a revision to this page and presentation of stats to make this clearer and eliminate this problem.

In the meantime - the workaround to see your correct lifetime total:  on the bottom half of the stats page,  customize the date range to start at the earliest possible date, and you will see all sales since launch. You can switch this to 'table view' for individual sales detail, and can then export these to Excel as needed.

 - Brian

May I suggest a "current earnings" value on the stats page - that is, the cash that was not payed to the contributor yet? Without us having to select values from comboboxes, etc. Of course, all-time earnings is cute to know as well. But I was under the wrong impression that I made it to payout this month and it appeared not to be so.

Last 2 weeks Veer was doing quite well for me, I hope it keeps up. :)

Thanks Xalanx, and Dirkr for the suggestions. Both are excellent ideas and the sorts of things that we're hoping to implement to improve the stats page.

Glad to hear that you are seeing sales pick up.
Marketing has been ramping up over the past few weeks and will continue to increase this fall.

See the "Veer Super-Incredible Activity Book For Creatives"  for one example of a current Veer marketing campaign. Printed copies of the 100 page book were sent out to thousands of creatives and agencies over the past few weeks. I'ts also available to all via online and .PDF version:

(if you need a break from shooting or keywording or retouching or MicrostockGroup'ing, be sure to check out the online version to do the puzzles and games in an interactive format - nifty!)

 - Brian

« Reply #39 on: August 25, 2010, 20:08 »
wow, that activity book looks truly great, a marketing job well done Veer team!! Looking forward to sales going up even more.

« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2010, 02:48 »
Last night I received a mail from Ryan of Contributor service: they think the "zero" sales are not real sales but only a bug (I'd prefer it was an EL with too many zero to bear for their servers, but...).
I think it's fair to add that I actually had one "real" sale (1,05 $, no champagne here) yesterday.
Thanks to Ryan & Brian, hope that the new wave of communication with contributors continues like that.

« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2010, 02:53 »
I have very bad experiences with Veer. I am getting plenty of images rejected with the reason of "Unfortunately, we cannot accept this image as it is the second time it has been submitted with poor keywords." Does anyone know what is this? I never submit an image twice so I don't know what they are talking about.
I have 450 images online and 174 rejected with reasons like this and with the reaon of similarity (they are not similars). While I have zero downloads, ZERO at all. I give it up, waste of time.

« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2010, 13:21 »
I have very bad experiences with Veer. I am getting plenty of images rejected with the reason of "Unfortunately, we cannot accept this image as it is the second time it has been submitted with poor keywords." Does anyone know what is this? I never submit an image twice so I don't know what they are talking about.
I have 450 images online and 174 rejected with reasons like this and with the reaon of similarity (they are not similars). While I have zero downloads, ZERO at all. I give it up, waste of time.

Hi Nitor,

I just sent you a personal message concerning this issue.  Please respond if you have a moment so I can look into this issue in more detail.

« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2010, 13:31 »
I wish you didn't. Give up on Veer I mean :)
They need your photos and so do we.
They're doing better and better, great commissions, clever marketing and increasing sales.  
There must be a bug going on with your account. Have you tried support?
They'll fix your problem, I'm sure.
Don't give up yet, stick with Veer for a little bit longer.
There's a good chance they'll make it up there :)

One more sale here - 3.80.
Convincing enough ? :)

« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2010, 13:34 »
Ah, sorry!
I was typing at the same with Ryan above.  
I was right :)
They'll fix the bug :)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 13:36 by Eireann »

« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2010, 05:44 »
still waiting for my first sale after uploaded for dash for cash..

after seeing so many positive comments, hope i see some good results.

By the way, regarding to some keywords searching issue, have veer comes up with a better solutions?



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