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Author Topic: Veer Marketplace Opens to Contributors on June 8th  (Read 40425 times)

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« on: May 01, 2009, 14:25 »
Mark your calendars!  The Veer Marketplace Contributor Site launches on Monday, June 8.

Our development team is working ahead of schedule and were excited to announce that on Monday June 8th, well launch the Veer Marketplace Contributor Site!

After that date, youll be able to begin submitting your new work. While these images wont be available for sale until we launch the complete site in mid-summer, you will able to get a head start uploading using the new FTP capable Veer Marketplace upload platform.

Lots of additional information about Veer Marketplace is now available on the Veer submissions page at
http://submissions.veer.com/  including the Veer Marketplace terms of agreement, an FAQ reflecting the Veer Marketplace credit system, subscriptions, pricing and royalty structures as well as the new submission guidelines, so go check it out. 

If you have questions you can send them to [email protected], or you can post questions, comments and suggestions to the Veer Marketplace Group on Veer Ideas at http://ideas.veer.com/group/marketplace (youll want to sign-up and join the Marketplace Group if you havent already).

Exciting stuff - can't wait for all of you to check out the new system!

- Brian

« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 20:50 »

Looks alright. I like how subscriptions won't just be 30 cents for all sizes. 20 cents for xsmall is a bit depressing but hopefully there wont be many of them... I couldn't find any information on what the pixel dimensions for each size will be, have you decided on that yet Brian?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 20:55 by Kngkyle »

« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 22:42 »
Image requirements:

What are the technical requirements for submitting to Veer Marketplace?
Our technical requirements for JPEG photos or illustration:
- minimum pixels = 1200 x 1600 (approximately 4 x 5 at 300 ppi)
- preferred pixels = 1920 x 2560 or larger (the larger the better!)
- maximum file size = 20 megabytes (compressed file size)
- sRGB or Adobe RGB 1998 color profile
- JPEG format saved at highest quality (lowest compression level)
- Balanced highlights and shadows (RGB shadows no lower than 5, highlights should not be higher than 250)
- No interpolations

Minimum payout is $100.00
I didn't see anything about a minimum amount of time that a submitted image had to remain on the site like what DT and BigStock have

« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 12:20 »

Looks alright. I like how subscriptions won't just be 30 cents for all sizes. 20 cents for xsmall is a bit depressing but hopefully there wont be many of them... I couldn't find any information on what the pixel dimensions for each size will be, have you decided on that yet Brian?

Hi Kngkyle -

Great question  - we have - the minimums for each size are as follows:

XSmall = 300 x 400
Small = 600 x 800
Medium = 1200 x 1600
Large = 1920 x 2560
XLarge = 2800 x 4200
XXLarge = 3300 x 4900

We'll make sure this info is included in future versions of the FAQ and Submission Guidelines documents. 

- Brian

« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2009, 14:34 »
So, will notifications be sent out to contributers to Snapvillage, as to whether they made the cut, before June 8th?

« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 15:42 »
So, will notifications be sent out to contributers to Snapvillage, as to whether they made the cut, before June 8th?

Yes - you'll hear by mid-May at the latest.

« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 16:20 »
Excellent!!! Can't wait to have an email from you  ::)


« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2009, 16:40 »
you'll hear if you get carried over!

« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2009, 16:54 »
It's good to see the different prices for different sizes in subs. I'm not going to be there, unless leaving mi exclusivity at another site, but well, good luck.


« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 19:24 »
I think your timing couldn't be more perfect.

I have a few questions about the illustration side. Will vectors automatically be generated into jpeg versions available at all sizes? Are there posted guidelines for vector submissions?

« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2009, 16:31 »
I think your timing couldn't be more perfect.

I have a few questions about the illustration side. Will vectors automatically be generated into jpeg versions available at all sizes? Are there posted guidelines for vector submissions?

Hi whatalife -

No need to upload a preview JPEG --- rasterized JPEGs will be created automatically.

There are basic vector guidelines included with the general Marketplace submission guidelines doc here:

The basics:

- .EPS format
- AI8 compatible
- No open paths
- No stray points or objects
- Avoid transparency and other raster effects that arent AI8 compatible
- Ensure paste board size is the same size as illustration

« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2009, 16:50 »
Is there a referral program in place for photographers? Can we join right away or we need to wait until June 8th? When will the present members of SV be able to login to veer? Do they need to register separately?

« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2009, 18:18 »
Is there a referral program in place for photographers? Can we join right away or we need to wait until June 8th? When will the present members of SV be able to login to veer? Do they need to register separately?

Hi goldenangel -

Good questions. Here are the answers (and a question):

- There won't be a referral program setup right away.
    What kind of program would you like to see in place?

- You can create an account on Veer.com now, and begin participating in the Veer Marketplace group on Veer Ideas. You'll be able to start uploading on June 8th.

- All users (new or the contributors selected from migration to Snap) will be able to log-in beginning on June 8th.

- Selected contributors migrated from Snap will be sent account and log-in details around June 8th. If you've already created an account on Veer.com, our team will map your content to the existing Veer.com account. If you haven't created an account - our team will automatically create an account for you.


« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2009, 18:48 »
Brian, veer sounds  great except a few things.

1- Do you really believe %35 commission is good for us. Why would you think it would be adequate for us?

Considering that product is coming to you for free, provided by us, and it is an almost zero-risk business why are we not offered %50 (which would be fair)?

2- Would you describe veer as a fair business, getting %65 for content you did not create! We already have low commissions and that needs to be changed.

I honestly think if veer for example steals a single customer from any company who pays me %50, I will be very upset as it will mean a loss for me!

Pay %50 commission as a demonstration of fair trade and get love and support.

You can grow faster if you pay %50 and be more attractive for contributors.

I am sure you will find these questions hard to answer since there is no good answer to them.


« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2009, 22:27 »
Is there a referral program in place for photographers? Can we join right away or we need to wait until June 8th? When will the present members of SV be able to login to veer? Do they need to register separately?

Hi goldenangel -

Good questions. Here are the answers (and a question):

- There won't be a referral program setup right away.
    What kind of program would you like to see in place?

- You can create an account on Veer.com now, and begin participating in the Veer Marketplace group on Veer Ideas. You'll be able to start uploading on June 8th.

- All users (new or the contributors selected from migration to Snap) will be able to log-in beginning on June 8th.

- Selected contributors migrated from Snap will be sent account and log-in details around June 8th. If you've already created an account on Veer.com, our team will map your content to the existing Veer.com account. If you haven't created an account - our team will automatically create an account for you.


Are there different types of accounts? Or should I just use my existing account that I've been purchasing with for the past few years? Is there a "user name" function or real names are used for everything? (I've registered accounts at most other stock sites to protect my user name, which is the same as that of my design firm.)

« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2009, 00:58 »
Thanks for your answers Brian.
    What kind of program would you like to see in place?
There should be a referral program designed for referring new contributors as well as the one for new buyers. A contributor who refers a new contributor could get a certain percentage of sales of this new contributor. This has generally been 10% to 20%. A contributor who attracts a new buyer, could get a percentage of the bought subscription or credits, or a fixed amount at start, like iStockphoto does.
This would motivate contributors to spread the news about Veer as well as to advertise it on their websites through, usually predesigned banners.


« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2009, 02:41 »
In the submission guidelines:

Balanced highlights and shadows (RGB shadows no lower than 5, highlights
should not be higher than 250)

I am going to guess that many potential contributors will find that their JPEGS do not exactly fit this criteria. Particularly as there is invariably a shift as one switches from 16 bit to 8 bit in the workflow and then again, potentially, on the final creation of a JPEG.

251, 252 ... 253 even ? Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture all have a tendency to effectively push or stretch the histogram slightly to the right when converting to JPEG.

This also excludes anything which is isolated on white.

I wonder whether these submission requirements have been copied over from some other document which related to tifs.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 04:20 by alias »

« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2009, 14:15 »
Does someone already get an email from Snapvillage?  :-\


« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2009, 14:36 »
If I don't get moved over with my files to veer,I'm not going  to bother trying to re apply.

« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2009, 19:01 »
In the submission guidelines:

Balanced highlights and shadows (RGB shadows no lower than 5, highlights
should not be higher than 250)

I am going to guess that many potential contributors will find that their JPEGS do not exactly fit this criteria. Particularly as there is invariably a shift as one switches from 16 bit to 8 bit in the workflow and then again, potentially, on the final creation of a JPEG.

251, 252 ... 253 even ? Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture all have a tendency to effectively push or stretch the histogram slightly to the right when converting to JPEG.

This also excludes anything which is isolated on white.

I wonder whether these submission requirements have been copied over from some other document which related to tifs.

Hi Alias -

Those are suggestions, and not hard rules. Highlights above 250 won't be cause for rejection.
I'll check in with our resident Lightroom expert - you might be right that those figures are mainly relevant for TIFFs, or at least warrants additional explanation.

Good catch - thanks!

- Brian

« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2009, 19:43 »

Any comments on my referral program post?

« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2009, 20:15 »

Any comments on my referral program post?

Hi goldenangel -

Yes - great feedback - thank you!    :D
I'll make sure to keep your suggestion handy when we push forward on referral programs.



« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2009, 15:48 »
Thanks Brian,

Do new contributors, who were not there at SV have to wait for June 8th to register, or we can do it sooner?



« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2009, 16:36 »
I just checked out all the agreements, royalty structure, and submission requirements.  It mostly looks really good to me.  This is the first new entry into the micro arena that I have been enthusiastic about.

There is a significant fly in the ointment for me though.  I see that Veer Marketplace is requiring the model's birth date and age to be on the model releases.  No other micro requires this, so as a result I do not have it on any of my releases.

I am not sure why this requirement is necessary.  For my minor models I have parental consent on the releases, and for the adults, beyond general age range for categorizing purposes,  I don't see how their exact birth date is necessary. 

To go back over 5 years and 4500+ lifestyle images of people and track down around seventy models to have them sign new releases is not a realistic option.

Unless you can accept the same releases that everyone else has accepted, without birth date or exact age, I won't be able to submit the majority of my quality work to Veer Marketplace.

I imagine a lot of other contributors will be in the same boat.

« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2009, 16:44 »
I agree with Lisa. Exact birth date is no way relevant for a model release form. Some models might consider it as an invasion of privacy too, and rightfully so.


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