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Author Topic: Veer Marketplace Opens for Submissions!  (Read 60478 times)

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  • If you think you know, you know squat
« Reply #175 on: June 24, 2009, 15:14 »
Does anyone know how long the queue wait is now?
Penelope, I started submitting my first batch  the same day I logged in with my PW to transfer my SV port,  18 June. This morning I had the first batch approved. It's not bad, considering that I did not submit all of the 10 images that day, and taking off the weekend.

« Reply #176 on: June 24, 2009, 15:17 »
I submitted my 10, and waited about 10 days.  Today, it shows that they are all rejected, but no reason is shown as to why. 

It states "specific reasons for rejection are noted below" but there is nothing listed, and the individual pictures only show "Based on these 10 images, we can't offer you contributor privileges at this time. You are welcome to submit 10 new images". 

Is there another place to look for the reason, or have I hit a bug?  I can't correct an error if I don't know what it is.

You need to click on the orange "See Comments" next to each photo.

« Reply #177 on: June 24, 2009, 16:09 »
I had clicked on the Orange See Comments, but each image only states "Based on these 10 images, we can't offer you contributor privileges at this time....." and does not tell me any information at all.  I checked each message to make sure, but all of them state that with no other additional info.


« Reply #178 on: June 24, 2009, 16:16 »
I am not sure that they give specific image by image comments on the application batch. I think Brian posted somewhere, that of your 10, 7 have to be suitable for their collection in order for your application to be approved.

If you have read all the info available to you on the site (such as their collection guidelines) and you still have no idea why your application was rejected, then you should probably contact them directly.

« Reply #179 on: June 24, 2009, 19:22 »
All cool! Approved 10/10

Where to fill the tax info or other details to finalize the application? Any links? I haven't received any emails that directs me to W8BEN form. Is it going to be available after I surpass the payout limit?


« Reply #180 on: June 24, 2009, 19:47 »
Penywise...I had the same rejection notice. I emailed contributor help and they emailed back a little more detailed reason for the rejects.

« Reply #181 on: June 24, 2009, 19:56 »
looks like the other thread "Initial thoughts on veer reviews" got locked...
thanks for posting your accepted photos. It was helpful.


« Reply #182 on: June 24, 2009, 23:00 »
All cool! Approved 10/10

Where to fill the tax info or other details to finalize the application? Any links? I haven't received any emails that directs me to W8BEN form. Is it going to be available after I surpass the payout limit?


When you log back in and go to the upload screen, there is a text message on the left about finishing up some paperwork. I can't remember exactly what it said, but I think it was in the dashboard/workspace area.

« Reply #183 on: June 24, 2009, 23:54 »
Pennywise, look carefully at the photos and you will see a blue link which says "more" double click on this and it will give you the rejection reason.  Its very subtle and you would miss it if you weren't looking for it.

« Reply #184 on: June 25, 2009, 00:05 »
I am not sure that they give specific image by image comments on the application batch. I think Brian posted somewhere, that of your 10, 7 have to be suitable for their collection in order for your application to be approved.
I know that what he said. At least in my case, I was approved only after 4 images reviewed. The other 6 were still pending.

« Reply #185 on: June 25, 2009, 03:38 »
All cool! Approved 10/10

Where to fill the tax info or other details to finalize the application? Any links? I haven't received any emails that directs me to W8BEN form. Is it going to be available after I surpass the payout limit?


When you log back in and go to the upload screen, there is a text message on the left about finishing up some paperwork. I can't remember exactly what it said, but I think it was in the dashboard/workspace area.

Thanks, found it!


  • If you think you know, you know squat
« Reply #186 on: June 25, 2009, 09:02 »
I am not sure that they give specific image by image comments on the application batch. I think Brian posted somewhere, that of your 10, 7 have to be suitable for their collection in order for your application to be approved.
I know that what he said. At least in my case, I was approved only after 4 images reviewed. The other 6 were still pending.

golden, did you have your SV portfolio transferred? SV ported accounts do not have to go through this application process. 

« Reply #187 on: June 25, 2009, 09:41 »
WooHoo. 10/10 approved for my application!  If I had to take a wild stab in the dark about what kind of imagery Veer is looking for, I would have to say conceptual.  Many of my batch had a conceptual theme to them.


« Reply #188 on: June 25, 2009, 09:51 »
It's not really a wild stab in the dark  ;), but here is what they say in regard to what they are looking for:
FAQ: Quality & Content
FAQ: Quality & Content

What kinds of content will Veer Marketplace accept?
Were looking for high-quality content that will appeal to Veers design-savvy customer base. Things like:

- Model-released images of people in business or lifestyle settings
- Images that creatively capture in-demand concepts like green or togetherness
- High-quality travel and landscape shots with excellent technical quality
- Technically excellent shots of utilitarian business and home tools and objects
- Vectors: from simple (but useful) backgrounds, to more stylized work

What kinds of content won't be accepted?
Veer customers prefer and count on a tighter, more curated selection of content. This is good news for you. A smaller pool filled with higher-quality content means your content has a better chance to be noticed. To that end, we suggest you don't submit:

- Multiple, similar images of flowers from your garden
- Snapshots of your cat sunbathing (no matter how adorable)
- Outtakes from your last family vacation
- Images that include designs, logos, or trademarks
- Images that include famous modern buildings or modern art
- Images with heavy use of filter effects

« Reply #189 on: June 25, 2009, 11:22 »
Sorry here is a dumb question.

Where can I see the first 10 which were approved? I want to upload the next 100, but am afraid of uploading duplicates. Thanks.

« Reply #190 on: June 25, 2009, 12:19 »
Pennywise, look carefully at the photos and you will see a blue link which says "more" double click on this and it will give you the rejection reason.  Its very subtle and you would miss it if you weren't looking for it.

Thanks for the info.  I looked and still couldn't find it (no blue anything).  I'm going to chalk it up to having no people in my photos and try again later (I have no people shots in my port at all).


« Reply #191 on: June 25, 2009, 12:51 »
Sorry here is a dumb question.

Where can I see the first 10 which were approved? I want to upload the next 100, but am afraid of uploading duplicates. Thanks.

Can you find the workspace page?

If you are coming in from the main page (Veer.com) log in and click on "account" (top right), then "member page" then look for the Marketplace orange box on the right and click on Dashboard, and then select the "Approved" tab in the main section, or text link on the right.

« Reply #192 on: June 25, 2009, 13:12 »
Thanks a lot, Whatalife. I see it now. :)

Sorry here is a dumb question.

Where can I see the first 10 which were approved? I want to upload the next 100, but am afraid of uploading duplicates. Thanks.

Can you find the workspace page?

If you are coming in from the main page (Veer.com) log in and click on "account" (top right), then "member page" then look for the Marketplace orange box on the right and click on Dashboard, and then select the "Approved" tab in the main section, or text link on the right.


« Reply #193 on: June 25, 2009, 13:24 »
Thanks a lot, Whatalife. I see it now. :)

Sorry here is a dumb question.

Where can I see the first 10 which were approved? I want to upload the next 100, but am afraid of uploading duplicates. Thanks.

Can you find the workspace page?

If you are coming in from the main page (Veer.com) log in and click on "account" (top right), then "member page" then look for the Marketplace orange box on the right and click on Dashboard, and then select the "Approved" tab in the main section, or text link on the right.

No problem. I have my member page bookmarked, so it's a much shorter trip from there... but I wasn't sure if you entered through that page or not. :)

« Reply #194 on: June 25, 2009, 13:28 »
Whatalife, I think I didn't look at Dashboard, I was only looking at portfolio which doesn't show anything. Now I am ok. thanks again.


« Reply #195 on: June 25, 2009, 14:59 »
Whatalife, I think I didn't look at Dashboard, I was only looking at portfolio which doesn't show anything. Now I am ok. thanks again.

Ahh... gotcha. The portfolio is for designers to upload examples of their work. They have a whole fun community there. :)

« Reply #196 on: June 26, 2009, 13:43 »
I'm happy to say I got all 10 photos approved on my first attempt.  In case this might help other people who are trying to get in:  I decided to submit some of my best selling photos on other sites, all very different subjects.  I was hoping that might help me show them I could do different kinds of things.  At the same time, I thought it might help spread the risk a little.  For instance, if they didn't like flowers, there would also be isolated objects (on black, on white, etc).  This strategy seems to have worked. :)

Additional information I forgot to mention earlier: approval took about a week.  I uploaded my photos last weekend, if I remember correctly.  So I think the queue for new contributors is about 6-7 days at the moment.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 13:45 by ingesche »

« Reply #197 on: June 26, 2009, 14:38 »
Additional information I forgot to mention earlier: approval took about a week.  I uploaded my photos last weekend, if I remember correctly.  So I think the queue for new contributors is about 6-7 days at the moment.

Sounds about right.  My initial approval took about a week, as did my first 100 after that.  I had nine of the original ten accepted; number ten was a shot of hot air balloons that was pushed back for the lack of a property release.  Veer is clearly more sensitive about property releases than any of the majors; they require releases for a variety of architectural photos that have sailed through elsewhere.

« Reply #198 on: June 26, 2009, 17:44 »
Yay! 8 of 10 of my second batch submitted got approved today. Thanks for all of you who gave me support. I will go back and re-read all of your suggestions and choose more to submit.

I like the contributor interface, nice work Veer. Looking forward to lots of sales.


« Reply #199 on: June 26, 2009, 18:32 »
Yay! 8 of 10 of my second batch submitted got approved today. Thanks for all of you who gave me support. I will go back and re-read all of your suggestions and choose more to submit.

I like the contributor interface, nice work Veer. Looking forward to lots of sales.

Great news Cathy!  I knew they couldn't resist some of that yummy food you have been uploading ;)



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