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Author Topic: Veer Marketplace Opens for Submissions!  (Read 60458 times)

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« Reply #125 on: June 10, 2009, 19:55 »
Just wanted to register as contributor and after my account is verified by e-mail and I click on "become a contributor" I get this error message :

Uh-oh, something broke.
d:\inetpub\marketplace.veer.com\App\Views\Account\Contribute.aspx(110): error CS1061: 'Corbis.MarketPlace.Web.Controllers.AboutController' does not contain a definition for 'ContributorAgreement' and no extension method 'ContributorAgreement' accepting a first argument of type 'Corbis.MarketPlace.Web.Controllers.AboutController' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Well, can you look into this ? Thanks

Hi Fyletto (and to anyone else who was attempting to sign-up and ran into this error):

This has been fixed. Contributor sign-up is working normally.

Thanks again to those who reported this.

- Brian

« Reply #126 on: June 10, 2009, 21:13 »
I just finished submitting my initial 10. I used the web browser to submit, didn't try ftp. Once I'm approved, I'll try that route.

I really like the interface, once the images are uploaded. I didn't have any trouble. Like how model releases are attached, that is the easiest way. Only had one minor issue. After I type my keywords, a list of suggestions appear. That is very cool and helpful. But if I click on one of the words, it does put it in my keyword list, but the suggestions collapse. Then I have to say "more" again and have them expand. It would be good if once I hit more, the whole list stays there after I choose one.

I'm excited to see how sales are on this site.

« Reply #127 on: June 11, 2009, 09:06 »
I am in sort of a pickle here.

They transferred over 126 of my files from Snapvillage, but the keywording is horrible They are relevant keywords, there's just only like 10-20 keywords per image as opposed to the 30-40 that I have embedded in the IPTC data. As far as I can tell there is no way to edit or delete the already accepted and online files at the moment. But I would like to get this taken care of before the big customer launch. So perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to have support delete all my images and then I could just re-upload them? I would much rather do that then having to edit the keywords image by image manually.

I have a lot of new images to upload as well but I don't want them to get all mixed in with the bad keyworded files cause then it would likely be even more work to fix them.

Right now I'm just sorta sitting tight and considering my options here. Maybe you could weigh in on this Brian or Aaron? What would you suggest I do?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 09:09 by Kngkyle »

« Reply #128 on: June 11, 2009, 11:56 »
I am in sort of a pickle here.

They transferred over 126 of my files from Snapvillage, but the keywording is horrible They are relevant keywords, there's just only like 10-20 keywords per image as opposed to the 30-40 that I have embedded in the IPTC data. As far as I can tell there is no way to edit or delete the already accepted and online files at the moment. But I would like to get this taken care of before the big customer launch. So perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to have support delete all my images and then I could just re-upload them? I would much rather do that then having to edit the keywords image by image manually.

I have a lot of new images to upload as well but I don't want them to get all mixed in with the bad keyworded files cause then it would likely be even more work to fix them.

Right now I'm just sorta sitting tight and considering my options here. Maybe you could weigh in on this Brian or Aaron? What would you suggest I do?

Hi KngKyle -

I would suggest waiting until mid next week to make sure that if any of your transferred files were affected by the keyword discrepancy bug - these will be fixed automatically.

Beyond that - it might be worth looking at some specific examples of how your submitted terms have been mapped to our controlled vocabulary (CV). The power of the CV will mean that you'll have far fewer top-level keywords (the one you see displayed) - but many tens (or even hundreds) of other searchable terms hidden behind the scenes. It's very likely that many of the submitted terms that appear 'missing' - will actually be searchable as they are part of a hierarchical CV walk-up or a synonym or spelling variant.

It's not uncommon for 40-50 submitted keywords to be 'boiled down' to 10-15 primary CV terms, with another 100+ or so terms made searchable behind the scenes by the CV.

Here's an example:  tornados is a narrow term for storms which is a narrow term for inclement weather
beneath weather. All of these terms become part of the keyword tornados with just entering the
term tornados.  Again, they are not visible, but they are searchable.  And those are just the walk-ups: there are also spelling variants and synonyms included behind the scene as well. In this case "twister" (among others).

The CV does a lot of the work for you - and helps deliver more reliable and consistent searches for customers.

Hope this helps.


- Brian

« Reply #129 on: June 11, 2009, 12:48 »
I'm confused.  I'm from London (& UK citizen) and I want to submit to some US based stock agencies but they all seem to require a Tax ID number for their W8s.  But you're saying that I can fill out a W8 for Veer without one and still get the treaty rate of zero withholding?  What are you relying on when you say that?  because in the w8 instructions i can't find any explanation of why I'd be able to get the treaty rate with no Tax ID number...

Also, if it turns out later that I owed the 30% to the IRS would this be deducted from my royalties earned later?  or would i have to pay it back to you?

I would really appreciate an answer on this ASAP, can you provide us with IRS evidence/confirmation that the info from Veers W8 is correct, with regards to the submitter not needing a Tax number when being a citizen and resident of a treaty country, and that no withholding will happen (when treaty is 0%)?

Please send me a private message if not wanting to post a direct reply.

« Reply #130 on: June 11, 2009, 12:49 »

Am still alittle confused.  After filling out the questionaire it said that I could submit 20 images for review (through email address) . . . . most people here seem to be sending 10 images through the web site, so . . .  did I do some wrong?

« Reply #131 on: June 11, 2009, 17:16 »
I searched a bit among Rf macro photos...   then I saw the 1-20$ tab up on the gallery top.   If they reversed it, the price difference would have been more logical:)    micro is much better as far as I see it. 

« Reply #132 on: June 11, 2009, 18:14 »
I'm confused.  I'm from London (& UK citizen) and I want to submit to some US based stock agencies but they all seem to require a Tax ID number for their W8s.  But you're saying that I can fill out a W8 for Veer without one and still get the treaty rate of zero withholding?  What are you relying on when you say that?  because in the w8 instructions i can't find any explanation of why I'd be able to get the treaty rate with no Tax ID number...

Also, if it turns out later that I owed the 30% to the IRS would this be deducted from my royalties earned later?  or would i have to pay it back to you?

I would really appreciate an answer on this ASAP, can you provide us with IRS evidence/confirmation that the info from Veers W8 is correct, with regards to the submitter not needing a Tax number when being a citizen and resident of a treaty country, and that no withholding will happen (when treaty is 0%)?

Please send me a private message if not wanting to post a direct reply.

Hi AdamG2000 -

We have consulted with our tax advisors, legal counsel and the IRS to ensure that we are properly collecting and maintaining the appropriate information with respect to the foreign photographers withholding tax obligatons.

Rest assured - we don't take this process lightly, and we've definitely done our homework.

Go ahead and jump in.


- Brian


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #133 on: June 11, 2009, 20:25 »
WOW..with all this confusion I think I'll wait a month or two before I even attempt to upload anything to Veer. Hopefully by then all the bugs will be dead and maybe I'll be lucky and they'll accept my shots on the first try. From what I've kinda observed here they don't seem to favor the isolated on white shots, which to me are stock..but who knows..every site is different. Good luck to all of you and hope you are successful. ;D

« Reply #134 on: June 12, 2009, 05:30 »
I'm confused.  I'm from London (& UK citizen) and I want to submit to some US based stock agencies but they all seem to require a Tax ID number for their W8s.  But you're saying that I can fill out a W8 for Veer without one and still get the treaty rate of zero withholding?  What are you relying on when you say that?  because in the w8 instructions i can't find any explanation of why I'd be able to get the treaty rate with no Tax ID number...

Also, if it turns out later that I owed the 30% to the IRS would this be deducted from my royalties earned later?  or would i have to pay it back to you?

I would really appreciate an answer on this ASAP, can you provide us with IRS evidence/confirmation that the info from Veers W8 is correct, with regards to the submitter not needing a Tax number when being a citizen and resident of a treaty country, and that no withholding will happen (when treaty is 0%)?

Please send me a private message if not wanting to post a direct reply.

Hi AdamG2000 -

We have consulted with our tax advisors, legal counsel and the IRS to ensure that we are properly collecting and maintaining the appropriate information with respect to the foreign photographers withholding tax obligatons.

Rest assured - we don't take this process lightly, and we've definitely done our homework.

Go ahead and jump in.


- Brian

Thanks Brain,
I would like to trust this info, but there is a lot of conflicting information about the Tax number requirements, can you send me your source or point me in the direction.


« Reply #135 on: June 13, 2009, 12:04 »
What's the deal with the 100 image limit.  I had assumed it was daily, but I have had 100 images pending for two days and still can't submit anything else. 

Are the limits weekly?  If so, that is almost as restrictive as istock.  Istock has 5 million images, so you can understand why they would want to slow their growth. 

But for a new site to have restrictive uploads makes no sense to me.  At this rate it will take me years to get 5k images on the site. 

Am I misunderstanding something?  Anyone else unable to submit beyond the first 100?

« Reply #136 on: June 13, 2009, 12:15 »
Yes Lisa, it's Weekly... for now. They said they will revised that number as needed. My guess is they don't want to overload the system and the reviewers yet in case something bad happens. I'm sure they beta-tested it but I think we could say we are in open-beta mode and things will probably change again before the launch around the end of july.


« Reply #137 on: June 13, 2009, 14:28 »
Yes Lisa, it's Weekly... for now. They said they will revised that number as needed. My guess is they don't want to overload the system and the reviewers yet in case something bad happens. I'm sure they beta-tested it but I think we could say we are in open-beta mode and things will probably change again before the launch around the end of july.

Thanks a lot for the response, Talanis.  :)

100/week is extremely slow going if they are serious about building a collection.  Hopefully they will increase the upload limits once they get their bearings. 

FWIW their submission process is one of the easiest around.  Totally hassle free other than the limits. 
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 15:06 by lisafx »

« Reply #138 on: June 13, 2009, 18:54 »
Yes Lisa, it's Weekly... for now. They said they will revised that number as needed. My guess is they don't want to overload the system and the reviewers yet in case something bad happens. I'm sure they beta-tested it but I think we could say we are in open-beta mode and things will probably change again before the launch around the end of july.

Thanks a lot for the response, Talanis.  :)

100/week is extremely slow going if they are serious about building a collection.  Hopefully they will increase the upload limits once they get their bearings. 

FWIW their submission process is one of the easiest around.  Totally hassle free other than the limits. 

I'm hoping it will change also!
Very easy submission process like Lisa said and I'm anxiously waiting to upload more.

« Reply #139 on: June 13, 2009, 19:55 »
Any suggestions???

As Milinz said, use the HTML upload. I just went to the 10-image application process and HTML upload is workflow-wise almost as easy as FTP since you can select multiple files to be uploaded. Actually it's not a real HTML upload but a hidden flash thing. Overall, Im very impressed with the smooth and very pleasing aesthetic programming of the submission part of the site.

As to IPTC import, they still have some flaws when the data have been rewritten with Irfanview. Just like in the BigStock title, they always take the first version that you write in there, not the subsequent alterations.

« Reply #140 on: June 14, 2009, 17:41 »
Veer Marketplace Opens for New Submissions!

Were excited to announce that as of today, June 8th, Veer Marketplace is now open and accepting submissions!

This means you can now sign-up and apply to become a Veer Marketplace contributor. Once you pass an entrance exam (submit 10 of your best shots for our editors to examine) and then complete royalty and tax information --- youll be ready to start uploading your full portfolio.

By submitting your content now, youll be sure to have completed the approval process and to be in the system so your portfolio is ready to go for the buyer-focused launch in mid-summer.

Weve designed the Veer Marketplace ingest and upload workflow to help you submit efficiently and to help you keyword effectively.

Some of the features were especially eager to show you:

   Support for FTP or advanced HTTP web-upload
   Metadata and model and property releases can be attached to multiple images at once real-live batch processing capability! 
   Model and property releases can be stored in the system and applied to future image uploads
   Powerful controlled vocabulary and keyword auto-mapping system automatically accommodates spelling variants, common misspellings and synonyms, and includes broader search terms. This gives you more efficient, consistent, and accurate keywording. For example, if a contributor adds the term happy to their image, the system automatically adds more than a dozen other terms such as happiness, cheerful, emotion, and good mood.
   Automatic creation of preview images in JPEG format for images uploaded in EPS format, such as illustrations. This means faster and more accurate uploads for vector artists.
   Youll have the option of selecting between PayPal and Payoneer as payment options during sign-up. If you decide to go with Payoneer, in the next few weeks following sign-up well send you a link to the Payoneer site where youll complete registration, and soon have your Veer Marketplace branded debit-Mastercard in hand for use in virtually any online, retail or ATM.
   No categories!

This is only the beginning.
The platform needs your input were actively soliciting feedback and feature suggestions to help enhance future releases.

Head to  http://contributor.veer.com  to get started now!

We look forward to welcoming you into the Veer community, and to seeing the great images and illustrations youve been creating over the past few months!

- Brian


I don't know if this was asked before. Unfortunately right now I can not read the whole thread. I guess this wasn't asked anyway.

When uploading vectors, do you require a sketch or a reference photograph taken by contributor (if there is any) for each vector submitted?

%90 of sites do not require this for vectors but I do have to submit it for istockphoto almost every single time. Would be good to know in advance.



« Reply #141 on: June 14, 2009, 17:53 »
My application was all 10 vectors and none contained source material (or JPEG thumbnails!). YES! A very refreshing change.

(And all approved were with no problem, BTW)  ;)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 17:54 by whatalife »

« Reply #142 on: June 15, 2009, 00:05 »
I cant get the ftp to work with Filezilla although all other transfers can be made with no problem to other sites.
I have filled in server details as follows

Host is    upload.veer.com


Server type is FTPES/over explicit/TLS/SSL

Logon type   Normal

User  marilyna

Password     as per Veer login

Passive mode ticked. (Ive also tried default on the mode but its still a no go.)

It tries to connect but I get the message

"ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".

Can anyone please tell me what I need to do please or what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a glitch?

Also no pics appearing with my transferred files, (they were transeferred yesterday) also no descriptions at all and all the keywords are all very strange.

Can anyone help, its all so tiring!


dont know if you managed to get it or not, but I had same problem until I removed port 22 and left it blank, now it connects ok and does its thing but connection timed out before you can do anything :)

« Reply #143 on: June 15, 2009, 11:59 »
What's the deal with the 100 image limit.  I had assumed it was daily, but I have had 100 images pending for two days and still can't submit anything else. 

Are the limits weekly?  If so, that is almost as restrictive as istock.  Istock has 5 million images, so you can understand why they would want to slow their growth. 

But for a new site to have restrictive uploads makes no sense to me.  At this rate it will take me years to get 5k images on the site. 

Am I misunderstanding something?  Anyone else unable to submit beyond the first 100?

Hi LisaFx -

The default image submission limit is 100 images per week.  We'll look at changing this default as we ramp up this summer - for now we're holding there to ensure that our systems are up to speed (no pun intended).

- Brian


« Reply #144 on: June 15, 2009, 12:03 »

Hi LisaFx -

The default image submission limit is 100 images per week.  We'll look at changing this default as we ramp up this summer - for now we're holding there to ensure that our systems are up to speed (no pun intended).

- Brian

Thanks for the response Brian.  That makes sense. 

I will just hang in there and be patient.  :)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 12:05 by lisafx »


« Reply #145 on: June 16, 2009, 11:28 »
A question for those who were not part of the initial SV migration and who just applied and were accepted last week with their initial 10...

Have any of you had files reviewed beyond your initial 10 application files? I'm just curious what the average turnaround time is for regular inspections.

« Reply #146 on: June 16, 2009, 12:47 »
Uploaded the 10 files 5 days ago . . . . . .  and waiting, I am sure they are quite busy.


« Reply #147 on: June 16, 2009, 13:24 »
Uploaded the 10 files 5 days ago . . . . . .  and waiting, I am sure they are quite busy.

Okay, you mean your application files?

Has anyone had their application files already approved, then uploaded additional files, and had those reviewed as well? :)

« Reply #148 on: June 16, 2009, 13:30 »
I've uploaded 30 last week and all were approved with about 83 still pending.
Very frustrated with 100 upload limit  :(

« Reply #149 on: June 16, 2009, 13:34 »
I had my 10 initial images approved in just one day. Then I sent 10 more and got 7 rejected after 5 days (one being a tone variation of an approved image in the first batch, the reason for rejection was 'Pixel quality issue (noise, compression or resizing artifacts' ). Then I sent 30 more images and still waiting...


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