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Author Topic: Veer Marketplace Opens for Submissions!  (Read 60454 times)

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« on: June 08, 2009, 12:49 »
Veer Marketplace Opens for New Submissions!

Were excited to announce that as of today, June 8th, Veer Marketplace is now open and accepting submissions!

This means you can now sign-up and apply to become a Veer Marketplace contributor. Once you pass an entrance exam (submit 10 of your best shots for our editors to examine) and then complete royalty and tax information --- youll be ready to start uploading your full portfolio.

By submitting your content now, youll be sure to have completed the approval process and to be in the system so your portfolio is ready to go for the buyer-focused launch in mid-summer.

Weve designed the Veer Marketplace ingest and upload workflow to help you submit efficiently and to help you keyword effectively.

Some of the features were especially eager to show you:

   Support for FTP or advanced HTTP web-upload
   Metadata and model and property releases can be attached to multiple images at once real-live batch processing capability! 
   Model and property releases can be stored in the system and applied to future image uploads
   Powerful controlled vocabulary and keyword auto-mapping system automatically accommodates spelling variants, common misspellings and synonyms, and includes broader search terms. This gives you more efficient, consistent, and accurate keywording. For example, if a contributor adds the term happy to their image, the system automatically adds more than a dozen other terms such as happiness, cheerful, emotion, and good mood.
   Automatic creation of preview images in JPEG format for images uploaded in EPS format, such as illustrations. This means faster and more accurate uploads for vector artists.
   Youll have the option of selecting between PayPal and Payoneer as payment options during sign-up. If you decide to go with Payoneer, in the next few weeks following sign-up well send you a link to the Payoneer site where youll complete registration, and soon have your Veer Marketplace branded debit-Mastercard in hand for use in virtually any online, retail or ATM.
   No categories!

This is only the beginning.
The platform needs your input were actively soliciting feedback and feature suggestions to help enhance future releases.

Head to 
http://contributor.veer.com  to get started now!

We look forward to welcoming you into the Veer community, and to seeing the great images and illustrations youve been creating over the past few months!

- Brian

« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 12:57 »
Love it so far Bryan! The interface is clean and easy to navigate, the site is responsive, the upload process was painless. Little details make our life easier like the online W8BEN and the fact that we didn't have to get the notorious ITIN or EIN (for individuals like me).

The next couple of days will be a good stress test for your platform and your poor reviewers... lol. Good luck to them and good luck to all of us saleswise :)

« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 13:09 »
Love it so far Bryan! The interface is clean and easy to navigate, the site is responsive, the upload process was painless. Little details make our life easier like the online W8BEN and the fact that we didn't have to get the notorious ITIN or EIN (for individuals like me).

The next couple of days will be a good stress test for your platform and your poor reviewers... lol. Good luck to them and good luck to all of us saleswise :)

Hi Talanis -

Thanks for the kind words. We worked hard to make the potentially onerous IRS withholding tax process as painless as possible.

Welcome to Veer Marketplace!

- Brian

« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2009, 13:14 »
Love it so far Bryan! The interface is clean and easy to navigate, the site is responsive, the upload process was painless. Little details make our life easier like the online W8BEN and the fact that we didn't have to get the notorious ITIN or EIN (for individuals like me).

The next couple of days will be a good stress test for your platform and your poor reviewers... lol. Good luck to them and good luck to all of us saleswise :)

Hi Talanis -

Thanks for the kind words. We worked hard to make the potentially onerous IRS withholding tax process as painless as possible.

Welcome to Veer Marketplace!

- Brian


 . .  but am alittle confused.  After filling out the questionaire it said that I could submit 20 images for review (through email address) . . . . so what does this statement mean . . . .

 "This means you can now sign-up and apply to become a Veer Marketplace contributor. Once you pass an entrance exam (submit 10 of your best shots for our editors to examine) and then complete royalty and tax information --- youll be ready to start uploading your full portfolio. "


« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 13:17 »
Yes,I like the upload process and the layout of the site. I got the 10 images uploaded for the review and am just waiting to see if I get accepted are not.


« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2009, 13:20 »
Anyone had any success attaching model releases?  My 10 application images are all people shots and I don't see how to upload and attach releases to them...

« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2009, 13:38 »
I had no problem at all Lisafx but I don't know if it is the same form for the initial upload as it is for general upload. If it is, when you select the files and click continue to get to the page where you can edit your title and keywords, there should be a Release ooption on the right. When you click on it, you can see 2 radio buttons (model and property release) as well as the already uploaded releases. If you click on the model release radio-button, it opens more option and you can chose the release file to upload and put a name and a description for it.

Hope it can help


« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2009, 13:40 »
Anyone had any success attaching model releases?  My 10 application images are all people shots and I don't see how to upload and attach releases to them...

As far as I can tell, you check the box on the first tab, click continue, to proceed to the second tab (Prepare and Submit). On the right, click Edit next to Releases, and a new dialog opens for you to upload.

ETA: Oops! Too slow! :) Shouldn't have ignored the warning message.

« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2009, 14:03 »
hi Brian,

My images were transferred from SV and much of the SV keywording is rather horrendous. Many images lack the most basic words and the keywording overall is very inconsistent. One of my images has a whopping two keywords assigned to it. Not to mention it indicates a missing description on every image. Will Veer be reprocessing our images to transfer IPTC?

I'm also missing thumbs but I take it these just haven't be processed yet.

kind regards

« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2009, 14:28 »
I have similar problems. None of my images have descriptions, and the keyword are ridiculous. Can you help with this Brian?

« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2009, 15:09 »
I've encountered a different problem. 

After the end of entering tax info, etc., there was a prompt to change my password.  I changed it, and now I can't login.  I have also requested that my password be emailed, just in case there was a double typo, but a note pops up saying there is a problem retrieving the data.  Is there a problem, or does it just take a while for the password changing process to implement itself?

« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2009, 15:12 »
Yeah, same here. I understand that currently we are unable to edit our keywords, descriptions etc, is there going to be a fix for the 'keyword jumble' ?

To give one example form my portfolio at Veer:

Glass of orange juice with two halves of an orange set against white.

auctions, authority, close-ups, courtrooms, equitable, freedom, gavels, guilt, hammering, honesty,  more innocence, isolated, judges, judgment, justice, law enforcement, law reporters, lawyers, mallets, nobody, punishment, real, rules, still lifes, symbols, trials, white background, wisdom, wood

As you can see, it's bonkers.

As delighted as I am to be with Veer, my chances of selling are going to be very slim with tagging like this. I hope this issue can be resolved quickly.

« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2009, 15:15 »
I submitted my 10 for review...just waiting to see if I get in!!

« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2009, 15:18 »
I had a question about the extended licenses. I didn't see any options for it in the upload process. I also didn't see them available when you try to purchase a file. I just wanted to know if there was an opt in/opt out for that?

« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2009, 15:23 »
I've encountered a different problem. 

After the end of entering tax info, etc., there was a prompt to change my password.  I changed it, and now I can't login.  I have also requested that my password be emailed, just in case there was a double typo, but a note pops up saying there is a problem retrieving the data.  Is there a problem, or does it just take a while for the password changing process to implement itself?

It was pretty instant when I changed mine.

« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2009, 15:40 »
They image processing does not work properly. Gives an error on a half of images I tried to upload. These images has been submitted everywhere so I do not think they are broken.

« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2009, 15:42 »
I've encountered a different problem.  

After the end of entering tax info, etc., there was a prompt to change my password.  I changed it, and now I can't login.  I have also requested that my password be emailed, just in case there was a double typo, but a note pops up saying there is a problem retrieving the data.  Is there a problem, or does it just take a while for the password changing process to implement itself?

It was pretty instant when I changed mine.

Hmm.  Well...I called customer service, and they reset my password.  That worked, so I changed it to what I would normally use, and I'm still having the same problem.  At least it recognizes my email address this time...just not the password.  So, I guess it's time to send an email.  Ugh.

UPDATE: Veer truncates long passwords, and only allows a maximum of 8 characters.  I had 20 characters.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL: We are not supposed to call customer service, because they do not handle Marketplace accounts.  To reach them, we need to send emails to [email protected]
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 15:45 by Karimala »


« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2009, 15:50 »
I had no problem at all Lisafx but I don't know if it is the same form for the initial upload as it is for general upload. If it is, when you select the files and click continue to get to the page where you can edit your title and keywords, there should be a Release ooption on the right. When you click on it, you can see 2 radio buttons (model and property release) as well as the already uploaded releases. If you click on the model release radio-button, it opens more option and you can chose the release file to upload and put a name and a description for it.

Hope it can help

That's great.  I see it now.  Not sure how I missed that before.  Thanks for the help Talanis and Whatalife. :)

« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2009, 15:52 »
Bah. I like it all except the keywords that came with the images transferred from Snapvillage are pretty poor. Sadly the quickest way to fix this is to probably delete all my images and re-upload them with the IPTC data.  :-\

I think I'll wait to see how picky they are on rejections before I delete all my files. (if you can even do that?)

« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2009, 16:20 »
I had a question about the extended licenses. I didn't see any options for it in the upload process. I also didn't see them available when you try to purchase a file. I just wanted to know if there was an opt in/opt out for that?

Hi cthoman -

There is no opt-out for extended licenses. All files will be available for buyers who need extended license options.

Once we roll out the full buyer-side Marketplace release later this summer, there will be on page options for buyers to select one or more extended license options. Currently this must be done via Veer customer service. 

- Brian

« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2009, 16:24 »
went through the change details thing which end with w8. some of the names were links but it you clicked them the just restarted that part of the signup? I gave up and just went to account

edit found my problems,  open in new tab just brings up the page again need to just click :)

so I look around (i do like the humour) dashboard yep all ok, profile page ok, where are sales listed?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 16:26 by Phil »

« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2009, 16:29 »
On the Dashboard page, it says sales info is coming soon.


Every hero has a secret lair, and any decent secret lair has a wall of screens showing you what's going on, at a glance. This is yours. Use the dashboard to track the status of your submissions. Later, you'll also find information about your sales and earnings.

« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2009, 16:49 »
ALL 10 of mine got REJECTED!!!!!!

come on and all for the same reason!  but nothing to do with the images

"Blur / focus problems. Also improper image editing on 'Red rose with engagement ring'. "

but they are not all the same subject

I think I got a bad review!!!!

« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2009, 16:55 »
On the Dashboard page, it says sales info is coming soon.


Every hero has a secret lair, and any decent secret lair has a wall of screens showing you what's going on, at a glance. This is yours. Use the dashboard to track the status of your submissions. Later, you'll also find information about your sales and earnings.

thanks :)

« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2009, 16:59 »
Yeah, same here. I understand that currently we are unable to edit our keywords, descriptions etc, is there going to be a fix for the 'keyword jumble' ?

To give one example form my portfolio at Veer:

Glass of orange juice with two halves of an orange set against white.

auctions, authority, close-ups, courtrooms, equitable, freedom, gavels, guilt, hammering, honesty,  more innocence, isolated, judges, judgment, justice, law enforcement, law reporters, lawyers, mallets, nobody, punishment, real, rules, still lifes, symbols, trials, white background, wisdom, wood

As you can see, it's bonkers.

As delighted as I am to be with Veer, my chances of selling are going to be very slim with tagging like this. I hope this issue can be resolved quickly.

Hi massman -

Thanks for rerporting this.
I'll PM you to get the details. This definitely sounds like an error.

We'll be diving into investigate this issue now.

- Brian


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