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Author Topic: Veer are a bit too picky considering their earnings rating in the poll  (Read 7185 times)

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« on: March 12, 2013, 02:59 »
They rejected me two times. All those images are accepted even by Shutterstock and some of them are my top sellers. Just applied for the third time but I'm wondering if it's worth the trouble...


« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2013, 06:39 »
I think they're worth it.  Most of the sales I get there net me $3.50.  I feel it's for each agency to decide how they curate their collections - and Veer like stuff that's a bit more trad-looking, a bit more considerate of design and composition principles, a bit more arty in some cases.

I think it's important to remember that some agencies (Veer, GL etc) are very much attuned to their design community of buyers.  Bigger, broader marketplaces (e.g. SS) are more likely to take a (comparatively) more general approach to what will sell (albeit within their framework of standards), as their buyer base is more diverse.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 06:42 by rubyroo »


« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 07:31 »
I would agree that Veer is way too picky, I get near 100% acceptance everywhere except DT (similars BS) and Veer, who have some very weird rejections. Quite often they want corrections made and reuploads, but frankly not worth my time putting the work just for them for the returns.

I just don't worry about it and move on.

« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 07:43 »
I am an accepted photographer at Veer but never uploaded there.  Mostly because of what I hear on MSG about them and their upload process/submission process is clunky, IMO.

« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 07:58 »
I am an accepted photographer at Veer but never uploaded there.  Mostly because of what I hear on MSG about them and their upload process/submission process is clunky, IMO.
I put a few up but it's way too much trouble to continue uploading unless I hear that people are making a lot of money there.

« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 08:36 »
Well, I was and still am a little bit disappointed about the high amount of rejections (only 60 per cent acceptance quote for me, the worst of all agencies). So I don't put too much effort into Veer. But then on the other hand, Veer gives me the highest RPD of all agencies (more than 3$). Compared to CS or DP I make with only a fifth of the images three times more money. Unfortunately no steady DLs for me, but big surprises ever so often, which gives me the motivation to upload fifty images more... in the end, it's not more than pocket money, unless you have a huge portfolio.

Anyway, good luck for your third application.

« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 12:59 »
They rejected me two times. All those images are accepted even by Shutterstock and some of them are my top sellers. Just applied for the third time but I'm wondering if it's worth the trouble...
I have been at Veer a long time, and my advice to you would be this:
Don't bother trying to get accepted at Veer.

I have about $3,200 lifetime sales at Veer, and I have stopped submitting there. Suddenly a few months ago, they started rejecting all my submissions, both vectors and JPG 3D renders, images accepted everywhere else. And my sales have fallen to a fraction of what they used to be, a drop much worse than the rejections alone would cause.

My guess is that Veer is in some kind of downward spiral. Don't waste your time.

« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2013, 23:57 »
After ignoring them for a long time I pushed up 50 recent pictures - simple microstock shots, but good technical quality all of which passed inspection on SS, and I was shocked to get a 75% rejection rate for "not meeting the aesthetic standard". I would have thought that their buyers (if they have any) would have been the ones to decide whether the compositions were what they wanted. I only uploaded because I was tired of waiting months to get the extra $5 to reach the payout level and I thought some new uploads might generate a sale or two.

« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 00:03 »
After ignoring them for a long time I pushed up 50 recent pictures - simple microstock shots, but good technical quality all of which passed inspection on SS, and I was shocked to get a 75% rejection rate for "not meeting the aesthetic standard". I would have thought that their buyers (if they have any) would have been the ones to decide whether the compositions were what they wanted. I only uploaded because I was tired of waiting months to get the extra $5 to reach the payout level and I thought some new uploads might generate a sale or two.

There were several reasons I stopped uploading to Veer, one of which was the very puzzling rejections for such things as "too editorial for veer customers" and too many similars - all for images that I know sell well based on performance elsewhere. And things were inconsistent - one or two batches would be 100% accepted and then some mass rejections of the sort you got (after a 3 week wait, typically)

I like their extended licenses. I think their handling of partner sales is outrageous (that's the other reason I stopped uploading).

 But they don't communicate with contributors, the site seems to be in some sort of holding pattern - not growing as far as I can see, not innovating in any way, but the sales do keep coming even though I have only 800 or so of my images there. Unless they perk up a bit with sales, I can't see why I'd bother giving them anything new.

It's a shame they can't get it together.

« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2013, 01:05 »
I just noticed that my images arent searchable by all the keywords they list as keywords. Does anyone else notice this with their files? I checked with files that are old as well as new ones. For example, I have one that has been downloading a lot at SS with a certain keyword. Veer shows it as one of my keywords, but it does not show up in the search with that keyword (image is months old), at least not when combined with another keyword that it should show up with. I checked several other keyword combinations for my images that should be showing up with in the search (I checked, they are in the keywords) and they are not showing up. Confused!!!

« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2013, 01:11 »
I too quit uploading a few months ago after they rejected around 90% with the reason "Though technically sound we don't want it" <--paraphrasing.  My upload limit never increased when they took it down to 25 a week.  Though I remember someone saying recently that theirs went up.

I don't know what's going on there but it's not good.

« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2013, 02:21 »
I too quit uploading a few months ago after they rejected around 90% with the reason "Though technically sound we don't want it" <--paraphrasing.  My upload limit never increased when they took it down to 25 a week.  Though I remember someone saying recently that theirs went up.

I don't know what's going on there but it's not good.
I wouldn't give up on them yet. Like with you, they suddenly started rejecting most of my images, and I stopped uploading. Then after a few months I submitted a few, and they were accepted. So I started uploading the backlog I had from the months of not submitting, and most were accepted.

Veer still rejects some - inexplicably and at random - but I had a very good August there, probably because I have so many new images.

« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2013, 02:34 »
I stopped uploading after the images I created in May got reviewed (can't remember how long that took).

I'm on a break from production and uploading (haven't done anything since July) to see where I want to go and what images I should/need to create.  Haven't figured it out yet.

Once I do and things start to look up on the sites then I'll start back up fresh.  I won't upload past rejected content but that's me.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2013, 03:00 »
As I had the most incoherent and stupid rejections on Veer I have closed my account after 3 months
I have really no time to lose with this kind of sites
(They think that they are great, but they are not absolutely)


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