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Author Topic: Initial thoughts on Veer reviews  (Read 18930 times)

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  • diablo como vd
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2009, 17:24 »

where I should upload or not, I think you should keep your own business and take care about your images. Also, try not to give advices before you are asked for advice!

You are truly an amusing specimen. I am not angry at all, nor will I listen to you to push the IGNORE button. As for the latter try not to give advices b4 being asked, I think you should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and repeat that.
Finally, you never seem to want to get it into your head that perharps you don't know what you are talking . Everyone is wrong and you are right, from IS, to whoever respond to your rant.
What's the point of putting in your rant if you don't expect anyone to disagree with you? Maybe you should request Tyler to get you your own section with the section heading :  Milinz is Always Right  !  :D

« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2009, 17:31 »
What is "licensed"? Turned into editorial?

« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2009, 17:33 »
Ug, this thread has taken an ugly turn.

Back on topic...Lisa, thanks for taking the time to look. I resubmitted 10 yesterday, before reading your post today. I hope I chose the right 10. I did submit some you mentioned, and some people photos.

We'll see.

« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2009, 17:37 »
It seems like reviewers got overwhelmed with submissions. Everything has stopped :-)


« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2009, 17:38 »
I am sure you will do better this time around.  I was really impressed with what I saw in your port!  

Made me hungry, unfortunately.  Oh well, at least the broccoli is on my diet ;)


  • If you think you know, you know squat
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2009, 18:42 »
It seems like reviewers got overwhelmed with submissions. Everything has stopped :-)

I don't doubt that. I uploaded my first 14 new images on the 18th, right after my SV portfolio was ported over. I don't expect the reviewers to rush to my new images so soon.  Sure, the traffic must be less jammed now compared to the first 10 days, but I think the reviewers need to rest. No big hurry for me, as I already have 46 from SV. Just wish them the best that all runs smoothly.

« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2009, 20:07 »
...still waiting for someone who tells that veer accept only special type of pictures with higher quality or more "arty" look. Until now i read only the same old discussions i've heard already about any other agency. Where is the veer-hype? :-)

« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2009, 20:51 »
...still waiting for someone who tells that veer accept only special type of pictures with higher quality or more "arty" look. Until now i read only the same old discussions i've heard already about any other agency. Where is the veer-hype? :-)

I had my initial 10 accepted last week but I'm still pondering what to upload and what they really want. Reading the forum here, I took a sample with not too many (4) isolated people shots, as I've got the impression they prefer people in situation, avava-style. Half were nature/varia, half were people.

@CClapper: these are the 10 accepted, to give you an idea, subject-wise.

« Reply #58 on: June 22, 2009, 20:55 »
The reviews seem to have stopped, at least for me. Maybe they are doing it in waves, per contributor. I guess we are not in hurry since they won't be on sale in the next few days anyway.
I have a good acceptance so far. They definitely like people images, although some of those did get rejected. I was surprised that some of my better selling images got rejected for lack of commercial appeal.


« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2009, 03:47 »

where I should upload or not, I think you should keep your own business and take care about your images. Also, try not to give advices before you are asked for advice!

You are truly an amusing specimen. I am not angry at all, nor will I listen to you to push the IGNORE button. As for the latter try not to give advices b4 being asked, I think you should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and repeat that.
Finally, you never seem to want to get it into your head that perharps you don't know what you are talking . Everyone is wrong and you are right, from IS, to whoever respond to your rant.
What's the point of putting in your rant if you don't expect anyone to disagree with you? Maybe you should request Tyler to get you your own section with the section heading :  Milinz is Always Right  !  :D

Well dude, I may be not right - but you have to agree that I can have 'black sheep' oppinion about many things you or some other people and agencies can think or act...

The point what you've done wrong is moving my specific oppinion about one subject and one reviewer into here - where I don't have problems with reviewers except my mistakes in keywording - which is easilly to get right.
Also, there are people like FlemishDreams who are cynical and are insulting in public where they don't know that may bring them very nasty law suit.

I don't come here to insult you or anyone else. I just write my sincere and in many casses harsh oppinion or rant about not logical rejections and some agency policy which is bad for business - You can like it or not!

BTW, Veer Marketplace reviewers approved even what some others rejected - so that is it about my ranting on Veer - No bad expirience with Veer at all!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 03:51 by Milinz »


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