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Author Topic: Symzio is now LIVE  (Read 68188 times)

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« Reply #75 on: January 03, 2016, 14:08 »
Everybody is entitled to his opinion.
However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.
Well, that was my opinion.
your opinion adds nothing to the conversation when all you do is insult those who are exposing valid concerns

waiting is the only logical choice at this point given robin's refusal to respond  to significant issues raised about the TOS which can destroy an independent's work; his arbitrary decision can kick someone off the symzio service based on undefined criteria; plus his continued hype about the # of users when simple searches of symbio show it's barely stocked (and the little that's there is full of spam)

true, symzio & newsym are different but it's robin who continually links them and it's symzio that robin uses to push his claims for fantastic seo without any real data to back  it up

when leo started symbiostock, the list of sites, number of images, combined keyword lists and many other stats were available from the beginning so you could make an objective decision about whether to join or not


« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 14:15 by cascoly »

« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2016, 15:05 »
waiting is the only logical choice at this point given robin's refusal to respond  to significant issues raised about the TOS which can destroy an independent's work; his arbitrary decision can kick someone off the symzio service based on undefined criteria; ...

I think you might be a little paranoid. Are you talking about the potential submission fee or the being kicked-out danger?
It has been explained already that the content of Symzio is almost entirely Symbiostock user controlled. Once you're approved as a contributor it's up to you what appears on Symzio because nobody will select your best work and reject the crappy stuff. So being a Symzio contributor comes with great responsibility, to deliver work that's up to the standards and that's not flooding the system with similars.
Of course there need to be some kind of rules to avoid possible misuse of the system. In other words, if you try to cheat the system, you might get kicked out or fined. That's it.
I can't speak for Robin but why in the world should he demand a fee when contributors deliver high quality content?

Keeping the content on Symzio on a high technical and creative level is in everybody's interest.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 15:07 by Redneck »

« Reply #77 on: January 03, 2016, 15:11 »
Everybody is entitled to his opinion.
However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.
Well, that was my opinion.

Investing time and money into an unproven company is just bad business, in my opinion, and has nothing to do with laziness and cowardliness, especially for those of us who went around the block with SY the first time around. As of right now, I still have not seen ANYTHING posted about consistent sales (or any sales, for that matter), even from the FIRST symbiostock, and what type of return one can expect on their time and money invested.

There are always going to be some people who feel strongly about a project, as you obviously do about this one, and are willing to invest whatever it takes to get it rolling. But belittling those who aren't in the same position doesn't really accomplish much.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 15:15 by cathyslife »

« Reply #78 on: January 03, 2016, 15:15 »
Everybody is entitled to his opinion.
However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.
Well, that was my opinion.

Sorry, cowardly?! I was an early adopter of Symbiostock with over 5500 images on my site. Kept up with my site until a couple weeks ago when it stopped functioning. I didn't and still don't like the new Symbio's look (very amateurish) so I never converted. Plus I never saw merit in any of the new schemes. It looks like a business plan that is still trying to figure itself out. I wish you luck... but I'll sit this one out.

« Reply #79 on: January 03, 2016, 15:26 »
Everybody is entitled to his opinion.
However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.
Well, that was my opinion.

You're right, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. My opinion is that I deeply resent your characterization of those who aren't ready to participate in this venture as having "...the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise"

I won't repeat my list of concerns, but so far I've heard only peppy marketing talk and insults to address those concerns.

There's an old expression that you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If you're trying to draw people to the new endeavor, I don't think this is a good way to go about it.

« Reply #80 on: January 03, 2016, 15:27 »
I didn't and still don't like the new Symbio's look (very amateurish) so I never converted.

Thanks for the good wishes.
Your Symbiostock site looks like you want it to look. You can choose your own theme or you can design a complete new one. Customize it as much as you want. There is no one Symbiostock look.

« Reply #81 on: January 03, 2016, 15:28 »
Everybody is entitled to his opinion.
However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.
Well, that was my opinion.

You're right, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. My opinion is that I deeply resent your characterization of those who aren't ready to participate in this venture as having "...the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise"

I won't repeat my list of concerns, but so far I've heard only peppy marketing talk and insults to address those concerns.

There's an old expression that you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If you're trying to draw people to the new endeavor, I don't think this is a good way to go about it.

Sorry, I apologize for my snappy remarks.

« Reply #82 on: January 03, 2016, 16:59 »
so how many images and contributors does the agency have

« Reply #83 on: January 03, 2016, 18:04 »
I just believe that the character of the owner is a strong indication of how the site will be managed. I'm out for that reason alone. Sounds like he works for FOTOLIA.

« Reply #84 on: January 04, 2016, 01:45 »
I just believe that the character of the owner is a strong indication of how the site will be managed. I'm out for that reason alone. Sounds like he works for FOTOLIA.

Not some, but all of the characterization of me has been derived from increasing aggression due to the fact that I don't interact with unprofessional or destructive individuals. I have a great deal of experience with public forums and can spot a troll a mile away. I have also learned that there is no specific way to deal with individuals looking to troll you except to ignore them.

For example - without exception, these destructive individuals have repeatedly attempted to coerce responses out of me while simultaneously attacking both the project and myself with incorrect claims - some are wound up in somewhat factual details, but most are fabricated or entirely misrepresented. The end result of me trying to correct such efforts would be for them to then reply with more incorrect characterizations of either myself or the project. This is called a 'black hole', and serves to digress any conversation away from the central purpose it plays. This is the central definition of 'trolling'.

Most importantly, the loudest, most seemingly offended individuals here, have not once constructively pursued attaining untainted information from me via PM or otherwise, while many others have. This denotes, with certainty, that they are here to entertain themselves - not assist other contributors in determining if Symbiostock is something that would benefit or harm them. Early on, I actually PMed one of them, asking for their assistance in examining the project, and they ignored my request, yet continue to critique the project publicly.

Therefore - if you are new to the forum, then you will probably gather that the hate posts have all the same upvotes because angry people generally upvote one another. You will also gather that throughout MSG, the hate posts for pretty much anything generally gather the most upvotes. This is an angry environment that has no one specific cause.

All that being said, I don't form specific opinions as to why these individuals choose to do what they do - obviously they are contributors and are looking to maximize their revenue. But for some reason or another that has taken a backseat to the social satisfaction they derive from lambasting whatever they can on MSG.

Our goal - mine and any contributor eager to see Symzio succeed - has nothing to do with personal vendetta. These individuals only become relevant when they interfere with our ability to progress towards independent success. Thus far, it hasn't posed an issue - however, if you, who I do not know, actually believe I have demonstrated anything but the utmost level of professionalism and consistency towards every single action I have taken and done with regards to Symbiostock since my involvement, you are welcome to privately critique me, and if you are correct, I will publicly clear that up.

Finally, I have a great deal of faith in the silent majority here - a great deal of contributors, with certainty, hesitate to interact on the forums but rather just meander around because they are generally avoiding these few loud, aggressive types. So, I do what I can do - post factual information, avoid the irrational, and answer what legitimate questions I can while sharing our intentions and plans with those interested.

MSG is just one avenue of promotion, and my dedication to the success of independent contributors is asserted by the fact that I continue to, and will continue to, use it as a means of informing professionals on the merits of our efforts irrespective of the attempts of these loud, angry, unwieldy individuals to coerce submission out of others for personal satisfaction.

And now, I can't speak further on the issue, because that would result in a 'black hole'. :) You are welcome to PM me for clarification.


However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.

I think I share similar sentiments to Pilens - I am actually pissed off, and being pissed off is what has amalgamated in all the work I have done to get this project going. I think what pushed me over the edge was a 4K sale - I got $50, which is a big payout. Then I realize that the agency kept $250. And the poor customer paid $300! I get $50 for my video, 100% my work, while the agency gets $250 - and all that extra money is being paid as a premium by the customer.

It then occurred to me that we could charge far less than agencies ($100), the customer would love it, and we would effectively make nearly twice the amount of money. Even now, when I think about the $250 I almost don't want more sales until Symzio takes off because it will piss me off even more.

All you have to ask yourself is - does that piss you off enough to want to step up to try to make a change? In the end, no one else can answer that for you. All I can do is create an infrastructure that makes it extremely easy for you to pursue that, and encourage you to consider it.


  • Illustrator
« Reply #85 on: January 04, 2016, 02:12 »
I read a lot of posts and comments here in MSG about contributors complaining for how bad those microstock agencies are and what have done to them but still they only keep complaining and do nothing. Atleast Symbiostock team and its contributors have different approach in that situation.

« Reply #86 on: January 04, 2016, 03:48 »
i had some genuine concerns and questions, maybe bluntly wrapped in cynicism,  but genuine.  robin also ignored jo anns comments,  positively shes not a destructive character. still no answer on how many images the agency has. not sure how that question can be perceived as destructive, anyway

« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2016, 04:41 »
Great response, Robin! +100

I think that - apart from trolling - some of the posts being negative about Symbiostock and Symzio are fueled by disappointed expectations about what a direct image sales site and networking with other similar minded people can achieve in a given period of time. Symbio has inspired high flying hopes, then produced very down to earth sales statistics and led to lots of drama in the fora. As a Symbiostocker from day one I've witnessed it all. It has been a rough ride and it has been very sad at times.

I am grateful for Robin to continue Symbiostock, leading the way and staying cool even here. We don't need more drama. Instead, we need to leave the turbulent past behind and work together steadily building our sites and the Symbiostock community. We need to be prepared for a long haul since there is no low hanging fruit left to pick in this industry. Realistically there won't be any instant success and $$$s pouring in from our Symbiostock sites. Not now and not in the near future. It takes more than just setting up a Wordpress site.

So does this make any business sense, then? Well, did Deactivation Day, deleting (part of) our portfolios, essentially erasing hours of our work spent, in protest against DPC, make any business sense? - No, definitely not in a conventional sense. But it did work, D-Day has been a success, at least in my eyes. Where is that spirit? We need it for Symbiostock as well. Does it really make more business sense to do all the work but earn only down to 15% of the profit? - This is how distorted and strange this industry has become. Let's stop expressing our frustrations and anger with agencies in countless MSG threads and divert that energy into building our Symbiostock sites and contributing to the community. We can make it work!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 04:53 by Pilens »

« Reply #88 on: January 04, 2016, 07:54 »
Great response, Robin! +100

I think that - apart from trolling - some of the posts being negative about Symbiostock and Symzio are fueled by disappointed expectations about what a direct image sales site and networking with other similar minded people can achieve in a given period of time. Symbio has inspired high flying hopes, then produced very down to earth sales statistics and led to lots of drama in the fora. As a Symbiostocker from day one I've witnessed it all. It has been a rough ride and it has been very sad at times.

I am grateful for Robin to continue Symbiostock, leading the way and staying cool even here. We don't need more drama. Instead, we need to leave the turbulent past behind and work together steadily building our sites and the Symbiostock community. We need to be prepared for a long haul since there is no low hanging fruit left to pick in this industry. Realistically there won't be any instant success and $$$s pouring in from our Symbiostock sites. Not now and not in the near future. It takes more than just setting up a Wordpress site.

So does this make any business sense, then? Well, did Deactivation Day, deleting (part of) our portfolios, essentially erasing hours of our work spent, in protest against DPC, make any business sense? - No, definitely not in a conventional sense. But it did work, D-Day has been a success, at least in my eyes. Where is that spirit? We need it for Symbiostock as well. Does it really make more business sense to do all the work but earn only down to 15% of the profit? - This is how distorted and strange this industry has become. Let's stop expressing our frustrations and anger with agencies in countless MSG threads and divert that energy into building our Symbiostock sites and contributing to the community. We can make it work!

Well said Stephan !
I think I will give the new Symbiostock plugin and Symzio a try in the next few weeks with an entirely new site.

« Reply #89 on: January 04, 2016, 08:35 »
My point is that we've already seen a sample of your management character. That's enough for me, at least. Everyone else is obviously free to partner with anyone, or any entity, they so choose. I was merely reminding all the cheerleaders (who I could also call trolls) what they were likely getting in to. And mind you all that my post was based on a factual occurrence. Yours is based on hope.  Onward.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 08:37 by Mantis »

« Reply #90 on: January 04, 2016, 08:37 »
I just believe that the character of the owner is a strong indication of how the site will be managed. I'm out for that reason alone. Sounds like he works for FOTOLIA.

Not some, but all of the characterization of me has been derived from increasing aggression due to the fact that I don't interact with unprofessional or destructive individuals. I have a great deal of experience with public forums and can spot a troll a mile away. I have also learned that there is no specific way to deal with individuals looking to troll you except to ignore them.

For example - without exception, these destructive individuals have repeatedly attempted to coerce responses out of me while simultaneously attacking both the project and myself with incorrect claims - some are wound up in somewhat factual details, but most are fabricated or entirely misrepresented. The end result of me trying to correct such efforts would be for them to then reply with more incorrect characterizations of either myself or the project. This is called a 'black hole', and serves to digress any conversation away from the central purpose it plays. This is the central definition of 'trolling'.

Most importantly, the loudest, most seemingly offended individuals here, have not once constructively pursued attaining untainted information from me via PM or otherwise, while many others have. This denotes, with certainty, that they are here to entertain themselves - not assist other contributors in determining if Symbiostock is something that would benefit or harm them. Early on, I actually PMed one of them, asking for their assistance in examining the project, and they ignored my request, yet continue to critique the project publicly.

Therefore - if you are new to the forum, then you will probably gather that the hate posts have all the same upvotes because angry people generally upvote one another. You will also gather that throughout MSG, the hate posts for pretty much anything generally gather the most upvotes. This is an angry environment that has no one specific cause.

All that being said, I don't form specific opinions as to why these individuals choose to do what they do - obviously they are contributors and are looking to maximize their revenue. But for some reason or another that has taken a backseat to the social satisfaction they derive from lambasting whatever they can on MSG.

Our goal - mine and any contributor eager to see Symzio succeed - has nothing to do with personal vendetta. These individuals only become relevant when they interfere with our ability to progress towards independent success. Thus far, it hasn't posed an issue - however, if you, who I do not know, actually believe I have demonstrated anything but the utmost level of professionalism and consistency towards every single action I have taken and done with regards to Symbiostock since my involvement, you are welcome to privately critique me, and if you are correct, I will publicly clear that up.

Finally, I have a great deal of faith in the silent majority here - a great deal of contributors, with certainty, hesitate to interact on the forums but rather just meander around because they are generally avoiding these few loud, aggressive types. So, I do what I can do - post factual information, avoid the irrational, and answer what legitimate questions I can while sharing our intentions and plans with those interested.

MSG is just one avenue of promotion, and my dedication to the success of independent contributors is asserted by the fact that I continue to, and will continue to, use it as a means of informing professionals on the merits of our efforts irrespective of the attempts of these loud, angry, unwieldy individuals to coerce submission out of others for personal satisfaction.

And now, I can't speak further on the issue, because that would result in a 'black hole'. :) You are welcome to PM me for clarification.


However, waiting until many others have joined and pushed it, and have reported frequent sales is basically the laziest and most cowardly attitude anyone can have toward a new enterprise.

I think I share similar sentiments to Pilens - I am actually pissed off, and being pissed off is what has amalgamated in all the work I have done to get this project going. I think what pushed me over the edge was a 4K sale - I got $50, which is a big payout. Then I realize that the agency kept $250. And the poor customer paid $300! I get $50 for my video, 100% my work, while the agency gets $250 - and all that extra money is being paid as a premium by the customer.

It then occurred to me that we could charge far less than agencies ($100), the customer would love it, and we would effectively make nearly twice the amount of money. Even now, when I think about the $250 I almost don't want more sales until Symzio takes off because it will piss me off even more.

All you have to ask yourself is - does that piss you off enough to want to step up to try to make a change? In the end, no one else can answer that for you. All I can do is create an infrastructure that makes it extremely easy for you to pursue that, and encourage you to consider it.

We don't need more drama. Instead, we need to leave the turbulent past behind and work together steadily building our sites and the Symbiostock community.

And yet, just as in the past, 12 paragraphs of ranting against the "aggressive, loud trolls" gets posted, instead of actual facts and answers to the questions that are legitimately asked. It shouldn't matter to the symbiostock cause whether those questions are asked by "aggressive trolls" or by people who are deemed to be prospective sales. The answers would provide relevant information for anyone and everyone who may be interested.

We all agree there is a problem with agencies...we have all known that for years. People are looking for an intelligent solution with good returns on their time and money. That needs to be proved. Spending another 40+ hours setting up a new (or yet another) personal website without any real hard data and only pep talk from the people who will make the most money from it seems yet another waste of time. Please, prove us naysayers wrong! For me personally, when I can see actual data showing overall increases in sales over the past 2+ years, I will give the idea serious consideration.

Is there a place on the symbiostock forum (FAQs?) that answers any and all of the questions posed by various people here on this forum? If yes, can a link to that information be posted instead of 12 paragraph retorts?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 08:42 by cathyslife »

« Reply #91 on: January 04, 2016, 09:17 »
i agree a lot with what mantis and cathy have to say, still no answer to how many images symzio has. i dont see why that information cant be shared, every agency shares the number of images, why is it a secret with symsio, the only reason i  can think of is the number is embarrassing low. for me that figure would indicate the commitment of others to symzio and wehter or not i want to add my  port

« Reply #92 on: January 04, 2016, 10:14 »
People are looking for an intelligent solution with good returns on their time and money. That needs to be proved.

Others need to build the nest for you and then prove that it's nice and comfy?
Nobody needs to prove anything to you. If you want success, stop whining and make it happen, or learn from failure. The chance is there. It's up to you to take it or not.

« Reply #93 on: January 04, 2016, 10:59 »
People are looking for an intelligent solution with good returns on their time and money. That needs to be proved.

Others need to build the nest for you and then prove that it's nice and comfy?
Nobody needs to prove anything to you. If you want success, stop whining and make it happen, or learn from failure. The chance is there. It's up to you to take it or not.



  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #94 on: January 04, 2016, 11:03 »
So I guess if you put tremendous effort into the original Sym, as 180+ people did, and you're not immediately jumping on the new effort, you're lazy, cowardly, aggressive, loud, a whiner, a troll...what else have you guys called us? I've lost count.

Down in flames.

« Reply #95 on: January 04, 2016, 11:13 »
redneck it is perfectly normal and very common on this forum to ask if an agency has a good sales record before joining, normally people are happy to answer, for symzio the question seems to be like red cloth to a bull


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #96 on: January 04, 2016, 11:19 »
I think we said earlier in the post that Symzio had just been launched and that some of the users of the Symbiostock plugin were adding their images to that site. I added mine in December. So of course it doesn't have 100s of thousands of images - it is just getting off the ground. This post was intended to announce that it was starting to see if any readers were interested in finding out more.


« Reply #97 on: January 04, 2016, 11:22 »
thanks steheap, so how many images are on the symbistock network, the new one, not the legacy

« Reply #98 on: January 04, 2016, 11:52 »
Case in point: Ana, who, since the inception of this thread decided to go independent, successfully launched her Symbiostock site and joined Symzio:


And now her beautiful illustrations are already being promoted by every other Symzio member:


The system has been designed to use every member's site as an extension of every other member's media. This way, we, in essence, all share in the cumulative traffic and media that the entire system is connected to. As soon as you join Symzio, your stuff is immediately seen by any customer that is looking for it on any other member's site.

Multiply this effect by a thousand, and you see what I mean when I say "cumulatively, our organic footprint would effectively dwarf the agencies".

Is this Ana that you mention also known as Alexander Yakovlev, because some of her illustrations look exactly like his photographs.  (There's more than this)

« Reply #99 on: January 04, 2016, 18:31 »
Is there a place on the symbiostock forum (FAQs?) that answers any and all of the questions posed by various people here on this forum? If yes, can a link to that information be posted instead of 12 paragraph retorts?

if you ask the questions we've asked here you'll be banned from the newsym forums


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