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Author Topic: Process Images = Two Captions  (Read 3570 times)

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« on: June 30, 2013, 23:28 »
Does anyone else get this?

Upload image batch with IPTC data populated including title, caption, keywords, MR, PR, copyright and contact info.

Process to drafts to edit, do SEO and change MR and PR to N/A (IPTC isn't recognised for releases it seems).

But now I seem to get duplication of captions and occasionally titles. I haven't established a pattern but I wonder if it's captions and titles that contain quote marks.

I'm off to photograph some Puffins (hopefully with their beaks stuffed with sand eels) in the middle of the North Sea now so I'll check back in later. But if anyone has any ideas...


Leo Blanchette

« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 23:31 »
We're referring to how the description doubles up? Like

This is my description
This is my description

This happens on my local machine and some people have seen it. I have yet to find the cause :D Still working on it.

« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 00:13 »
We're referring to how the description doubles up? Like

This is my description
This is my description

This happens on my local machine and some people have seen it. I have yet to find the cause :D Still working on it.

I stumbled upon this as well a few times. It always seemed to be connected with some special characters used in the description.

« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 00:30 »
I have found it happens with   "  '

« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 19:46 »
the reason this happens is that it takes info from 2 different pieces of meta data -- I made tiny change in my exif data after  I got a dupe. the result in the image as processed was:

Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains2
Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains 1

the first is from xmp-description, the second from iptc caption-abstract.. so it looks like a logic problem somewhere -- it tries to find a desc, thinks it has failed, and looks in an alternative place.  normally, once it finds one, it doesn't  collect the other...  several agencies have similar bugs they wont admit to.  in their cases I get NO desc when the info is there (I finally fixed the problem by always supplying both)

why this only happens sometimes, I can 't guess, but it not that unusual - and now, I only do one thing at a time -- upload, then process, then edit,.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 19:49 »
I'll see if I can't figure it out. In the meantime we can say "TWO TIMES FOR EMPHASIS!!!"

« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2013, 03:31 »
the reason this happens is that it takes info from 2 different pieces of meta data -- I made tiny change in my exif data after  I got a dupe. the result in the image as processed was:

Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains2
Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains 1

the first is from xmp-description, the second from iptc caption-abstract.. so it looks like a logic problem somewhere -- it tries to find a desc, thinks it has failed, and looks in an alternative place.  normally, once it finds one, it doesn't  collect the other...  several agencies have similar bugs they wont admit to.  in their cases I get NO desc when the info is there (I finally fixed the problem by always supplying both)

why this only happens sometimes, I can 't guess, but it not that unusual - and now, I only do one thing at a time -- upload, then process, then edit,.

Interesting. I use Photo Mechanic to add metadata on ingestion and then again with more specific captioning and keywords before I export files for upload. At the moment, in my PM Prefs, the box is checked to write both XMP and IPTC into all files, whether TIFF, JPEG or native raw.

Would it be worth changing my PM prefs to write to XMP only (given that PM won't write to IPTC only - it always writes to XMP whether it's to the file or a sidecar?

And of course, there's a corollary - do other contribs using other DAM workflows have similar issues with their software writing a mixture of IPTC and XMP?

Thanks for the responses guys. And Tinny, yes, I agree - it seems to only happen with quote marks.

« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2013, 18:40 »
the reason this happens is that it takes info from 2 different pieces of meta data -- I made tiny change in my exif data after  I got a dupe. the result in the image as processed was:

Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains2
Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains 1

the first is from xmp-description, the second from iptc caption-abstract.. so it looks like a logic problem somewhere -- it tries to find a desc, thinks it has failed, and looks in an alternative place.  normally, once it finds one, it doesn't  collect the other...  several agencies have similar bugs they wont admit to.  in their cases I get NO desc when the info is there (I finally fixed the problem by always supplying both)

why this only happens sometimes, I can 't guess, but it not that unusual - and now, I only do one thing at a time -- upload, then process, then edit,.

Interesting. I use Photo Mechanic to add metadata on ingestion and then again with more specific captioning and keywords before I export files for upload. At the moment, in my PM Prefs, the box is checked to write both XMP and IPTC into all files, whether TIFF, JPEG or native raw.

Would it be worth changing my PM prefs to write to XMP only (given that PM won't write to IPTC only - it always writes to XMP whether it's to the file or a sidecar?

And of course, there's a corollary - do other contribs using other DAM workflows have similar issues with their software writing a mixture of IPTC and XMP?

Thanks for the responses guys. And Tinny, yes, I agree - it seems to only happen with quote marks.

the only reason I had 2 different captions was because I purposely changed them to confirm my suspicion that symbio was taking meta data from 2 diff places.  i'm guessing the normal is to take xmp desc, then find another one if that is blank, but somehow that's not working in thiscase.

I know that ms photo pr tools uses the xmp rather than iptc for title.

normally I use exiftool gui to add iptc info, then copy that into xmp, a 1 step process.  I haven't had any problems with agencies doing that.  the symbio duplication doesn't happen every time -- when it does all the images in that batch have dupes.

the various ms agencies also use a variety of combinations of iptc and xmp data but I haven't gotten any response from any of them when I asked which fields they're using - would make it a lot simpler for everyone.

« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2013, 01:29 »
the reason this happens is that it takes info from 2 different pieces of meta data -- I made tiny change in my exif data after  I got a dupe. the result in the image as processed was:

Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains2
Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains 1

the first is from xmp-description, the second from iptc caption-abstract.. so it looks like a logic problem somewhere -- it tries to find a desc, thinks it has failed, and looks in an alternative place.  normally, once it finds one, it doesn't  collect the other...  several agencies have similar bugs they wont admit to.  in their cases I get NO desc when the info is there (I finally fixed the problem by always supplying both)

why this only happens sometimes, I can 't guess, but it not that unusual - and now, I only do one thing at a time -- upload, then process, then edit,.

Interesting. I use Photo Mechanic to add metadata on ingestion and then again with more specific captioning and keywords before I export files for upload. At the moment, in my PM Prefs, the box is checked to write both XMP and IPTC into all files, whether TIFF, JPEG or native raw.

Would it be worth changing my PM prefs to write to XMP only (given that PM won't write to IPTC only - it always writes to XMP whether it's to the file or a sidecar?

And of course, there's a corollary - do other contribs using other DAM workflows have similar issues with their software writing a mixture of IPTC and XMP?

Thanks for the responses guys. And Tinny, yes, I agree - it seems to only happen with quote marks.

the only reason I had 2 different captions was because I purposely changed them to confirm my suspicion that symbio was taking meta data from 2 diff places.  i'm guessing the normal is to take xmp desc, then find another one if that is blank, but somehow that's not working in thiscase.

I know that ms photo pr tools uses the xmp rather than iptc for title.

normally I use exiftool gui to add iptc info, then copy that into xmp, a 1 step process.  I haven't had any problems with agencies doing that.  the symbio duplication doesn't happen every time -- when it does all the images in that batch have dupes.

the various ms agencies also use a variety of combinations of iptc and xmp data but I haven't gotten any response from any of them when I asked which fields they're using - would make it a lot simpler for everyone.

Thanks Steve. To satisfy my own curiosity, and recognizing that it's probably a fool's errand, I'll change the Prefs in PM so that it only writes to XMP anyway and I'll report anything significant here. I'll do it for my next ingest so it's not contaminated with images up to now.

EDIT: Why wait? I'll do it with a batch of test images later.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 01:31 by Imagenomad »

« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2013, 03:59 »
Sorry for the delayed update on this. I've had some downtime and outages on JustHost  ::)

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that even writing just to XMP still results in two captions if inverted commas/quotemarks are in the caption or title.

So curiosity satisfied and yes, it was a fool's errand in the end.

« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2013, 12:49 »
Sorry for the delayed update on this. I've had some downtime and outages on JustHost  ::)

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that even writing just to XMP still results in two captions if inverted commas/quotemarks are in the caption or title.

So curiosity satisfied and yes, it was a fool's errand in the end.

looks like there may be several causes -- none of my dupes have any special characters.

I still add both iptc and xmp since the ms agencies use different selections, esp for the title


« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2013, 15:07 »

Thanks Ron. I've made a few changes based on that and I'll see what happens when I upload again this week.



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