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Author Topic: Server Question  (Read 1859 times)

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« on: April 24, 2013, 14:36 »
First of all thanks and congratulations on the project! It interested me and I'm trying to set up something by my own.
I have one question and I can't google it because I don't even know how to start searching for an answer.
The problem is :
I have two domain names, one is personal and has a lot of free space (and costs me some money). The second one I created today to start using Symbiostock, not expensive and almost 0 espace free.

My question is : can I use my personal site to host my files and still having the visitor on my Symbiostock address? I'd like the person to type for exemple : and all the site is actually hosted on my personnal site... Is it clear?

I'm a complete newbie on this I must say...

Thanks for the help...

« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 14:56 »
I think your host service must have support to Worpress themes, but let the experts answer here.

« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 15:10 »
Hi there!  Could you clarify a few things?  It sounds like you have two different hosting accounts, as domains themselves have no space limits attached.  Can you let us know who your host is and where you registered your domain names?

It will depend on your hosting account but for the most part you should be able to transfer your new domain (the one for Symbiostock) onto your main hosting account to take advantage of that server space.  Depending on who your host is a lot of times their support will be able to help you with that process.

« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2013, 09:59 »

Thank you all! I figured it out how to do it... still learning lol



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