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Author Topic: Image Display  (Read 4598 times)

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« on: July 31, 2013, 10:26 »
I just installed Symbiostock and Amanda's Clean Theme, and uploaded a few images for testing. I'm new to the wordpress and I'm struggling with the subsequent steps.

1. The image thumbnails appear under the related categories, and when I click on the zoom (Preview) button underneath the thumbnail a large image picture is displayed. However, when I click on the actual thumbnail, I get a message "Oops! That page cant be found." - It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?

How can I fix this?

2. I can't figure out how to create the Latest and Featured galleries. Can the new images be fed automatically to the Latest Gallery or do I have to stuff them into the galleries manually?

I did set some images to Featured in the Image Edit, and nothing happens. Whats the proper method to put the images into Featured Gallery?

My (initial) website is advantica.com/stockphotos

Thanks in advance,




  • ShazamImages.com
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 12:45 »
I can't figure out how to create the Latest and Featured galleries.

Go to your WP Admin-> Appearence -> Widgets (on the left hand sidebar) (http://<your website>/wp-admin/widgets.php).

There should be three widgets for Featured Images (Featured Images, Featured Images Slider (Small), and Featured Images Slider (Large)) and three widgets for Latest Images (Latest Images, Latest Images Slider (Small), and Latest Images Slider (Large))).  I don't use the sliders, but I believe that they are used to display a slideshow (one image at a time).

Grab one of them and place it in one of the containers on the right-hand sidebar.  I have mine in the Home Page (Below Content), but I believe that they can work in other places as well.

Can the new images be fed automatically to the Latest Gallery or do I have to stuff them into the galleries manually?

The images are "fed" automatically.

I did set some images to Featured in the Image Edit, and nothing happens. Whats the proper method to put the images into Featured Gallery?

You need to add the category "Symbiostock Featured Image" for each image that you want included in your Featured Images.

« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 16:32 »
Just to add to the above, if you use Featured Images and Latest Images on the home page, you must use the Home Page CTA template. I don't think it will work with any other template. Unless this has changed in 2.5.6 or 2.5.7.


  • ShazamImages.com
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2013, 17:05 »
Just to add to the above, if you use Featured Images and Latest Images on the home page, you must use the Home Page CTA template. I don't think it will work with any other template. Unless this has changed in 2.5.6 or 2.5.7.

I think that it will work with a few different templates.  I use Home Page Simple.

« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2013, 17:45 »
Les, did you try this:


It looks like the link structure is off when I click on an image. 

« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2013, 20:18 »
Just to add to the above, if you use Featured Images and Latest Images on the home page, you must use the Home Page CTA template. I don't think it will work with any other template. Unless this has changed in 2.5.6 or 2.5.7.

I think that it will work with a few different templates.  I use Home Page Simple.

Interesting. When i added mine it was a few versions back and it seems like I tried a few different templates and nothing would work except Home Page CTA. Glad it got fixed and good to know for the future. I don't think I am going to mess with my site now though...don't want to break it!

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 21:08 »
Thank you, Shazam and Cathy,

The Featured Images work as you suggested.
However, when I attempted to use the Featured Large option, the large picture appeared on the right edge, actually of the screen. Is there a way to control the coordinates for placing the widget?
BTW, what widget are you using for your large panoramic image on top of your screen, Shazam? The images you display in that box look very impressive.

Amanda, I will try the link you sent me, thank you very much.

Back to my first question, is there a way to define an action when someone clicks on the image?
Right now, the two icons below the displayed images work properly (preview and zoom), but if I click on the image itself, I get an error message.

« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 22:47 »
It will all work automatically once things are set up properly.  I believe that problem is related to your links not being set.  Try the solution above and let us know if it works :)  You might want to check out the getting started guide on that site as well it will walk you through some of the other settings that need attention.


« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2013, 01:31 »
  I use Home Page Simple.

Shazam, I just looked at your site for the first time. Very nice site and work!

I'd love to know how you placed the PayPal logo at the bottom. Getting the logo itself is no problem, but did you use a widget to put it there? If so, could you please tell me which one you used for that.

Thanks in advance for that info!


  • ShazamImages.com
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2013, 04:25 »
The Featured Images work as you suggested.
However, when I attempted to use the Featured Large option, the large picture appeared on the right edge, actually of the screen. Is there a way to control the coordinates for placing the widget?

You can control the placement of the widget by choosing the appropriate "container" on the right-hand sidebar of the Widgets page (Home Page Above Content, Home Page Beside Content, etc)?

If you want to use the large widget, then I wouldn't place it on the side like you have it.  I would place it Above Content, Below Content, etc.

BTW, what widget are you using for your large panoramic image on top of your screen, Shazam? The images you display in that box look very impressive.

Thanks for the wonderful compliment.

I am using two plugins: NextGEN Gallery (the main plugin) and NextGEN Galleryview.  But I found that the plugins might have a slight bug.  If you are entering some text in the search text box and an image switches in the gallery before you finish your entry, then the text box loses focus and you can't type in the text box anymore unless you use the mouse to click on the text box again.  I can see that it could be annoying to customers, so I might be switching to another plugin soon.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 04:38 by ShazamImages »


  • ShazamImages.com
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2013, 04:34 »
Shazam, I just looked at your site for the first time. Very nice site and work!

Thank you very much.  I hope that customers will find it to their liking as well.

I'd love to know how you placed the PayPal logo at the bottom. Getting the logo itself is no problem, but did you use a widget to put it there? If so, could you please tell me which one you used for that.

I used a Text widget and placed it (via some HTML) in one of the Footer containers on the right-hand side of the widget page.

BTW, I love nature photography.  You have some great photos on your website.  I especially like the close-up of the raccoon.  What type of lens do you use for some of those close-up shots of birds?


« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2013, 14:12 »

I used a Text widget and placed it (via some HTML) in one of the Footer containers on the right-hand side of the widget page.

Thanks for that tip. I'll give it a try and see if I can make it work. I actually "stole" the PayPal logo from your site. Hope you don't mind. :D

BTW, I love nature photography.  You have some great photos on your website.  I especially like the close-up of the raccoon.  What type of lens do you use for some of those close-up shots of birds?

I appreciate your compliments. You're very kind!

Almost all my bird and critter shots are made with my Canon 500 f4 lens. It's a real clunker and way too heavy for an old lady to hand hold, but on a tripod or a beanbag in a car window it does the job verrrry well.

My current 500 is the second version of that lens I've owned. Purchased the first one (f 4.5) in 1988 and used it/loved it for 20 years. But then it stopped autofocusing and had other problems, so I gritted my teeth, battened the hatches and splurged on a second one. Other than my cat, it's my most prized possession.


« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2013, 15:10 »
Hi again, Shazam,

Yes, I was able to place my stolen-from-you PayPal logo in the footer of my site, so that's one improvement made today. Thanks again for the tip about that.

I shrank the logo size and put it into the 3/3 section of the footer. It's still mostly in the center rather than on the right side. But for now it's okay. I'll keep on until I figure out how to move it all the way toward the right.

This is a wonderfully helpful and supportive group. I'm proud to be part of it!


  • ShazamImages.com
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2013, 15:49 »
Hi again, Shazam,

Yes, I was able to place my stolen-from-you PayPal logo in the footer of my site, so that's one improvement made today. Thanks again for the tip about that.

I shrank the logo size and put it into the 3/3 section of the footer. It's still mostly in the center rather than on the right side. But for now it's okay. I'll keep on until I figure out how to move it all the way toward the right.

This is a wonderfully helpful and supportive group. I'm proud to be part of it!

Glad that I could help.


« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 23:47 »
You really did help me, Shazam. I appreciate that very much!


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