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Author Topic: How can i change the 50/50 split on the home page cta tempate?  (Read 3918 times)

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« on: April 24, 2013, 04:59 »
I would like to use this template, but i would like the split to be more like 65/35...i would like my slider to be a little larger and the width of the sidebar copy a little narrower. How can i change that? Couldnt find the css for that.

« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 06:07 »
I would like to use this template, but i would like the split to be more like 65/35...i would like my slider to be a little larger and the width of the sidebar copy a little narrower. How can i change that? Couldnt find the css for that.

Would be nice if we had some "customization tips" topic.

« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 08:39 »
I would like to use this template, but i would like the split to be more like 65/35...i would like my slider to be a little larger and the width of the sidebar copy a little narrower. How can i change that? Couldnt find the css for that.

Would be nice if we had some "customization tips" topic.

We do but the threads either get off topic or they are long and its difficult to find the answer. I wish i didnt have a day job and taking 2 college classes or i would make up a faqs page for all this stuff. Not enough hours in the day!

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 14:19 »
Eventually I'm going to do a whole tutorial series (videos) after we are reasonably caught up on theme goals.

This theme uses a responsive grid 12 in length. I believe the CTA is using a 8/4 measurement. If you want to do something like 7/5 it can be done by coping the CTA template to your child theme and changing the span8 span 4 values to a ratio  you want for that particular row.

« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 19:18 »
Eventually I'm going to do a whole tutorial series (videos) after we are reasonably caught up on theme goals.

This theme uses a responsive grid 12 in length. I believe the CTA is using a 8/4 measurement. If you want to do something like 7/5 it can be done by coping the CTA template to your child theme and changing the span8 span 4 values to a ratio  you want for that particular row.

OK thanks Leo. I will give that a try this weekend, when I am a little more refreshed.

« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 18:04 »
Though I hate to drag up threads that are over a month old I didn't want to start a new one.

I'm not using the child theme but the regular SY theme and can't find which file to edit.  The CTA template doesn't have anything in there to change the spans and I'm not sure which css file I need to use if it's driven by that.  The matching of the two columns bothers my eyes.  Unless there's a way to make it one column and move the sidebar content above the footer.

« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 18:28 »
You better use the child theme or you gonna loose all your customizations on each SY update.

In it's folder you'll find the style.css - you edit this one and all changes go to SY main theme. /wp-content/themes/symbiostock-child/style.css

To find what is in the main stylesheet you need to look at  wp-content/themes/symbiostock/css/styles.css

After the update, your changes stay in place. You can also change other templates or functions from the main theme - but it takes some time to know what is where.

Sample url about

« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 18:51 »
I wonder why that happens on update it makes it like it's a fresh install instead of overwriting the only things that are updated.  Seems odd to me though that the main theme will get wiped out.  Maybe some kind of advanced install for just updates only that won't override customizations.

If there's no way to do that then I have to wait until next month.  No matter what I do can't get a leg up.  Just been a really frustrating month.

« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 18:59 »
It's very easy with the child theme, you can do it as fast as you wanted to do with the main theme.

And SY is in beta, so Leo has to overwrite sometimes many files because of the giant changes at this stage

« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 19:16 »
I understand now.  Just frustrated that I have to wait due to lack of funds.

« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 19:20 »
I wonder why that happens on update it makes it like it's a fresh install instead of overwriting the only things that are updated.  Seems odd to me though that the main theme will get wiped out.  Maybe some kind of advanced install for just updates only that won't override customizations.

If there's no way to do that then I have to wait until next month.  No matter what I do can't get a leg up.  Just been a really frustrating month.

if you're editing the main theme instead of using the child, then you can't rely on any of your changes remaining after an update.  the entire set of files is updated

« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2013, 20:53 »
Hi Anita, I'm sending you a message to see if I can help.  It should be a pretty quick fix with the base child theme provided. 

« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2013, 21:14 »
Can someone tell me why I don't see the "child" theme listed? ....or where I can find it? Ty

« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2013, 21:35 »
Thanks anyway, found it


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