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Author Topic: Press release and other marketing tools?  (Read 3134 times)

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« on: May 28, 2013, 08:44 »
Is anybody able to create a press release about Symbiostock?

How about other marketing tools?

In order for the network to work we need to reach a critical mass.

These means photographers, but more importantly buyers.

Google image search and SEO is one of the main targets of the network, but, I think, we also have to target potential buyers who would not use image search. As well if we live by the google we can die by the google...if google decides that Symbiostock images are "bad" the they can disappear from the searches....

As an example I am thinking of sending a blurb to writers of blogs on Ecuador ( one of my Niches) announcing Symbiostock and my images.  The problem is, I am a decent photographer, but not too good at word smithing.


« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 09:52 »
I want to do something similar, plus send an email to everyone in my address book at some point without it sounding like a generic spam email so any help would be appreciated as I have some bloggers and businesses amongst them (garnered from doing something else).

For the email I would like to be able to point out choice, legal use, ease of purchase and no minimum spend ...................

« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 12:56 »
one way is to write articles and posts elsewhere that describe symbio -- eg

also, sites like reddit, stumbleonit, etc do have some marginal result in getting sites noticed - goolge is still the primary source for most  my websites but these other sites do bring some traffic and recognition

the biggest hurdle I see in google images is fighting ourselves -- our images in stock agencies show up above ours since google doesn't give more attention to the creator of the content as long as the image is displayed legally.  sitemaps can help, but like others I only get about 10% of my images indexed, as opposed to 90% of my posts and webpages. 

I've used several sitemap generators and am writing an article on the various ones available but so far none have been successful for image sitemaps.  if anyone finds ways to get more images indexed that swould help tremendously

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 15:58 »
Good idea!

Right now we have a nice balance - I'd love to see people writing stuff after beta. Right now too much attention and too many sign-ups will end up with a lot of people frustrated over beta-bugs (I've learned) so a natural and slow growth is good right now. Otherwise a bad reputation will start fast.

Once things are as smooth as can be, I think if everyone wants to contribute to that sort of effort it would be extremely extremely helpful.
Here is a good example:

« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 16:27 »

Right now we have a nice balance - I'd love to see people writing stuff after beta. Right now too much attention and too many sign-ups will end up with a lot of people frustrated over beta-bugs (I've learned) so a natural and slow growth is good right now. Otherwise a bad reputation will start fast. ......

yes, keeping it in beta will keep out at least some of the people who are not tolerant of projects in development.  beta's been overused (MS & google have products that are in permanent beta), but it at least alerts people to the fact that there may be some odd things happening

it might help to redo the numbering for versions

2.x.y  where y is the type of daily bug fix, etc we often see, and x is a more major upgrade with significant new changes since the x-1 version

y can go beyond 9

that way people will have a better idea if they have to upgrade -- many can ignore the y changes


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