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Author Topic: First Paid Plugin: Symbiostock Image Sitemap Generator.  (Read 29130 times)

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« Reply #75 on: July 21, 2013, 11:21 »
I must said this is a plugin you can't miss it.

I am so impressed by the speed of my images being indexed, I purchased this plugin today around my local time 1.00pm and immediately submitted sitemap  to google webmaster tool, now 11.30pm I have total of 767 images and indexed 418 images.  I submitted yoast images sitemap around two months, so far only 223 images indexed.

Thanks Leo!

I must be doing something wrong. I've been using the plugin since it is available for purchase and have only 50 out of 1072 images indexed so far.

« Reply #76 on: July 21, 2013, 11:36 »
I must said this is a plugin you can't miss it.

I am so impressed by the speed of my images being indexed, I purchased this plugin today around my local time 1.00pm and immediately submitted sitemap  to google webmaster tool, now 11.30pm I have total of 767 images and indexed 418 images.  I submitted yoast images sitemap around two months, so far only 223 images indexed.

Thanks Leo!

I must be doing something wrong. I've been using the plugin since it is available for purchase and have only 50 out of 1072 images indexed so far.
howmany of those are also with the agencies?  that seems to be the biggest determining factor -

« Reply #77 on: July 21, 2013, 11:39 »
I must said this is a plugin you can't miss it.

I am so impressed by the speed of my images being indexed, I purchased this plugin today around my local time 1.00pm and immediately submitted sitemap  to google webmaster tool, now 11.30pm I have total of 767 images and indexed 418 images.  I submitted yoast images sitemap around two months, so far only 223 images indexed.

Thanks Leo!

I must be doing something wrong. I've been using the plugin since it is available for purchase and have only 50 out of 1072 images indexed so far.
howmany of those are also with the agencies?  that seems to be the biggest determining factor -

I guess about 90%. I changed title and/or description at most them though.

« Reply #78 on: July 21, 2013, 11:46 »
I am new to SEO may be not the right person to reply your question, but I noticed your sitemap is symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml do you submit the correct sitemap?

I must said this is a plugin you can't miss it.

I am so impressed by the speed of my images being indexed, I purchased this plugin today around my local time 1.00pm and immediately submitted sitemap  to google webmaster tool, now 11.30pm I have total of 767 images and indexed 418 images.  I submitted yoast images sitemap around two months, so far only 223 images indexed.

Thanks Leo!

I must be doing something wrong. I've been using the plugin since it is available for purchase and have only 50 out of 1072 images indexed so far.
howmany of those are also with the agencies?  that seems to be the biggest determining factor -

I guess about 90%. I changed title and/or description at most them though.

« Reply #79 on: July 21, 2013, 11:47 »
I installed this yesterday too. Am anxious to see if it helped any.

edit: numbers haven't changed much, but this plugin has allowed a slight increase in number of images indexed.

My Yoast SEO sitemap shows 522 images submitted, with 355 indexed, while just since yesterday, this plugin sitemap is showing 518 images submitted with 381 being indexed. Sweet!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 11:53 by cclapper »

« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2013, 11:49 »
I am new to SEO may be not the right person to reply your question, but I noticed your sitemap is symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml do you submit the correct sitemap?

I just checked mine and it is   http://cathyslifestockphotos.com/symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml

Are you saying the url should not have the _1 after it?

« Reply #81 on: July 21, 2013, 11:54 »
It can be any name but just to make sure Redneck submit the right one, he also have http://picbreeze.com/symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml, the one is a link to http://picbreeze.com/symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml, I am not sure is this causing the index problem, just trying to help.

I am new to SEO may be not the right person to reply your question, but I noticed your sitemap is symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml do you submit the correct sitemap?

I just checked mine and it is   http://cathyslifestockphotos.com/symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml

Are you saying the url should not have the _1 after it?

« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2013, 11:56 »
I am new to SEO may be not the right person to reply your question, but I noticed your sitemap is symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml do you submit the correct sitemap?

How did you find out the filename of my sitemap?

I installed the very first version of the plugin which created a full image sitemap at symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml.
A few days later an update of the plugin was published which created the symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml file sitemap while having the original symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml file pointing to the new one.
To make sure I'm not missing anything I submitted both sitemap files to Google Webmaster tools.

« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2013, 12:00 »
I think everyone have the same preset xml file name  ;)

I am new to SEO may be not the right person to reply your question, but I noticed your sitemap is symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml do you submit the correct sitemap?

How did you find out the filename of my sitemap?

I installed the very first version of the plugin which created a full image sitemap at symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml.
A few days later an update of the plugin was published which created the symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml file sitemap while having the original symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml file pointing to the new one.
To make sure I'm not missing anything I submitted both sitemap files to Google Webmaster tools.

« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2013, 12:15 »
Maybe Google got confused reading the original sitemap file pointing to the new one and the actual new one.
Actually, I'm a little confused now which one I should submit to Google. Obviously submitting both didn't work very well so far.

« Reply #85 on: July 21, 2013, 12:23 »
I deleted now both sitemaps and then started the "Generate sitemap" process and it created two sitemaps again. I think there's something not right.

« Reply #86 on: July 21, 2013, 13:18 »
based on this message from Leo, look like you just need to submit "symbiostock_image_sitemap.xml"  and this will point to all your sitemap.

For anyone using sitemaps, a new update is available.

Dashphoto gave us an opportunity to see how LARGE portfolios are handled in Symbiostock.

I did have to make an adjustment however, to how sitemaps are handled. Instead of generating 1 BIG file containing 11,000 images, we have to create a collection of 2000-image sitemaps with an index sitemap pointing to them:


Leo Blanchette

« Reply #87 on: July 21, 2013, 18:19 »
I deleted now both sitemaps and then started the "Generate sitemap" process and it created two sitemaps again. I think there's something not right.
Everything is fine. The first one is an index. the second one holds the images.

It does that by default. The one linked to is the one you submit. It divides sitemaps into 2000 entries each. Reason being is its more memory efficient.

« Reply #88 on: July 21, 2013, 22:25 »
Is there a simple explanation of the difference between web pages indexed and images indexed?  Is one more important that the other?  I looked at google webmaster tool help, and its still "cloudy" for me.

« Reply #89 on: July 22, 2013, 04:09 »
Hi Leo do you just added an update to this plugin? I saw an update to 1.1.3 today, what happen if I update to 1.1.3? Do I need to resubmit the sitemap and will this affect my previous indexed images?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #90 on: July 22, 2013, 04:18 »
This won't affect anything. Go ahead :D

« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2013, 04:32 »
Ok thanks and updated  ;)

This won't affect anything. Go ahead :D

« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2013, 03:45 »
after updated to 1.1.3, all indexed images gone now is zero indexed, look like this update kill the previous sitemap and resubmit new sitemap with this file name symbiostock_image_sitemap_1.xml

« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2013, 05:10 »
now the new sitemap get indexed 440 out of 766 still impressed the speed.


« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2013, 05:22 »
I am stuck at about 200 images, about 23% not sure if my old port on the agencies has anything to do with that. Not really happy with that result (nothing towards SYS by the way). I will give it 2 more weeks and then I am going to upload to the agencies again. That was my plan anyway.

« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2013, 06:02 »
Hi Leo,

I've the 1.1.1 version of plugin but no auto update notification how can I get the 1.1.3 version ?

Thanks  ;)

« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2013, 07:32 »
Go to your plug-ins and update from there ?

« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2013, 07:45 »
Go to your plug-ins and update from there ?

Thanks for reply Christine, but I have no message for update

« Reply #98 on: July 24, 2013, 09:35 »
There apparently are theme updates, too, but they arent showing in my admin area, either. I couldnt find explanations of exactly what has changed in the updates, either.  :(

« Reply #99 on: July 24, 2013, 17:42 »
Is there a simple explanation of the difference between web pages indexed and images indexed?  Is one more important that the other?  I looked at google webmaster tool help, and its still "cloudy" for me.

it's easier to get webpages indexed than images, but google doesn't give details


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