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Author Topic: Any Way to Know Which Specific Items Have Been Indexed by Google?  (Read 3530 times)

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  • ShazamImages.com
« on: July 25, 2013, 11:16 »
In Google Webmaster Tools, under the Crawl -> Sitemaps menu (on the left-hand side), it shows that I have submitted 1000 items from the image-tags-sitemap (which contains the image keywords), but only 105 have been indexed.  Is there any way to take a look at the 105 items that have been indexed to figure why they were indexed and why the other 895 weren't?

« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 12:53 »
In Google Webmaster Tools, under the Crawl -> Sitemaps menu (on the left-hand side), it shows that I have submitted 1000 items from the image-tags-sitemap (which contains the image keywords), but only 105 have been indexed.  Is there any way to take a look at the 105 items that have been indexed to figure why they were indexed and why the other 895 weren't?

go to google images and enter site:yoursite   to see what's indexed.  as to why, no clue - most likely it's because the agencies have already had your images indexed

I started at 10-20% for my symsite and am now routinely getting 80%+ as I add new material

« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 13:20 »
go to google images and enter site:yoursite   to see what's indexed.  as to why, no clue - most likely it's because the agencies have already had your images indexed

I started at 10-20% for my symsite and am now routinely getting 80%+ as I add new material

Exactly. However the Webmaster Tools data tends to lag. When I search Google Images, I find almost all of my images have been indexed. However Webmaster Tools claims only 1/3 or so have been indexed.


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