Please select as many as apply to your personal situation (if you don't have a site see the last 3 questions of the poll)
- I started a site but stopped because it was too complicated
12 (2.6%)
- I started a site and was able to complete it with help from the community
33 (7.2%)
- I started a site and was able to complete it on my own.
29 (6.3%)
- I am not happy with the appearance of my site
10 (2.2%)
- I am Ok with the appearance of my site but I would like it to look better
25 (5.5%)
- I am extremely happy with how my site looks
27 (5.9%)
- I started a site but no longer have one or I abandoned it (for any number of reasons)
13 (2.8%)
- I started a site and am still running it
47 (10.3%)
- I used the free theme and have not/ do not expect to see a profit in the first 6 months
19 (4.2%)
- I use the free theme and have/ expect to see a profit in the first 6 months
7 (1.5%)
- I have purchased premium upgrades and have not/ do not expect to see a return on my investment
12 (2.6%)
- I have purchased premium upgrades and have / expect to see a return on my investment
22 (4.8%)
- I have never had a sale
29 (6.3%)
- I average 1 sale every six months
12 (2.6%)
- I average 1 sale every three months
7 (1.5%)
- I average 1 sale every month
12 (2.6%)
- I average 1 sale every week
3 (0.7%)
- I average 1 sale every day
2 (0.4%)
- I average multiple sales a day.
- 0 (0%)
- I DON'T think Symbiostock was worth my time/money invested
15 (3.3%)
- I DO think symbiostock was worth my time/money invested
43 (9.4%)
- Cascoly's Co-op idea is interesting and I'm considering it
32 (7%)
- I am considering building a personal site but I am on the fence
39 (8.5%)
- I really don't see myself ever building a symbiostock site or joining a co-op.
7 (1.5%)
Total Members Voted: 114