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Author Topic: Zoom on images in Symbiostock  (Read 7211 times)

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« on: September 06, 2013, 07:46 »
I was asking myself if is available in Wordpress a plugin that allow to zoom the image when the cursor goes over it, the same solution that adopt photo agencies like FT, DT, etc...


« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 07:51 »
I think Leo would have to program that feature as it requires a large watermarked image. I may be wrong though.

Nice idea though.  :)

« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 07:54 »
I believe the SYXTRA plugin will do just that.


« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 07:59 »
I thought SYXtra is "only" showing the regular watermarked image when hovering over the thumbnail.

I believe the OP wants a zoom feature like we see on Dreamstime where you hover over the "regular" watermarked image to see a zoomed version of it. Does SYXtra do that too?


« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2013, 08:29 »
I would also like that kind of super-large zoom capacity, so viewers can really see the details of an image. It would need to be watermarked and not able to be right-clicked to the desktop.

Leo, any chance for such a plugin?

I've got the SYXtra plugin installed and do like and use some of its features. But after using the zoom-on-hover feature for a while, I took it off. It just seemed too "jumpy" to me. Even if I wasn't deliberate moving my mouse around, some pic or other was leaping up at me. I'd rather it be a bit slower and more deliberate. If, say, you hover for 2 seconds (or whatever) the image expands, but not immediately.

Any chance for such a paid plugin?   :D

« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2013, 08:56 »
I don't think we need a zoom feature..

symbiostock previews are already "largest" in the industry.. there are so many more crucial features that need to be implemented before this luxury..

I mentioned it before.. at these early stages, sales are not that great, and the lack of sales make people look for reasons like: "oh, is it the zoom" or "is it the registration process"

NO, no it's not the zoom and it's not the registration process.. previews are HUGE already and people do buy when they need an image.. and they do register in order to buy an image..

customers don't just go like: "oh, there is no zoom, I am not buying here" or "oh, I have to register, so I will go to another website"   :D at the end of the day, you pretty much have to register on almost all the sites and that's not a problem when you are getting a service from that site..

you would be TOTALLY right if we had a 400px preview image, but we don't, we have a 590px preview image and zoom is a luxury in my opinion.. at least for the moment it is.. once all the other issues are sorted, we can think of fancy stuff..
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 09:37 by cidepix »

« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2013, 09:04 »
Sean did a great magnifier for accordstock.com. Perhaps he would do a Symbiostock plugin? :)

« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2013, 09:21 »
Sean did a great magnifier for accordstock.com. Perhaps he would do a Symbiostock plugin? :)

I think it was a feature of Ktools.. so Sean didn't do anything..

« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2013, 10:33 »
I don't think we need a zoom feature..

symbiostock previews are already "largest" in the industry.. there are so many more crucial features that need to be implemented before this luxury..

I mentioned it before.. at these early stages, sales are not that great, and the lack of sales make people look for reasons like: "oh, is it the zoom" or "is it the registration process"

NO, no it's not the zoom and it's not the registration process.. previews are HUGE already and people do buy when they need an image.. and they do register in order to buy an image..

customers don't just go like: "oh, there is no zoom, I am not buying here" or "oh, I have to register, so I will go to another website"   :D at the end of the day, you pretty much have to register on almost all the sites and that's not a problem when you are getting a service from that site..

you would be TOTALLY right if we had a 400px preview image, but we don't, we have a 590px preview image and zoom is a luxury in my opinion.. at least for the moment it is.. once all the other issues are sorted, we can think of fancy stuff..

I think if you want to reach out to serious or even semiprofessional buyers (and charge accordingly), then you'll need a 100% preview of some kind. Whoever is willing to spend more than peanuts on an image will probably want to make sure not to buy sub standard quality.

« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2013, 11:43 »
I had a look around to see what WordPress plugins there were for image zoom. There are a ton!

Some of them are not suitable for Symbiostock sites because they're anchored in other themes - such as those for WooCommerce stores

Some are just clunky and crap - too much clicking or they only show the full size image which clearly isn't what we'd want to do.

I do like how the ktools zoom works - You can see an example on Tyler's site:


Of the ones that work similarly, I'm not sure how easy it would be to integrate into the generation of image pages on Symbiostock. For example, Magic Zoom is all very manual but I like how it operates.


SwinnxyZoom looks good but I'm not clear on how easy it would be to integrate - the simple button for editing word press pages wouldn't work for Symbiostock so it'd have to be in the theme or child theme in some way


There's also an artilcle list 10 such WP plugins!


I think this would be a big plus, but I think I need to get my images uploaded more than I need to go figure out the code for this at the moment, but the good news is that so many things exist for WordPress already

« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2013, 11:59 »
I think it would need to be a tailor made plug-in otherwise it would only zoom on the watermarked image, not the original sized one

« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2013, 12:11 »
I think it would need to be a tailor made plug-in otherwise it would only zoom on the watermarked image, not the original sized one

The way magic zoom works, you would only need the Image page in Symbiostock to include the line of code for magic zoom and specify the small and large image file names. As that stuff is (I think) generated on the fly, Simbiostock stuff would need to be modified in some way (if plugin xyz is installed, do this, otherwise do the original behavior). But I don't know anything about how Symbiostock puts the image pages together to be specific


« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2013, 21:19 »

I think if you want to reach out to serious or even semiprofessional buyers (and charge accordingly), then you'll need a 100% preview of some kind. Whoever is willing to spend more than peanuts on an image will probably want to make sure not to buy sub standard quality.

I agree, Redneck.

And it's especially true when you're selling images of wildlife. If you have a well-exposed, super-sharp image of some critter with a great catch light in the eye, you want to show it off full size, if only to reassure the buyer. It's easy for an image to look good at 50%, but if it's not sharp at 100% you'll have an unhappy client. That may not be as big a problem with studio shots or vectors, but with wildlife, which isn't always found in perfect lighting conditions and doesn't always stand still for portraits (thus often resulting in less-than-perfect images), it can be a huge problem.


« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2013, 21:21 »

I do like how the ktools zoom works - You can see an example on Tyler's site:


Thanks for all that useful info! I'm going to check out the ktools zoom. Like the way it works on that page you linked to.


« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2013, 06:21 »
So, whats the verdict on the perfect preview?

I really like the zoom on Shutterstock. Its not following the cursor. I find the zooms I see on Symbiostock sites too jittery, too busy, too intrusive. The one on Shutterstock is nice and stable and static. I like that. It gives a much more professional feel.

Is there a solution in the mean time for professional zoom?



« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2013, 14:34 »
I find the zooms I see on Symbiostock sites too jittery, too busy, too intrusive. The one on Shutterstock is nice and stable and static. I like that. It gives a much more professional feel.

I felt the same way, Ron, so I kept the "jittery" zoom feature (from SYXtra) out of my site until recently. Ultimately, however, I decided I needed something more dynamic, since the pages with lots of previews felt too static. So I added it in. But I'm hoping the newest SYS version (2.7.7) will have a smoother zoom included. Exactly like you described: more Shutterstock-like.

I looked at KTools earlier but didn't think it would work. Still looking for the perfect solution. Would love to have it built in to SYS.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 14:37 by marthamarks »


« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2013, 14:40 »
The preview on Shutterstock loads after a second and it positions itself next to the image, and stays there until the cursor hits another image, but its not moving with the cursor. That snap effect, is what I want, that makes it much more calm, and less instrusive. A big preview stuck to your cursor is not what I want, but I DO want a preview. I am even willing to pay for it, if there is a good one out there. Or being developed.


« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2013, 15:04 »
The preview on Shutterstock loads after a second and it positions itself next to the image, and stays there until the cursor hits another image, but its not moving with the cursor. That snap effect, is what I want, that makes it much more calm, and less instrusive. A big preview stuck to your cursor is not what I want, but I DO want a preview. I am even willing to pay for it, if there is a good one out there. Or being developed.

I would gladly pay for it too. If anybody knows of such a wondrous thing, please advise!


« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2013, 15:12 »


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