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Author Topic: Symbiostock 2.5.5 + How Stable? How it Works, Challenges, and Successes  (Read 5146 times)

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Leo Blanchette

« on: July 07, 2013, 18:56 »
Thanks to everyone who took a chance and donate their time and energy into testing, developing, and being patient with the Symbiostock project to get it to where it is now.

Edit: See minor bug fixes at bottom of this post.

Please see for the many examples of Symbiostock sites that are working and doing quite well.

The newest version of Symbiostock is quite stable. It does its job as intended. Stable, in the world of software, does not imply perfection or the complete absence of bugs. It implies things are reliable and will not change for a while.

I don't want to address the most recent technical issues on this thread, because it will distract from the main point - its perfectly possible to get Symbiostock working to your benefit as at this time 54 websites have proven it. For anyone who feels motivated, please help Amanda develop a knowledge base on as a one-stop-solution for many issues a new webmaster might come in contact with.

For those who missed it, I wish to emphasize this thread:

How does Symbiostock promote you?

I haven't given much attention to explaining filtering, so here it is one more time:

Filtering System

I think if anything has inconvenienced or frustrated people, its the presence of the filtering system. The filtering system can confuse you if you don't use it right, or make a mistake. Without a batch editor (which I will make when I'm active again) it can be a pain to use it. But it works.

I went against many people's advice and created this system for a simple reason - in a network of complete freedom your going to need it! For your site. Right now its annoyance, tomorrow you will be happy you have it.

Rank: Give your images priority in your local search results, as well as network search results.

When you upload, everything should be assigned a level 2 rating by default. By assigning an image to level 1, you say you want this image to be at the very front of relevant image searches. By assigning level 3, you put it in back.

Rating: This is an honor system for content, which will be used by people serious about keeping the network manageable.

You can assign 3 levels to your images, but 4 exist technically.

  • 0: "-" means unrated.
  • 1: "Green".
  • 2: "Yellow".
  • 3: "Red".
Explanations can be found in the help area. You can assign these levels to your images, expressing its level of "sensitive content" which is a consideration to other people in the network.

In your network area you have filters: Its simple - set the maximum color rating you will allow in your search results. Also determine of "unrated" images are allowed. Considering the newness of this feature, you should set "allow unrated" to yes, because most content is unrated.

Keyword filtering:
You may want certain keywords to be excluded from your search results. You can have any reason for this. Your the webmaster. The point is to give you control over what comes through your results.

Site Exclusion:
In your marketing area you can completely block a site that you don't want showing up in your results.
If you see you are lacking search results, its probably because you've accidentally set your image(s) rating to a level higher than what you've determined that you want showing in your search results. This means the system is working - not broken.

I built this system not entirely due to the present users, but for the future ones. Right now Symbiostock is made up of people coming in from Stock illustration and photography. People who know the rules and needs, and respect them. Tomorrow will have people coming in from other places - deviant art, pornography peddlers, etc. Many people will use Symbiostock as a bridge for their pornagraphy sites. Its a fact - they will do this through basic and commonly accepted nudes, and then bridge you to the obviously pornographic things. You will appreciate these filters. If Symbiostock could be likened to a colony of ants, this is the immune system and barricade to intruders.

At this point I hope you feel reasonably able to take care of your site use Symbiostock's unique advantages. What you see now is a lot of new sites. SEO takes time, and your sites and traffic will mature with time. Today its a cute project, tomorrow quite possibly a major advantage for you as these sites start rising up together in search rank.

Symbiostock is what you make it, so keep it happy, productive, profitable, and useful.

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I really do have to get away and do some of my own things now. I fully believe your all capable of more than I've done.

Minor bug fixes -

2.5.6 Download this version directly from the Uploader Fix branch:


« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 16:42 by Leo »


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 19:06 »
Thanks Leo, for explaining everything so carefully.

I have set my site to "red" in the content filter and Allow unrated images to "Yes" so I should be seeing everything. I have a few images that I marked as yellow last night - if anyone that has me in their network wants to search for "Liverpool", you can test your own settings. You should see some photos of some statues on a beach near Liverpool.


« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2013, 19:24 »
Great write-up, Leo. I hope it helps the dust to settle that the last rounds of updates introducing new functions and new bugs (of course) stirred up. You have given us a nice unique piece of software and a whole new world of self-hosting/self-marketing our images that didn't exist before. This is already much fun to explore and I am sure it will be even more fun in the future. Beside the fun part I am confident it will start selling regularly at some point as well.

Thank you and the SY community for all of this. And I hope you'll have a blast of a great time away from all of this, too.

« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 19:36 »
Thanks Leo, for explaining everything so carefully.

I have set my site to "red" in the content filter and Allow unrated images to "Yes" so I should be seeing everything. I have a few images that I marked as yellow last night - if anyone that has me in their network wants to search for "Liverpool", you can test your own settings. You should see some photos of some statues on a beach near Liverpool.


Steve, I see your Liverpool statues on my site no matter what color I set my content filter. Now, I am not sure if this is supposed to work instantly or only after a site/network/symbiocard update... I'll leave my filter setting on "green" for a while so you can try and test things, too.

On a side note I hope no one finds these beautiful statues offending...


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2013, 19:55 »
I've double checked - definitely set to "yellow". I agree about the statues - I don't have any objectionable images, unless you count the ones of my naked stomach over some weighscales...

Not for the faint hearted


« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 08:22 »
After installing Symbiostock 2.5.5 today and giving it a bit of a test drive, I can tell that this release looks very stable and features great performance indeed: Thanks to the overhaul regarding performance, I was able for the FIRST time today, to process all of my 3.300 images (changed prices and resolutions for all of them) - before the queue would always get stuck around 1.600 images, today it went finally through - might be good news for all users having a larger portfolio.

So Leo, enjoy your days off (in case you should still be reading this!  ;D) and thanks again for the great work! I wish all others a good success with their Symbiostock site - may the sales come in now!

« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 15:53 »
Steve, I have my SY site still on GREEN filter but your liverpool statues still show up when searching for keyword "liverpool" (which I don't have). Guess it is safe to say that the rating/filtering systems doesn't work/has bugs  :( - Not that we can't live with it for now  :)


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2013, 17:25 »
Yes, I still find that all a bit confusing, but no matter - it doesn't seem to be impacting us at the moment, so we can save it as an issue for the future. I'll leave these yellow images as a test for the future as well.



« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2013, 17:48 »
Count me in as another who just installed Symbiostock. I've been playing with it all day and am quite happy with what I'm seeing. I look forward to becoming part of the network just as soon as my site is ready for prime time.

Thank you, Leo, for providing this great tool for all of us. I'm about to go make a donation.

« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2013, 02:16 »

There are two places to change the filter so I will try and get this the rightway around just in case anyone has not discovered both yet
Network page sets what you see on other sites
Author options page sets the default for images on your own site

« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2013, 02:32 »

There are two places to change the filter so I will try and get this the rightway around just in case anyone has not discovered both yet
Network page sets what you see on other sites
Author options page sets the default for images on your own site

Hmm, I don't think Steve and I are missing something here. But I'd sure love to see a (test) filter setup that actually works!  :D

« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2013, 04:02 »
I have set my filter to green and No to unrated content, this was the results of the search, you can see who has images that relate to the search but not see the actual images

« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2013, 04:14 »
I have my site still on "Yes" to unrated content as to my understanding it'd let unrated content through but should block yellow and red rated stuff since my filter is set to green. Am I wrong?  :-\

When I change "No" to unrated content I don't see Steve's liverpool statues any longer. However, when I search for dog I see not even one animal not even my own single dog photo. So I think this is not even a work-around.  :(

I go back to "Yes" to unrated content.  ;)

« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2013, 04:26 »
Wait: what happen if I stay "no" but set the filter "red"? I shouldn't get all the unrated dogs but I should get Steve's yellow rated statues, right? But I do get nothing when searching for liverpool. Not even an empty box for Steve. I get an (unexplained) empty box, though.  ;D

So the unrated/rated tick box might work correctly, the color ratings don't...

« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 04:36 »
I think I have worked out one problem - try setting your dog images to 1 instead of two - it is seeing pictures rated as the default 2 (or was it changed to - ) as unrated ?
possibly forgot to update network between changes
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 04:42 by Tinny »

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 16:40 »
Here is an uploader fix. Believe it or not, this is a problem generated from another source - not the Symbiostock theme.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 16:53 by Leo »


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2013, 19:26 »
So the unrated/rated tick box might work correctly, the color ratings don't...

So is there a combination of settings that shows everything both on your own site and in the network?



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