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Author Topic: 2.2.7 Fairly Stable. Last Few Beta Updates  (Read 28751 times)

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« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2013, 09:49 »
I have sent you a password from programme by changing the password on your first attempt to see if it helps, will also send it via email. - I received notification of your IE attempt.  I have not received anything from your site

have you checked your junk mail folders? I checked my junk folders and found out that I received both passwords were sent to my junk mail folders..

I also received you email..

« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2013, 09:55 »

User area -  Profile.
Updating other members profile  (I just gave Cidepix a new password)

My Symbiocard data was still visible when I was editing him but I gave him a new password anyway and saved at bottom of page

All my card data has disappeared.   I think you mentioned this happened to you recently Leo, I had to renew some yesterday after I sent you an admin member email but I did not put the two things together, now I have realised how it happens

« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2013, 10:05 »

User area -  Profile.
Updating other members profile  (I just gave Cidepix a new password)
yeap I did the same thing to your chrome account
My Symbiocard data was still visible when I was editing him but I gave him a new password anyway and saved at bottom of page
I did that too, sending you your password as a PM
All my card data has disappeared. 
this did not happen to me, my card data is still there
I think you mentioned this happened to you recently Leo, I had to renew some yesterday after I sent you an admin member email but I did not put the two things together, now I have realised how it happens

« Reply #103 on: May 27, 2013, 10:11 »

my site does not send passwords during registration.. apparently not even to junk mail folders?
I hope this is fixed soon or I will have to revert to version 1 not to lose any potential sales..


my site does not send purchase confirmation email to customer anymore..


as I mentioned above, on my first post (page 4) after purchase, refreshing the page is not sufficient to see the images below in the downloaded files area.. instead I have to clear the cart, leave the page, and come back.. only then, the files appear there..

« Reply #104 on: May 27, 2013, 10:15 »
Best solution in my opinion would be to let customers "create their own passwords" during registration and not have to go back to their email boxes.. maybe some kind of captcha would be good if people are concerned about security.. (I am not too concerned about that.. and would rather let people create their own passwords)

- I don't know if Leo intended to cancel purchase confirmation emails so won't comment about that yet..

« Reply #105 on: May 27, 2013, 10:21 »

as I mentioned above, on my first post (page 4) after purchase, refreshing the page is not sufficient to see the images below in the downloaded files area.. instead I have to clear the cart, leave the page, and come back.. only then, the files appear there..

I think this could be sorted with:

a link re-sending people to the same page..

under the thank you for your purchase sentence, we could place a link like "Please go to your downloads" and re-send people to cart and files area..

« Reply #106 on: May 27, 2013, 10:24 »
Leo - Does this version (2.3.0) fix the errors I was getting related to the datasheets?  Can I turn that feature back to the "On" setting?

Re: Promoted keywords: Do phrases between commas count as one or two words?  ie: "local, New York, travel" - would New York count as one or two words?

« Reply #107 on: May 27, 2013, 10:39 »
weirdly enough, chrome for android works perfectly fine and I can see everything as I should..

this is chrome for windows vista..
Ok here is a bug (v 2.3.0)

customer licensing area on google chrome looks like this:

Pay Now and Your licensed images/files texts are missing..

Another issue: I have done a brand new test purchase and the images were still in the cart even after refreshing the page.. I had to clear the cart, leave that page and come back again to see the purchased image below where it should be..

and another issue: I didn't receive a purchase notification email to my main email address as before.. was this on purpose?

« Reply #108 on: May 27, 2013, 12:01 »
Best solution in my opinion would be to let customers "create their own passwords" during registration and not have to go back to their email boxes.. maybe some kind of captcha would be good if people are concerned about security.. (I am not too concerned about that.. and would rather let people create their own passwords)


I agree -- much easier for the user - and people may wonder why they need to register  just to buy 1 picture

« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2013, 12:23 »
I have a little explanation as to why they have to register to buy a picture - because we need to make sure they have a working email address to send the download link confirmation to

« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2013, 13:58 »
I have a little explanation as to why they have to register to buy a picture - because we need to make sure they have a working email address to send the download link confirmation to

but they need a working email to use paypal, right? 

« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2013, 14:05 »
v 2.3.0

my  main page is still messed up -- it's displaying all sorts of network stuff, but i can't find anything that calls for those items -- i've checked widgets & menus but everything looks clean -- happened on first jump from v1 to v2

 deleted & re-installed v2.3.0

weirdly ---even with 2012 theme i my home page shows as

Symbiostock Network page   
Symbiostock Network Directory page

and only then my main page
in the theme I define my static front page as "our main categories" -- if I change it to something else, the network pages go awy, but there's nothing on the 'our main categories' page that uses the network stuff???

« Reply #112 on: May 27, 2013, 14:30 »
@cascoly what template did you use for the home page ?


« Reply #113 on: May 27, 2013, 14:31 »
v 2.3.0

my  main page is still messed up -- it's displaying all sorts of network stuff, but i can't find anything that calls for those items -- i've checked widgets & menus but everything looks clean -- happened on first jump from v1 to v2

 deleted & re-installed v2.3.0

weirdly ---even with 2012 theme i my home page shows as

Symbiostock Network page   
Symbiostock Network Directory page

and only then my main page
in the theme I define my static front page as "our main categories" -- if I change it to something else, the network pages go awy, but there's nothing on the 'our main categories' page that uses the network stuff???

Did you check to see what template your page is using?  If it is using one of the "Network" template, it will cause this format to show up.


« Reply #114 on: May 27, 2013, 17:12 »
I just installed the new version and now everything is gone.
Cannot pull my site up at all. NO Admin pages nor the site

Need HELP - do not know what to do!


Leo Blanchette

« Reply #115 on: May 27, 2013, 17:44 »
Not the end of the world. :D Strange though.

Can you please email me leo[at]

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #116 on: May 27, 2013, 18:07 »
v 2.3.0

my  main page is still messed up -- it's displaying all sorts of network stuff, but i can't find anything that calls for those items -- i've checked widgets & menus but everything looks clean -- happened on first jump from v1 to v2

 deleted & re-installed v2.3.0

weirdly ---even with 2012 theme i my home page shows as

Symbiostock Network page   
Symbiostock Network Directory page

and only then my main page
in the theme I define my static front page as "our main categories" -- if I change it to something else, the network pages go awy, but there's nothing on the 'our main categories' page that uses the network stuff???
It looks like you've set your network page as your home page.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #117 on: May 27, 2013, 18:08 »
Leo - Does this version (2.3.0) fix the errors I was getting related to the datasheets?  Can I turn that feature back to the "On" setting?

Re: Promoted keywords: Do phrases between commas count as one or two words?  ie: "local, New York, travel" - would New York count as one or two words?

« Reply #118 on: May 27, 2013, 18:22 »
v 2.3.0

my  main page is still messed up -- it's displaying all sorts of network stuff, but i can't find anything that calls for those items -- i've checked widgets & menus but everything looks clean -- happened on first jump from v1 to v2

 deleted & re-installed v2.3.0

weirdly ---even with 2012 theme i my home page shows as

Symbiostock Network page   
Symbiostock Network Directory page

and only then my main page
in the theme I define my static front page as "our main categories" -- if I change it to something else, the network pages go awy, but there's nothing on the 'our main categories' page that uses the network stuff???
It looks like you've set your network page as your home page.

but that's the point - this happened as soon as the new version came up - I couldn't have set it earlier because there wasn't a network template or network page

the page i'm using for home page / static page used to have 'default template' - now it's 'home page'


decided to use the blunt force approach - I copied the text from the page that was causing trouble into a new page & set that as my static page, using default template.  now it works, even though there's no difference between the 2 pages -

where do I find what the templates do? 
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 18:32 by cascoly »

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #119 on: May 27, 2013, 18:27 »
Did you upgrade consecutively or is this an upgrade from some earlier 2+ series, or is this an upgrade from 1 series? I've been tracking tons of stuff, so forgive me if I must ask :D.

Its expected that upgrading from 1 will discombobulate stuff since templates have changed.

Mostly what we are seeing now are isolated instances of stuff, unique to people, so that makes it harder to judge.


« Reply #120 on: May 27, 2013, 18:37 »
Did you upgrade consecutively or is this an upgrade from some earlier 2+ series, or is this an upgrade from 1 series? I've been tracking tons of stuff, so forgive me if I must ask :D.

Its expected that upgrading from 1 will discombobulate stuff since templates have changed.

Mostly what we are seeing now are isolated instances of stuff, unique to people, so that makes it harder to judge.

If this is for me I thought it was from a v 2 series.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #121 on: May 27, 2013, 18:44 »
Did you get my email? You have a problem for sure! For now we have two options:

1. You log into your cpanel or FTP and delete the theme folder. Replace it with the proper theme.
2. You send me one of those login credentials and I can do it, though I do not like collecting people's personal info.


There is something strange going on with your site so thats the best way to do it.


« Reply #122 on: May 27, 2013, 18:46 »
Did you get my email? You have a problem for sure! For now we have two options:

1. You log into your cpanel or FTP and delete the theme folder. Replace it with the proper theme.
2. You send me one of those login credentials and I can do it, though I do not like collecting people's personal info.


There is something strange going on with your site so thats the best way to do it.

Not yet - but I have gotten about 75 (and counting) Site Deployed e-mails from my site.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #123 on: May 27, 2013, 18:49 »
Its stuck in a loop, and I don't have anything in the theme that would cause it to loop in that. Strangely enough its sending you an email regarding your theme version being 1.3.7 but the email is coming from 2+ series.

It might be a plugin, but I have no way of knowing.

« Reply #124 on: May 27, 2013, 19:09 »
not related to what you guys are discussing "right now" but I really think, (even if/when we sort out password emails) we should let customers create their own passwords..


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