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Author Topic: What's the deal at StockXpert?  (Read 7990 times)

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« on: December 10, 2009, 13:30 »
It is looking really good in the MSG ranking with continually increasing sales and ranking.  I'm not selling anything?  What am I missing here?


« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 13:47 »
i've been doing well with lots of little jupiter subs and the approvals for any christmas related photos are lightning fast.

i have to commend the reduced staff of reviewers for not being lax on the job though. one of my pics was refused for 'fingerprint smudge' that passed through both the steely eyes of is and ss.  :D i hope that won't be used as evidence against me in the future.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 15:23 by ap »

« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 14:15 »
I sitll have dls from Jupiterimages... ???


« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 16:56 »
They sell well for me, regular payouts and everything. No incidents.

« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 17:43 »
My sales dropped a lot at StockXpert, but still better than Bigstock

« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 19:12 »
Funny, this month I am getting more dls than usual. Even mix of JIU and StockXpert for that part.


« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 19:19 »
I stopped uploading to them months ago, thinking they were about to be shut down.  So far that hasn't happened, although no one can get a direct answer to the big question, and their reviewing staff is now down to a skeleton crew . It's become a weird, uncommunicative business.

I get very few sales, but if I thought they were going to stick around, I'd upload more.  Of course, you can count on this: if I spend the time uploading all my remaining images, they'll go out of business the next week.


« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2009, 21:29 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(

« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2009, 22:15 »
It seems like the web site and the software behind it are just running mostly unattended. Every now and then someone comes in, reviews some images (rejecting tons of them right off the top), makes some payments, turns off the lights and leaves.


« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2009, 22:51 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(
It must be very variable, just like review times.

I requested payment on Dec 1st, and received my money on the 2nd (sorry, Lisa!).

« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2009, 22:59 »
Lisa, your payment maybe delayed if you are requesting a large sum.

I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(

« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2009, 23:30 »
I'm getting mostly Jupiter sales, but starting to see a handful more StockXpert direct sales since photos.com went away.  I'm also getting files reviewed fairly quickly and not seeing a lot of outright rejections.  I think I've actually been requesting payout more often than in the past, but I never let it go much over the minimum before I request now.  Its doing far better than 123rf for me, thats for sure.

« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2009, 04:14 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(
I think StockXpert good site for sell, but me like lisafx. I having trouble getting paid. I requested a payment form 7th Dec, and now it's over 3 days i don't have received payment form StockXpert.
Somebody like me and lisa??? What wrong with StockXpert??? I don't know :((.

« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2009, 00:59 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(
I think StockXpert good site for sell, but me like lisafx. I having trouble getting paid. I requested a payment form 7th Dec, and now it's over 3 days i don't have received payment form StockXpert.
Somebody like me and lisa??? What wrong with StockXpert??? I don't know :((.

I really dont know what you are talking about?!
Payments are so normal. I ask payement every 1st of the month and dont bother with that if paymant will bee in 7th or 10th days before request.
Pointing in 3 day straw is not helpful in theory of "perishing" company. I have much more delay in iStock payment than from Expert side.
I have also "bad dream" but I think that iStock kick off our payment employees from StockXpert and make this payment with this delay.
When you see stupid rejections from reviewers on StockXpert you will know that this "new" ones are from iStock because of they lowered canister levels and original reviewers from StockXpert are kicked off.

« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2009, 03:50 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(
I think StockXpert good site for sell, but me like lisafx. I having trouble getting paid. I requested a payment form 7th Dec, and now it's over 3 days i don't have received payment form StockXpert.
Somebody like me and lisa??? What wrong with StockXpert??? I don't know :((.

3 days I think we should start to panic.  ::)

« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2009, 07:54 »
It must be very variable, just like review times.

I agree. I have not seen any difference in StockXpert...review times, payments or downloads. They seem to be working just the same for me.

But then requesting minimum payout is way different than requesting $10 grand, like Lisa probably does every two weeks!  ;)


« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2009, 11:32 »

I requested payment on Dec 1st, and received my money on the 2nd (sorry, Lisa!).

I got paid on the 2nd too.  Apparently that was payout day, whether you requested on the 1st, as you did, or had been waiting since Nov 24, as I was.

But then requesting minimum payout is way different than requesting $10 grand, like Lisa probably does every two weeks!  ;)

ROFL!  I wish!!!

FWIW I request every time I reach $100 there, so this isn't being held up because it is a massive amount.  Only time I request more is when they take so long to pay that more money builds up, but even then it isn't much more.  This IS StockXpert we are talking about here, after all ;).

« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2009, 14:30 »

« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2009, 22:54 »
I'm still getting good downloads at StockXpert, but having trouble getting paid.  I have had a payout pending 8 days, and the last one was pending 8 days too. 

So much for their "three days" commitment...  >:(
I think StockXpert good site for sell, but me like lisafx. I having trouble getting paid. I requested a payment form 7th Dec, and now it's over 3 days i don't have received payment form StockXpert.
Somebody like me and lisa??? What wrong with StockXpert??? I don't know :((.

I really dont know what you are talking about?!
Payments are so normal. I ask payement every 1st of the month and dont bother with that if paymant will bee in 7th or 10th days before request.
Pointing in 3 day straw is not helpful in theory of "perishing" company. I have much more delay in iStock payment than from Expert side.
I have also "bad dream" but I think that iStock kick off our payment employees from StockXpert and make this payment with this delay.
When you see stupid rejections from reviewers on StockXpert you will know that this "new" ones are from iStock because of they lowered canister levels and original reviewers from StockXpert are kicked off.

First, i have received my first payment form StockXpert. I so happy about this. But i read on site:" payment pending 3 days" and my payment delayed 3 days--> 6days for a payment.
I think when stock says 3 days they could say:" in some case delay over 3 day"???" OK???
I love StockxPert


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