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What you think about what SXP became in the last months

Have a future (optimist)
36 (40.4%)
Don't know (waiting to see)
36 (40.4%)
Had a history (disapointed)
17 (19.1%)

Total Members Voted: 79

Author Topic: StockXpert: Future or History - Poll -  (Read 6995 times)

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« on: February 17, 2009, 13:41 »
The StockXpert subscription plan . The extended licence "Deal". Jupiter image subscription plan. StockXpert sold to IS owner (Getty)
What remain from what StockXpert was ?

I get between 90% - 95% / 0.30$ insulting subscriptions sales. I tried once to opt out. But 60% of my subs sales are from and Jupiter. I never saw an extended sales from being 50$.

The buyers almost never buy the higher image size. They take the L size and then probably upsize the image themselves to avoid having to brought the bigger size at higher price.

StockXpert have been sold. Then what it will become if the StockXpert incomes are almost more often from it's old owner Jupiter and affiliate ?

What you people think about the actual StockXpert and it's future ?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 13:45 by Vonkara »


« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 13:52 »
honestly i like StockXpert. i don't have much money there but StockXpert is the only place i have sales with DT in a tie . although like you said, since i opted in, mostly subs. but it's still sales.

i think there is a change of management in the past weekend. i had for quite a while 100% approval and last week was approved within like 15 mins of upload. this is incredible, even though my images to StockXpert have always been approved very fast.

this morning i had 100% rejection. lol. either they overdozed on my images,
or the reviewer just hate this set of images . or i just had too much to drink
to celebrate my 100% approval these past weeks.  ;D

my vote, well, i am new , not even one year yet,...and my port is small 165 images only. i will be one year in april 2009,
 soooooo i wouldn't even have the faintest idea about anything  :D
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 13:57 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 14:05 »
I'm sorry but the questions don't quite make sense to me. The last one in particular seem to contradict itself.

Maybe it would be better to phrase it "How do you feel about the future of StockXpert?"
with the options of;

a) Extremely Positive
b) Slightly Positive
c) Neutral/waiting
d) Slightly Negative
e) Extremely Negative

You could ask a second question too querying whether the contributor is continuing to upload, suspended new uploads or intends to remove portfolio.

« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 14:48 »
After the sale, I thought that StockXpert would be the microstock site and Istock would move to more of a mid-stock, or elite agency.  Now, my hunch is that StockXpert is just a recruiting centre and remains only to provide content to their subscription models. 


« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 15:44 »
After the sale, I thought that StockXpert would be the microstock site and Istock would move to more of a mid-stock, or elite agency.  Now, my hunch is that StockXpert is just a recruiting centre and remains only to provide content to their subscription models. 

if that is so, that's bad news for me, i just closed my IS account today.
looks like i better start looking elsewhere to upload my port. and keep Dreamstime happy from hereon, perharps start UL-ing my next 100 images to Dreamstime first.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 15:49 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 16:04 »
StockXpert used to be my favourite site, and in some aspects it still does.  Sales have decreased a lot for me in the past months, and I can only imagine that frequent credit buyers moved to subs packages in the other two sites.  Of course, there is the world economy retraction, but StockXpert is probably the site I lost more in the past 3-4 months (although DT this month sunk to the 7th position, unbelievable!).

I am disappointed, but hoping for the best.



« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2009, 16:10 »
Gostwyk... I edited the poll to be less conceptual and a bit more efficient. But it remain almost the same 1- love StockXpert 2- Neutral 3- Don't like anymore. Thanks for noticing

« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2009, 20:00 »
Last year, they were number 4 for me, after SS, IS, DT and FT. So far this year, they are number 7, overtaken by BS and 123.

I think they are killing the brand name. Stupid move, but that's not unique   ::)

« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2009, 00:57 »

I have only been there since September and have only 217 images but they have quickly become my best site.  I have about 60% to 40% subs to ppd in dls this month but earnings are better than 4 to 1 in favor of ppds.

I hope they keep going the way they are I certainly have no complaints.

c h e e r s

« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2009, 07:49 »
I tought that StockXpert might be Istock's way to split off exclusives and non-exlcusives with istock being for their exclusive members, sort of like what pixart suggested earlier. If that's not it then I am not sure what sense there was in adding another micro to the getty fold. If the jupiter deal was designed to get some of the other assets than StockXpert may be in trouble.

« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2009, 12:43 »
If the jupiter deal was designed to get some of the other assets than StockXpert may be in trouble.

The blunt truth is we don't know what Getty intends to do with StockXpert. But in general, corporate logic is that when a larger fish catches a smaller fish in the same pond, it's not for the well-being of the smaller fish. Look what happened to all the small innovative companies that Microsoft bought.
It's totally different when a corporation buys outside the pond. In that case they want to diversify and they will do all possible things (injecting capital etc.) to let the small fish thrive.

Getty didn't buy Jupiter to get a foot in Microstock, since they have iStock already. Perhaps they want to turn it into a bottomline subscription site competing with Shutterstock. Who knows? But one thing we can assume safely is that StockXpert as we knew it is gone. And that is so.

« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2009, 08:17 »
The ppds are up this month, it makes me optimistic again.

« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2009, 09:20 »
The subscription sales were starting to get so numerous that I opted out of subs a few weeks ago.....I still have sub sales going out, but I think it takes a month or so to have the images pulled from jupiter and

The interesting thing is.....when the deal started with there were several people that posted about some larger sales from subs but regular sales and they netted around $3 each.  I got one....Since that date...I haven't heard anybody getting anymore regular sales from a bait and switch???

I like SPX................but ............sales are really dropping........and turning off the subs will make them drop more.....but I am just soooooooooooo tired of giving my photos away for .30     I'm just not going to do it anymore....not unless I get huge volumes or a fair amount of regular sales to make up for it.   That's why I closed my Crestock account.............   $.25 sales were all I got.....and not really that many of them....

« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2009, 09:28 »
my sales on StockXpert have been decreasing lately(especially fot the past 3 months) so for the time being I am a little dissaponted but I am hoping that thongs wil get better once getty completly took over. so I am waiting to see 


« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2009, 17:07 »
The ppds are up this month

For me too.

« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2009, 21:18 »
Last year, they were number 4 for me, after SS, IS, DT and FT. So far this year, they are number 7, overtaken by BS and 123.

I think they are killing the brand name. Stupid move, but that's not unique   ::)

Now, CS has passed them as well, so they are number 8 for me so far in February. Who would have thunk   ???

« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2009, 21:30 »

I like SPX................but ............sales are really dropping........and turning off the subs will make them drop more.....but I am just soooooooooooo tired of giving my photos away for .30     I'm just not going to do it anymore....not unless I get huge volumes or a fair amount of regular sales to make up for it.   

Tell me about it! I've already stopped uploading there until the situation is clearer.

I'm off on holiday/travelling during March and after that I'll make a decision whether to opt out of subs or just exit StockXpert completely.

I'm just very uncomfortable regarding the all the signals we've been getting ever since young Paddy's cack-handed intervention on behalf of JIU and I simply get the impression she really couldn't give two sh1ts about all the contributors as long as she gets her next promotion, etc.


« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2009, 21:37 »
Yea if I wasn't be that poor at Fotolia, StockXpert would be the last. 123RF is over by double. This month close like a coffin door over my head at StockXpert. I will think twice when I'll upload my next batches. I don't think I want to let the StockXpert buyers take all my images at subs prices, when they brought them at credits prices 3 months ago.

If they want so, then they just have go to Shutterstock. There I got 3 cents more and they can buy On demand. At least I will reach the payout there each months

« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2009, 04:13 »
Last year, they were number 4 for me, after SS, IS, DT and FT. So far this year, they are number 7, overtaken by BS and 123.

I think they are killing the brand name. Stupid move, but that's not unique   ::)

Now, CS has passed them as well, so they are number 8 for me so far in February. Who would have thunk   ???

Same is happening for me. Only 18 sales, all of them subscription. Crestock has made me 4x as much as StockXpert so far in February.


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