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Author Topic: Here we go again  (Read 32784 times)

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« Reply #75 on: April 22, 2011, 08:18 »
The site is still not working. Did anyone received some answers from either iStock or StockXpert?

Hello Luis,

Thank you very much for your email.

The site will be back up within the next few days.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please let us know if you require further assistance.



iStockphoto Team


  • O.I.D. Sufferer (Obsessive Illustration Disorder)
« Reply #76 on: April 22, 2011, 12:50 »
THAT's NOT a clear answer!  Let's continue to bombard them with WHEN WILL YOU PAY US inquiries!


« Reply #77 on: April 22, 2011, 17:58 »
The site is still not working. Did anyone received some answers from either iStock or StockXpert?

Monday Dec. 13th, 2010  ::) it says so right below this picture on the website. Which has what to do with moving?

If you ask IS about StockXpert they will say, they have no answers, they work for IS. If you ask StockXpert anything about IS they will say, they don't have an answer. They may be under the same owners, but the staff at the two places, at least when I've asked over the past year, are not in any way connected with each other. They don't answer questions from a difference division any more than Chevrolet will tell you anything about your Pontiac or Buick, even though they are all GM cars.

Now ThinkStock there's a good question? Both have images there, so who's answering their questions, or are they just feeding them and don't know anything?

Anyway, don't write to IS and ask about StockXpert it's a waste of time. Heck writing to StockXpert and asking about StockXpert is a waste of time. :D


« Reply #78 on: April 23, 2011, 10:23 »
Next Monday, December 13 is in 2021!


« Reply #79 on: April 23, 2011, 11:08 »
Sounds about right... wouldn't want to raise my expectations prematurely.  :D

« Reply #80 on: April 23, 2011, 18:20 »
If you ask IS about StockXpert they will say, they have no answers, they work for IS. If you ask StockXpert anything about IS they will say, they don't have an answer. They may be under the same owners, but the staff at the two places, at least when I've asked over the past year, are not in any way connected with each other. They don't answer questions from a difference division any more than Chevrolet will tell you anything about your Pontiac or Buick, even though they are all GM cars.

Now ThinkStock there's a good question? Both have images there, so who's answering their questions, or are they just feeding them and don't know anything?

Anyway, don't write to IS and ask about StockXpert it's a waste of time. Heck writing to StockXpert and asking about StockXpert is a waste of time. :D

... iStock are the ones providing support and answering StockXpert user. You definetly have to address iStock support for it...

Using the StockXpert contact form will get you a reply from iStock, using this address: S X P [at] istockphoto [dot] com

Can't be clearer than that :) So if you want to Spam support, use that address.


« Reply #81 on: April 23, 2011, 23:18 »
If you ask IS about StockXpert they will say, they have no answers, they work for IS. If you ask StockXpert anything about IS they will say, they don't have an answer. They may be under the same owners, but the staff at the two places, at least when I've asked over the past year, are not in any way connected with each other. They don't answer questions from a difference division any more than Chevrolet will tell you anything about your Pontiac or Buick, even though they are all GM cars.

Now ThinkStock there's a good question? Both have images there, so who's answering their questions, or are they just feeding them and don't know anything?

Anyway, don't write to IS and ask about StockXpert it's a waste of time. Heck writing to StockXpert and asking about StockXpert is a waste of time. :D

... iStock are the ones providing support and answering StockXpert user. You definetly have to address iStock support for it...

Using the StockXpert contact form will get you a reply from iStock, using this address: S X P [at] istockphoto [dot] com

Can't be clearer than that :) So if you want to Spam support, use that address.

But if you ask the StockXpert address an IS question about partner program or ThinkStock, you'll get the response that they don't deal with that. If you ask IS support they will say, they don't handle StockXpert or ThinkStock.

So yes, they may be in the same mail system, but it's not the same as IS PEOPLE or IS support. Hope that clears it up?

Good point and nice to have an address, because the site is no use at all.

"As to your istockphoto files which are in the partner program, please contact istockphoto contributor relations, I do not have any information about the partner program. you need to contact the respective site's support for answers."

Came from iStockphoto Team at the address you listed for StockXpert support.

BTW the "ContactUs" on the StockXpert site front page, (the one that says Dec. 13th) is a dead link.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 00:35 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #82 on: April 24, 2011, 07:29 »
BTW the "ContactUs" on the StockXpert site front page, (the one that says Dec. 13th) is a dead link.

It's a dead link since the site is down. Of course if you a question related to your iStockphoto account you need to use iStock website account. If you have questions and want to remove you files from Opt-In, you need to do some from iStock, not from Thinkstock and the other "partners". I was mentionning that if you have issues (like everyone is having right now) with StockXpert, then the address I gave was the one I received an email from after using StockXpert contact form.

Yes I guess you are right that it may not be IS support that deals with it, or it may be but if you don't use the right email address it does not go to the few person who might be support StockXpert.


« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2011, 16:37 »
Got this response from Darek ... today.

Thank you very much for your email.

We had problem with the royalties, similar to what happened back in December. We do have a permanent solution which is being tested and the site will be back up as soon as possible. I expect we will be back online by the end of this week, mid next week at the latest.

Thank you.


iStockphoto Team


« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2011, 20:28 »
I didn't intend to say you are wrong, just that they are different staffs, that use the same mail system. IS support knows nothing (or admits to nothing) about StockXpert or ThinkStock.

BTW the "ContactUs" on the StockXpert site front page, (the one that says Dec. 13th) is a dead link.

It's a dead link since the site is down. Of course if you a question related to your iStockphoto account you need to use iStock website account. If you have questions and want to remove you files from Opt-In, you need to do some from iStock, not from Thinkstock and the other "partners". I was mentionning that if you have issues (like everyone is having right now) with StockXpert, then the address I gave was the one I received an email from after using StockXpert contact form.

Yes I guess you are right that it may not be IS support that deals with it, or it may be but if you don't use the right email address it does not go to the few person who might be support StockXpert.

« Reply #85 on: April 27, 2011, 13:43 »
...or admits to nothing) about StockXpert or ThinkStock.

Hehe... If I were iStock, I would be the first to try not to be associated with StockXpert failures :p


« Reply #86 on: April 27, 2011, 14:09 »
None of you are getting any dosh!  hows that for a laugh. Although you might get a smack in the balls.


« Reply #87 on: April 28, 2011, 15:26 »
None of you are getting any dosh!  hows that for a laugh. Although you might get a smack in the balls.

I didn't ask for pasta? ;)

Well I learned a new word/term, thanks. Any bets on how many days or hours until it seeps out of my brain again?  :)

For those who aren't Brits. Dosh = Cash or money.

Not to worry Lager Eek I don't make enough on StockXpert to cash out more than once a year, there's no hurry to see the pocket change adding up now or in two weeks. It will eventually be counted and added to the piggy bank for the end of the year withdrawal.

« Reply #88 on: April 28, 2011, 15:41 »
Sorry to take this OT.  I love the cockney words for money.  See if you can work this out.  If they owe you a monkey, you might get lucky and get a gregory to stick in the J. Arthur.  Don't think they pay out for a pony or a score.  If none of that makes sense, I did this hubpage that might shed some light. http://hubpages.com/hub/Cockney-words-used-for-money
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 18:05 by sharpshot »


« Reply #89 on: April 28, 2011, 16:06 »
Wondering if Google Translator works on that?  :P

« Reply #90 on: April 28, 2011, 16:33 »
15 days later and we are still waiting, this is incredible funny I am quite happy with them once more, thanks!!


« Reply #91 on: April 28, 2011, 18:08 »
seems like login to the site is back right now - not sure if everything is alright anyway: march sales are still missing
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 18:16 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #92 on: April 28, 2011, 19:38 »
seems like login to the site is back right now - not sure if everything is alright anyway: march sales are still missing

I got an email telling me if I behave properly I will receive March sales for next Christmas!!! :)

« Reply #93 on: April 28, 2011, 20:53 »
Sorry to take this OT.  I love the cockney words for money.  See if you can work this out.  If they owe you a monkey, you might get lucky and get a gregory to stick in the J. Arthur.  Don't think they pay out for a pony or a score.  If none of that makes sense, I did this hubpage that might shed some light. http://hubpages.com/hub/Cockney-words-used-for-money

Hehe you guys gave me a good laugh :)... It now makes me happy to look at this thread... keep it up ;)

« Reply #94 on: April 28, 2011, 21:53 »
March sales are getting in.. one by one.. still no repetition :P


« Reply #95 on: April 29, 2011, 00:00 »
Sorry to take this OT.  I love the cockney words for money.  See if you can work this out.  If they owe you a monkey, you might get lucky and get a gregory to stick in the J. Arthur.  Don't think they pay out for a pony or a score.  If none of that makes sense, I did this hubpage that might shed some light. http://hubpages.com/hub/Cockney-words-used-for-money

Monkey  is 500 quid, right
Poney     is 50
Gregory?  dont know
Grand is  1000
quid  is 1 pound
score is 20 pounds.

see if you get this one:  whats a "trouble and strife" ;D


« Reply #96 on: April 29, 2011, 00:03 »
seems like login to the site is back right now - not sure if everything is alright anyway: march sales are still missing

I got an email telling me if I behave properly I will receive March sales for next Christmas!!! :)

See!  What did I tell you,  no dosh but Santa comes and smack you in the gulies. good hey?

« Reply #97 on: April 29, 2011, 02:31 »
Sorry to take this OT.  I love the cockney words for money.  See if you can work this out.  If they owe you a monkey, you might get lucky and get a gregory to stick in the J. Arthur.  Don't think they pay out for a pony or a score.  If none of that makes sense, I did this hubpage that might shed some light. http://hubpages.com/hub/Cockney-words-used-for-money

Monkey  is 500 quid, right
Poney     is 50
Gregory?  dont know
Grand is  1000
quid  is 1 pound
score is 20 pounds.

see if you get this one:  whats a "trouble and strife" ;D
A pony is 25.  A gregory is a cheque (rhymes with Gregory Peck).
The "trouble and strife" is the wife.  So when you see her, you say "here comes trouble".  It's also a good book by David Bailey of nude and glamour photos of his then wife Marie Helvin.  I used to love the photography section in the library in my teenage years :)

« Reply #98 on: April 29, 2011, 02:57 »
The Deed is finally done, so let's see what happens next month . . . . . .  any guesses?

« Reply #99 on: April 29, 2011, 05:27 »
glad they figured it out.  The $$ are slightly more than last month, I guess I should be glad they aren't too much more.  I'd rather have the customers buying elsewhere.



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