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Author Topic: Stocksy's call to artist  (Read 134318 times)

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« Reply #225 on: February 23, 2016, 13:47 »
Love Stocksy, but find it odd that they haven't updated the categories on their home page since around Christmas by the looks of it.  Would have thought categories would now be more focussed on Easter, spring, etc.  Minor point, but just looks a bit strange for an agency that prides itself on being on trend / ahead of the curve to fall behind in updating home page

LOL, perharps growing pains. normal for newly startups, to go like a bullet maiden voyage then slow down once the novelty sets it. much like a new car or a new toy or like you say a new trend.
only hope it is not another canva. but after veer,....(enter your once fave bet )... many are not kin no more with the nkotb

« Reply #226 on: February 23, 2016, 20:27 »
I wonder if Bruce is looking for another 50mill+ buyer?
Someone makes this speculation every few months.  Let's put it to rest, shall we?  Stocksy is a co-op.  This is not a thing that will or even could happen.
Time to wake up. I like many other people wonder if Bruce had stayed at the helm of istock, would we have been better off. Stock has been my full-time job for 10 years so it kind of matters when, after everyone else has taken a percentage on the way through, it puts food on the table.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 20:35 by goober »


« Reply #227 on: February 24, 2016, 13:28 »
I wonder if Bruce is looking for another 50mill+ buyer?
Someone makes this speculation every few months.  Let's put it to rest, shall we?  Stocksy is a co-op.  This is not a thing that will or even could happen.
Time to wake up. I like many other people wonder if Bruce had stayed at the helm of istock, would we have been better off. Stock has been my full-time job for 10 years so it kind of matters when, after everyone else has taken a percentage on the way through, it puts food on the table.
Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014. 

« Reply #228 on: February 24, 2016, 14:30 »
I wonder if Bruce is looking for another 50mill+ buyer?
Someone makes this speculation every few months.  Let's put it to rest, shall we?  Stocksy is a co-op.  This is not a thing that will or even could happen.
Time to wake up. I like many other people wonder if Bruce had stayed at the helm of istock, would we have been better off. Stock has been my full-time job for 10 years so it kind of matters when, after everyone else has taken a percentage on the way through, it puts food on the table.
Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014.

i think the word bruce l........  sort of spooked a lot of ex istock faithful and repelled them from stocksy no matter how coop it is.  it's difficult to come on stage as a hen after being known as the fox to say you are now going to help the chicken grow 8)

Rose Tinted Glasses

« Reply #229 on: February 24, 2016, 14:45 »
I wonder if Bruce is looking for another 50mill+ buyer?
Someone makes this speculation every few months.  Let's put it to rest, shall we?  Stocksy is a co-op.  This is not a thing that will or even could happen.
Time to wake up. I like many other people wonder if Bruce had stayed at the helm of istock, would we have been better off. Stock has been my full-time job for 10 years so it kind of matters when, after everyone else has taken a percentage on the way through, it puts food on the table.
Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014.

i think the word bruce l........  sort of spooked a lot of ex istock faithful and repelled them from stocksy no matter how coop it is.  it's difficult to come on stage as a hen after being known as the fox to say you are now going to help the chicken grow 8)

Exactly!!! Very good analogy of Bruce.

« Reply #230 on: February 24, 2016, 14:58 »
Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014.
No, but the co-op literally could decide together. Are you saying that if you weren't offered a huge amount of money as a member of the co-op (I believe I have seen you post that you are), you wouldn't bow out? I think everybody has a price. So literally just substitute co-op where the poster said "Bruce", and I think the speculation still provides food for thought.


« Reply #231 on: February 24, 2016, 16:02 »
Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014.
No, but the co-op literally could decide together. Are you saying that if you weren't offered a huge amount of money as a member of the co-op (I believe I have seen you post that you are), you wouldn't bow out? I think everybody has a price. So literally just substitute co-op where the poster said "Bruce", and I think the speculation still provides food for thought.
Nope. I like my job. But that's irrelevant because it's not on the table. 

« Reply #232 on: February 24, 2016, 19:50 »
I wonder if Bruce is looking for another 50mill+ buyer?

Someone makes this speculation every few months.  Let's put it to rest, shall we?  Stocksy is a co-op.  This is not a thing that will or even could happen.

Time to wake up. I like many other people wonder if Bruce had stayed at the helm of istock, would we have been better off. Stock has been my full-time job for 10 years so it kind of matters when, after everyone else has taken a percentage on the way through, it puts food on the table.

Wake up how? Stocksy is a co-op. That means one person literally can't just decide to sell the company.  Also, Bruce hasn't been the CEO of Stocksy since 2014.

Ok, so we can put 'to bed' the idea of Bruce selling Stocksy because you've all been co-opted. My point about istock being better off still stands.

Nice little article about the debt laden Getty images.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 23:26 by goober »

« Reply #233 on: February 24, 2016, 20:32 »

« Reply #234 on: February 24, 2016, 21:48 »
Oh, so, the cow and its products wasnt just free, it brought a nice wedding gift as well...

Well, this will allow many people to sleep better, their jobs just got extended by months or years?

Maybe Visual China will buy all of Getty. That would be really interesting to watch.

« Reply #235 on: February 24, 2016, 22:52 »
Just for kicks a doco about The Carlyle Group. Osama Debt Laden.



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