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Author Topic: Uploading to Stockfresh  (Read 20280 times)

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« on: December 26, 2010, 12:01 »
So I finally uploaded my first images yesterday night. The guys are working, got them reviewed today.  Some were rejected, but when I put my mouse over the red circle, it doesn't say what was the reason for the rejection.  I remember this is how we saw the results in StockXpert. No site mail or email either. Am I missing something?

Another question, I am using the web upload, but when I select a group of 5-6 images, often 2-3 of them fail to upload. Then they upload in a second attempt, so it's not a minimum pixel size issue.

« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2010, 12:23 »
you need to click that red dot to see the rejection message.

« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2010, 12:33 »
Thank you!

Hmm, so I got these rejected for "visible logos and brands".  All logos were cloned out from the notebook, although possibly many can identify it as Sony Vaio:
This one puzzles even more, and even the zipper has no name or logo in it (I even checked the parka itself!)

« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2010, 13:23 »
So I finally uploaded my first images yesterday night. The guys are working, got them reviewed today.  Some were rejected, but when I put my mouse over the red circle, it doesn't say what was the reason for the rejection.  I remember this is how we saw the results in StockXpert. No site mail or email either. Am I missing something?

Another question, I am using the web upload, but when I select a group of 5-6 images, often 2-3 of them fail to upload. Then they upload in a second attempt, so it's not a minimum pixel size issue.

wish you a nice ride.. still waiting from June :P


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2010, 13:27 »
Thank you!

Hmm, so I got these rejected for "visible logos and brands".  All logos were cloned out from the notebook, although possibly many can identify it as Sony Vaio:
This one puzzles even more, and even the zipper has no name or logo in it (I even checked the parka itself!)

Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 13:29 by donding »

« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2010, 13:48 »
Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%

Indeed, there is the Windows key, although it looks unclear, everyone knows the Windows key is there.  I may clone it out.  Nobody ever bothered about it, but anyway....


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2010, 14:03 »
Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%

Indeed, there is the Windows key, although it looks unclear, everyone knows the Windows key is there.  I may clone it out.  Nobody ever bothered about it, but anyway....

I've had rejects on other sites for the windows key even when it wasn't real visible. I haven't even tried getting on StockFresh yet.

« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2010, 14:37 »

« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2010, 11:04 »
Maybe they see the little indentation under the hole in the zipper and think it is a logo??

EDIT:   Maybe the logo they are referring to is on the key board. They must zoom in at 200%

Indeed, there is the Windows key, although it looks unclear, everyone knows the Windows key is there.  I may clone it out.  Nobody ever bothered about it, but anyway....

I've had rejects on other sites for the windows key even when it wasn't real visible. I haven't even tried getting on StockFresh yet.

me too, I'd say it's the windows key -- I always clone that out now, even if it looks like a blob on the key - I just make it look blank.

as for the parka image.. there is some mark on the zipper thing - that may be it.  too bad they dont do a quick screen shot or tell you where to look. 

« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2010, 16:19 »
I'll clone out the Windows key and that thing in the zipper head, although it doen't seem to be a logo (as I said, I looked at the real-life parka). Anyway, lesson learned.

Got a rejection today for "please upload better quality images" - argh! How I hated that expression in StockXpert. ;D  I expected this to be rejected for size (it's under 2MPix) but never due to this, given it sold several times at StockXpert (not bad for a specific landscape image in such a small size).

« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2010, 20:32 »
Still waiting for review of my initial upload - since June!

Same here! Nice to read that there are people accepted and uploading there!

By the time we are "invited" to this exclusive club we are allowed to upload 15 images a day so it will take years to built up a reasonable portfolio there!
What if your initial upload isn't accepted? You can upload another batch and wait another half year?
I wonder if they are going to send us a Happy Birthday card or some other nice reminder when we are in the pending queue for a year?

« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2010, 21:10 »
actually it's 25 a day, at least that's what mine is and I dont think I've been there long enough to be more than the minimum, it's always been 25 a day for me.

yeah, I've gotten the "please upload better quality images" too.. I just smile and go on to another file.  some of those are my earlier work so they probably could be better.   :)

« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2010, 03:58 »
i am at 20 per,day, does it depend on acceptance ratio? Mine is 75%, but I expect it to improve as I get a better feeling of what they want.

« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 04:17 »
What if your initial upload isn't accepted? You can upload another batch and wait another half year?

My application was rejected. :(

On Dec 17, 2010 I wrote to stockfresh support asking when I could resubmit my application:

I plan to submit a new contributor application, since the first was rejected about a month. Please tell me when and how I can send it.

Peter sent me a response:

Dear Jose,

Thank you for writing. Unfortunately we are overwhelmed with applications and we are not able to handle repeated applications at the moment. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
Peter Hamza

I'm a little upset because I was working with StockXpert for quite some time  >:(

There will be patient if you have been rejected ???


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