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Author Topic: about software microstockr  (Read 9048 times)

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« on: February 25, 2017, 05:07 »
Hello everyone,

have someone the software microstockr? and how long time
is the software trusty?
i have the software download but i don't know how it works

thx by advance

« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 06:21 »
You just need to log into each account you have on the app and away you go. It's great, occasionally things aren't working perfectly but they are usually fixed quite fast. The iStock balance isn't working but I'm pretty sure that's iStock's fault.

The phone app has a problem with showing the thumbnail of sales of a couple of the agencies. Unless it's something I'm doing wrong but all the totals are correct except for iStock.

« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2017, 06:51 »
Ok thank you for you feedback

Wow nice software i will now him downloaden :-))
is the software also trusty???


« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2017, 07:13 »
I'm using this one. It's very easy and nice, the thing I like the most is Collections. You can trace your earnings from specific trip, photo or video shoot, you just add downloaded items to proper collection. As for safety I can suggest you checking your registration email very often in any case, whether you are using some third party apps or not. Generally you'll get stock site report immediately if somebody would change your Paypal payment address for example.

« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2017, 08:04 »
Ok thx Irina,

But if i understand must im always change my paypal account??
but one ask i must give the passwords in the software microstock from my stocksites accounts, can the people from the software know my paswords from all my stocksites accounts???

example can they stole my money or something
sorry for my english but i hope your understand me  :)
i come from europe

« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2017, 08:13 »
I believe it's safe. Read their F.A.Q.s for some information about security.


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2017, 10:07 »
I did a review of it back in November. I think it is safe and the passwords are only held on your computer. Here is the review:


« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2017, 10:38 »
I think i trust the software not,why
you must give the passwords in every accounts and the pp from the software know now you details from the accounts and you adress money all the profile and that's why i don't trust it its a nice software yes true but i will keep it secret my details

But thx for all the feedback and support


« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2017, 10:58 »
Ok thx Irina,

But if i understand must im always change my paypal account??
but one ask i must give the passwords in the software microstock from my stocksites accounts, can the people from the software know my paswords from all my stocksites accounts???

example can they stole my money or something
sorry for my english but i hope your understand me  :)
i come from europe

There are a lot of apps which help to work in microstock, almost all of them require account login and password info. Personally I believe most of the popular apps are completely safe. It would be quite a dumb fraud business to develop multiple versions of software through several years and growing loyal community and then try to steal contributors' money just once. Every popular app like Microstockr as a business and a reputation costs way more than that.

« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2017, 12:29 »
Ok thx Irina,

But if i understand must im always change my paypal account??
but one ask i must give the passwords in the software microstock from my stocksites accounts, can the people from the software know my paswords from all my stocksites accounts???

example can they stole my money or something
sorry for my english but i hope your understand me  :)
i come from europe

There are a lot of apps which help to work in microstock, almost all of them require account login and password info. Personally I believe most of the popular apps are completely safe. It would be quite a dumb fraud business to develop multiple versions of software through several years and growing loyal community and then try to steal contributors' money just once. Every popular app like Microstockr as a business and a reputation costs way more than that.

Yes that's true
But what i not understand microstockr pro for desktop is 100% free so they make not money why they do that? for nothing will the sun go up
but the producent of the microstock pro they have much work always update and all free sorry that's not normal why they do that??


« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2017, 17:30 »
Ok thx Irina,

But if i understand must im always change my paypal account??
but one ask i must give the passwords in the software microstock from my stocksites accounts, can the people from the software know my paswords from all my stocksites accounts???

example can they stole my money or something
sorry for my english but i hope your understand me  :)
i come from europe

There are a lot of apps which help to work in microstock, almost all of them require account login and password info. Personally I believe most of the popular apps are completely safe. It would be quite a dumb fraud business to develop multiple versions of software through several years and growing loyal community and then try to steal contributors' money just once. Every popular app like Microstockr as a business and a reputation costs way more than that.

Yes that's true
But what i not understand microstockr pro for desktop is 100% free so they make not money why they do that? for nothing will the sun go up
but the producent of the microstock pro they have much work always update and all free sorry that's not normal why they do that??

They sell mobile apps and the desktop version is kind of promo for it I guess.

« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2017, 17:40 »
Ok thx Irina,

But if i understand must im always change my paypal account??
but one ask i must give the passwords in the software microstock from my stocksites accounts, can the people from the software know my paswords from all my stocksites accounts???

example can they stole my money or something
sorry for my english but i hope your understand me  :)
i come from europe

There are a lot of apps which help to work in microstock, almost all of them require account login and password info. Personally I believe most of the popular apps are completely safe. It would be quite a dumb fraud business to develop multiple versions of software through several years and growing loyal community and then try to steal contributors' money just once. Every popular app like Microstockr as a business and a reputation costs way more than that.

Yes that's true
But what i not understand microstockr pro for desktop is 100% free so they make not money why they do that? for nothing will the sun go up
but the producent of the microstock pro they have much work always update and all free sorry that's not normal why they do that??

They sell mobile apps and the desktop version is kind of promo for it I guess.

The mobile app is free also but if you want all agencies you need to pay, for instance Alamy is not a free account. I think the desktop is the same, you need to pay if your agency is not among the free ones, correct me if that's wrong.


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2017, 18:41 »
The desktop is currently free, but the author plans to charge a monthly fee once the various bugs have been worked out. So the intent is to get people used to the service and liking it, and then introduce a, hopefully, small charge. It is not an unusual business model.


« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2017, 20:10 »
The desktop is currently free, but the author plans to charge a monthly fee once the various bugs have been worked out. So the intent is to get people used to the service and liking it, and then introduce a, hopefully, small charge. It is not an unusual business model.


Thanks, I didn't realise all accounts were included on the desktop app.

« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2017, 05:21 »
how much people have the microstock app for mac and that's the experience ???

is that a trust app have eney one ever problem had with something???

thx by advance

« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2017, 06:29 »
Great app, both for windows and android, easy to use, stable, constant updates, quick user support, really nice for tracking sales and stats, free for now.

BTW iStock/Getty works as of recently, but of course reports the last statement from ESP.

« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2017, 07:19 »
Great app, both for windows and android, easy to use, stable, constant updates, quick user support, really nice for tracking sales and stats, free for now.

BTW iStock/Getty works as of recently, but of course reports the last statement from ESP.

Ok thank you for you feedback

« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2017, 08:27 »
I haven't been able to login to my pond5 account using the desktop app for months now. Anyone else?

« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2017, 09:26 »
Two days ago I login and upgrade my iMac version of microstockr pro after 6 months, sudden (yesterday and today) my downloads almost frozen on all sites. I believe that the use of these applications is safe and I hope that my very very poor sales in last two days is just a coincidence. Who knows..


  • Microstock analytics tools for the 21st century.
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2017, 01:55 »
I think i trust the software not,why
you must give the passwords in every accounts and the pp from the software know now you details from the accounts and you adress money all the profile and that's why i don't trust it its a nice software yes true but i will keep it secret my details.

Hey there,
about the credentials. As a company policy we only store login informations such as username and passwords locally both on the mobile app and desktop app. This information is encrypted and kept on your smartphone or laptop. All communication happens only between the device and the agency server. We do not intercept this data or send it to any of our servers.

We have over 12000 mobile users and 4000 desktop users and none of them ever had their passwords stolen. We're doing this since 2012, if we had stolen anything the word would've spread out to other users and we would've run out of business. You only need this to happen to 1 individual.

We understand that it is vital to keep this information safe, that's why we don't store login accounts info on our servers, but on your device.

Hope this helps.


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