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Author Topic: Topaz Remask 5  (Read 5408 times)

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« on: August 28, 2015, 16:48 »
Topaz Labs just released Topaz ReMask 5, an updated version of their masking software, complete with new features. The update is free to anyone who already owns ReMask, and for those who dont own it, ReMask 5 will be on sale ($20 off) from August 25th September 18th. You can share the coupon code "GetReMask5" with your friends so they can also take advantage of the discounted price of $49.99 (regularly $69.99).

The program works now in standalone mode and can be called also from Adobe Lightroom.

Here is the Topaz link:
Topaz Remask  and enter "GetReMask5" as the coupon code to get the $20 discount.


« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 03:49 »
And just it was unclear to anybody else - it is still a Photoshop plugin!

PS I see on my computer I'm getting various 'generations'of some Topaz plugins. Once I have downloaded - say - Remask 5, is it ok to go and delete Remask 4 and 3 - or might dreadful things happen.....
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 08:42 by PZF »

« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 09:36 »
How well does it work in practice?  Reviews are very mixed.  Is anybody here using it and does it really work as advertised?


« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2015, 10:49 »
Yes it does.


Results still vary depending on the image. If you have an image with good contrast between the subject to be isolated and the background the results are excellent. If you have a green object on a green background it won't give good results. You also have to know how to use it because there are tricks to refining the edge and also a bit of work involved in getting a good edge but if you take time it can do things that you couldn't do with the native tools in photoshop or lightroom.

It's basically the same software that used to be called Knockout 2 way way back when Corel owned it. I loved it then and was disappointed when it stopped working in Photoshop (I think when it went to 32bit or 64bit something like that) I looked for a long time for an upgrade for it since it's the best knockout tool I ever used. I was very happy when I discovered remask. And I'm not paid to say that.

« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2015, 17:25 »
Yes it does.
 if you take time it can do things that you couldn't do with the native tools in photoshop or lightroom

Thanks - that is the critical point.  In that case it would be worth the expense.

« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2015, 03:30 »
The fact that the program works now also in standalone mode is quite useful, both for people who don't own a Photoshop or even for isolations and simple compositing which could be now done on a separate computer without Photoshop. Using Remask 5 in standalone mode, you can cut out an element quickly from an image, finetune the mask, and then replace the masked out portion with white (or any other color), or with another background image, such as clouds or water. The final composited image can be saved as JPG, TIF or PNG file.


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