Hi Everybody,
My DPP software wasn't responding so well this morning so I started looking for an update to my old version 3.15.0 of Digital Photo Professional or DPP and found dppm4.4.30 or Digital Photo Professional 4.4.30 that's been available since 03/31/16.
Since I'm in America I found it at
https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/supportIf you're in another country you would probably need to do a search on it, for example in Europe it would be found after going to
https://software.canon-europe.comI just poked around inside it for a few minutes. OMG it sure is changed a lot, looks a lot different. It's going to take some getting used to. Will try to customize it to make it easier on the eyes. I did notice they had a couple of youtube tutorials of version 4 out in 2015 so I may need to check that out a bit and maybe search for other tutorials too.
I'm definitely saving my older version of DPP just in case I find the new version a bit much to adjust to at times.
What are your thoughts on the newest version of DPP?
I hope this helps. Best of luck to everyone.