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Author Topic: Adobe CEO admits need to 'tweak' Creative Suite's cloud-only policy  (Read 20993 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 09:46 »
on a joking side- one of the benefits of a cloud program? It's FREE!  ;)     This might make a lot of companies realize that they should stick with the traditional boxed software. Personally I like to be able to hold something - it adds a mental (tangible) meaning to me...


  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2013, 14:18 »
I'd like to buy CS6 now too, but cannot find any place still selling it ??

Try here.  I just bought my copy a couple of weeks ago.


« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2013, 14:50 »
I'd like to buy CS6 now too, but cannot find any place still selling it ??

Try here.  I just bought my copy a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks!  I just gave it a try, but then at checkout I got the notice "Please note that you must buy a minimum of 5 Client access licenses (CALs) per purchase."  What would that mean?    (I was trying to buy the upgrade from CS5 to CS6, photoshop only).

« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2013, 17:30 »
I'd like to buy CS6 now too, but cannot find any place still selling it ??

Try here.  I just bought my copy a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks!  I just gave it a try, but then at checkout I got the notice "Please note that you must buy a minimum of 5 Client access licenses (CALs) per purchase."  What would that mean?    (I was trying to buy the upgrade from CS5 to CS6, photoshop only).

That means that they are making you purchase 5 licenses, not just one. So whatever the cost for 1 license, multiply by 5 or thereabouts, and that's what it will cost you. At least that's what I get from it. But w7lwi said he/she bought a copy, so not sure why they could just buy one license and you can't. Maybe the store is getting greedy because they know there is a demand?


  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2013, 17:47 »
I was going from CS4 extended to just a "normal" CS6.  So rather than an upgrade, I simply purchased a new CS6 disc for $449.  No problem.

edit to correct price.


« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2013, 18:02 »
I'd like to buy CS6 now too, but cannot find any place still selling it ??

Here and it's on special offer.........not that it's cheap at 665 ex 21% VAT.


Upgrade is cheaper:

« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 18:06 by OM »

« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2013, 13:30 »
I finally got my upgrade!  After checking out on the Adobe site, I always landed on an error page.  So I called the Belgian Adobe desk and I got a very nice English speaking guy who tried to convince me NOT to buy the upgrade to CS6.  His reasons :  (1) the new cloud system was soooo much more interesting, and (2) why upgrade while CS6 had almost nothing better to offer than CS5 !! (really!!)
I just kept on saying that I really wanted to buy the upgrade, and I kept on asking if it was still possible, and finally he asked my Adobe login name and sold me the upgrade.  So, it's still possible, you simply have to be more stubborn than Adobe   ;)
I'm not going to install it immediately.  I only wanted it for my new pc in Sept/October, but I'm sure we won't be able to buy it anymore then.


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