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Author Topic: Cancelled my account....  (Read 14891 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2008, 04:36 »
Out of boredom I popped into the village today to see if anything had changed.

Nope.  Site was slow.  Nothing seemed different.  Snappyness thing still doesn't work.

One of Yuri's pictures on the front page, one of Ron's prominent in the snappyness selection (which is actually chosen manually by SV because their 'sophisticated algorithm' doesn't actually exist).

I'm glad I'm outta there.

Still, for those still involved I hope some sales are being made.

A question: why is the maximum image size 7mp?  Is this a deliberate thing to differentiate snapvillage from their Corbis parent?

« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2008, 09:17 »
No professional designer, magazine or newspaper in the entire world will even be tempted to look at something called snapvillage.  These are professional people and they don't buy snaps. 

I don't agree.  Corbis is a huge site and a lot of their customers will look at SV.  Most of the magazines and newspapers I look at are full of snap shots.  If they buy them from istock, they will buy them from SV.

Bill Gates must be interested because he owns Corbis and I have read that he wants to sell lower cost images.  If he wasn't interested, SV wouldn't exist.There is a huge market for cheap images and a company owned by Bill Gates should have good opportunities to grab some market share in the future.

well, if atilla considers so many of our good shots as snapshots ::) ::) ::)
then perharps snapshots should be what snapvillage be selling.
for this alone i will definitely join snapvillage.

even more importantly, if i have to back my money on someone
..it has to be Bill Gates. so if Bill buys into any stock sites and fires atilla and get all snapshots accepted.
i would sooner go with Bill Gates then some guy named atilla.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2008, 09:29 »

well, if atilla considers so many of our good shots as snapshots ::) ::) ::)
i would sooner go with Bill Gates then some guy named atilla.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

ugh.. never thought i'd read an article with atilla and bill gates in the same sentence. ouch that hurts  :D
atilla, don't quit your dayjob for snapvillage ;D
then again why would he? there would be more work to him than merely selecting "this...s...shot" disposition code  ::)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 09:33 by fotoKmyst »


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