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Author Topic: Payments from HAAP media long after account cancelled  (Read 7930 times)

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« on: February 17, 2011, 18:57 »
About a year or more ago, I asked for all my former Stockxpert photos to be deleted from Thinkstock, and as far as I can tell by searching, that has been done.

The odd thing is that every couple of months I continue to receive a payment from HAAP media into my PayPal account.   Usually, its about $5, but recently there was one for $40.    I guess I should be pleased that they are paying me money that I had not expected, but it makes me wonder what it is for, and how long ago those sales occurred.

Is anybody else in this situation, and do you know what its about?

« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 19:01 »
Maybe some of your images are on their old partner program sites and weren't removed from there?


« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 19:44 »
   Yes, I have been having an ongoing battle with Istock over this. I removed my files over the summer, and got a snooty note from them to the effect that they were entitled to sell my images up til october, and they were going to go to the last day. Unfortunately, they kept going. They keep saying that it's all a mistake, or these are old sales, or whatever drivel they can dream up. They don't have the right to sell these files, but it's a question of how hard to push it. Perhaps I'll send them a bill for illegal usage and copyright infringement.

« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 20:00 »
   Yes, I have been having an ongoing battle with Istock over this. I removed my files over the summer, and got a snooty note from them to the effect that they were entitled to sell my images up til october, and they were going to go to the last day. Unfortunately, they kept going. They keep saying that it's all a mistake, or these are old sales, or whatever drivel they can dream up. They don't have the right to sell these files, but it's a question of how hard to push it. Perhaps I'll send them a bill for illegal usage and copyright infringement.

With the big mess they have going on there now, I don't think they even know who is owed what. Hence the excuses.

« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 20:01 »
   Yes, I have been having an ongoing battle with Istock over this. I removed my files over the summer, and got a snooty note from them to the effect that they were entitled to sell my images up til october, and they were going to go to the last day. Unfortunately, they kept going. They keep saying that it's all a mistake, or these are old sales, or whatever drivel they can dream up. They don't have the right to sell these files, but it's a question of how hard to push it. Perhaps I'll send them a bill for illegal usage and copyright infringement.

Or send them some kind of tax IRS inspection. Maybe IRS inspection can tell us for which day payment is for which month.

« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 03:54 »

Yes, I'm in the same situation. It was a long story to remove my files from stinksock. I was opted out for this at stockxpert, but they sold my pictures at stinksock. I contacted them by mail, deleted all my pictures at stockxpert, deleted my account at stockxpert... but they sold my pictures at stinksock also some weeks later.

Now the pictures are deleted also at stinksock some weeks ago, maybe 2 months. I hope it's the rest of the money also !


« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2011, 13:29 »
  As an update, I contacted the help desk at Istock, who assure me that the most recent payment from HAAP ,in feb 2011, is in fact for sales made prior to october 21, 2010. They are just now getting around to paying me. That, unfortunately, is entirely believable, coming from them.


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