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Author Topic: ShutterStock ... Help me decide  (Read 5497 times)

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« on: April 22, 2009, 17:09 »
I've followed your discussions on which are the best sites and how to approach them.  I think I've finally gathered enough images to "trickle" my portfolio to ShutterStock.  I've read what many say about Newbies having early sales there.  I'm intrigued.  But, reading about opening an account is intimidating and disappointing.  Are all (or most all) images sold for 25 cents?  They certainly emphasise the Subscription Model. 

Also, would anyone mind looking thru my portfolio on DT and see if I have ten images to upload?  Or, if my portfolio would be accepted?

Maybe I should try a few more smaller agendies?  123rf? 

« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 17:21 »
Unless you try nobody can give assurance that you can succeed on SS. For me pictures rejected there are selling on other site or vice versa.

« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 18:26 »
I helped 3-4 people to get in, but I must admit I don't like to pick images of other people for that first batch because sometimes it's very hard to get in. Don't get disappointed if you don't get in right now, because there are people who tried 7-8 times, and finally they got in. Once you are in, whole process will be much simpler and easier.
I advice you to post your images at SS forum, because they like when newbies do it. I don't like subs, SS is by far my nest earner, and you will see downloads the first day your images get online. You just have to be patient with that first batch. Your images have to be with strong concept and completely free of noise, with some color boost. Your colors should follow the point of your image. For example, If you have happy children on your image, colors should be warmer.
Now, if you ask me, I like your motorcycle editorial images very much, but I can't remember if you can submit them for your first batch....you have to ask that somebody else. From you other images, I would choose these images, but I also think you could make some great shots with people, because everybody likes them.

Background on your image with strawberries and wine isn't evenly lighted. It's darker on the right. Can you correct it a bit?
The man who plays a guitar....lighten up the image a bit, especially his face. SS likes to see lightened faces of people.

The rest of your port is good, but for SS application your images should be really striking. Most people loose their patience in this process and they never bet in. I have 13 referrals there, and only 4 of them have images online. I guess the rest lost their patience. My 4 active referrals had 32 downloads today in total...   

« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 22:12 »
SS is a weird creature, they're really picky about the initial test submission but after that they'll accept virtually every thing you throw at them, including pictures they declined in the initial application.

On your DT home page, the nine most popular images would probably be a good place to start.  I'm not sure how the RV camping, masonic pin, and stop sign would do.  I also remember hearing not to submit isolated objects for the initial test.

I got in on my fourth try, the previous three tries all ten files were refused.  On the fourth attempt I made a point of writing a note to the reviewer explaining that this was my fourth attempt, and that I had submitted photos that were selling very well at other sites... all ten photos were accepted.  I'm not sure the impact the note had, but it was advice given on another post on MSG, I followed it and got accepted.

Good luck!

« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2009, 04:33 »
Yes, I forgot to say. Nice note to reviewer can help ;)

« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2009, 05:44 »
People say theyve been harder and harder in reviewing, still its the site that take most pictures. If not the first time. fix the problem and theyll take it the next time.   And as Whitechild say. They like unreal colors and lighting.

There are quite a lot of 1.81 ( on demand) and sometimes Els for 28$

Good luck :)

« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 11:51 »
I had three isolated objects accepted in my submission.  I had heard that you should have a diverse group of images, which is what I tried to do.  I later read that some one submitted 10 isolated images and got approved.  I also saw some one with 10 bird pics that got approved.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 11:53 by packerguy »


« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 14:00 »
Thanks all.  The comments are very helpful.  I need to ask another question ... All my people pictures are exclusive to DT.  Does that mean I cannot use them for SS evaluation?  Do they keep what is approved?


« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2009, 14:07 »
I would definitely NOT submit DT exclusive images to SS or anywhere else.  You could get in hot water at DT. 

If you want to submit people images to Shutterstock you should probably do some new ones. 

Sounds like Whitechild really has the scoop on how to get accepted there.  I don't know personally because when I started they didn't have the test submission thing.  Just either took your images or not. 

But one thing I wanted to mention is that I would not let the 25 cent subs bother you.  Images sell fast there so it is pretty easy to move up to the next level where you will be getting (I believe) .33/DL and you can keep moving up from there.  Currently the highest level is .38, which does add up to a nice payout pretty quickly. 

Good luck! 

« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2009, 14:35 »
Sounds like Whitechild really has the scoop on how to get accepted there.  I don't know personally because when I started they didn't have the test submission thing.  Just either took your images or not. 

Whitechild has helped me too to get in. Thanks again! :)  I followed his advice and posted my images on the SS forum for critiques. It took a few iterations of critiques, some pretty harsh, but in the end I was clear what to submit and I got in from the first try.


« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2009, 12:42 »
Thanks all.  The comments are very helpful.  I need to ask another question ... All my people pictures are exclusive to DT.  Does that mean I cannot use them for SS evaluation?  Do they keep what is approved?

As I know if they accept your images they go automatically online... So, don't send your exclusive images from anywhere!

I was accepted in second try 2007 with my 8 of 10 isolated pastry series... I doubt they now will allow such approach... But, try to diversify and keep an eye on noise, finging, lighting and don't worry if image is up to 30% more saturated... They like saturated images unlikely as iStock...
So, maybe you even can try to send some rejected from iStock due to I had expirience that what they've rejected sold like hot cakes on other places.

SS is not 'art gallery' it is as its name say Stock image marketplace. But, take care that you send in only marketable images and no flowers, sunsets and similar...

« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2009, 12:46 »
I would not submit to SS till you had a nice size portfolio for the reasons of your first 1-2 months you will make a nice amount if your images are good.
If you study and look at any of the top selling microstock photographers, none of them are exclusive because that is simply not how you are going to make the most money.
If you are serious about Microstock... submit to the top agencies first and work your way down. If you have a nice sized portfolio, you can make quite a bit of money monthly. Just keep building your port EVERY month. The more uploads.. the more sells and exposure.
Your top agencies are listed to the left.  ---->
As an image inspector...for getting your first images approved... I know you need to look at your images at 100%. Look for any artifacts and make sure they are properly exposed and sharp. Is it something that is in demand that will sell? Make sure there are no copyrights in the images. How does your composition look? Does it look like a snapshot? You have to pick your top images and not of all the same thing. You don't want to submit similarities. Be critical of your images.

« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2009, 13:11 »
I wrote this awhile ago on top 10 tips to get your first 10 accepted at SS.


Most importantly:
2) Stay within your abilities.
9) Avoid subjects stock agencies reject.

You've heard a few of the other ones on my list already.  I disagree with leaving a note for the reviewer but that's just me and only out of a feeling that it has never, in 4 years,  helped me at all and often I feel it has hurt, whether that's true or not.

Don't use this opportunity to do difficult things - do it simply, cleanly, and avoid the rejection reasons.

Shutterstock's rejection reasons
    * FocusYour image is not in focus or focus is not located where we feel it works best.
    * CompositionLimited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
    * Poor LightingPoor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
    * Lighting ProblemsPurple fringe, blown highlights or lenses flare.
    * NoiseNoise, film grain, over-sharpening, or artifacts at full size.
    * GlitchThere was a technical problem with your upload. Please resubmit.
    * TrademarkContains potential trademark or copyright infringementnot editorial.
    * OveruseOveruse of noise reduction software.
    * KeywordsYour keywords must directly relate to the image (relevancy). Please edit your keyword choices and resubmit.
    * EditingYour illustration has rough edges.
    * Limited Commercial ValueWe do not need this image at this time
    * Similar SubmissionsToo many of the same subject.

Agency rejection reasons: http://www.niltomil.com/tricks/list-of-rejection-reasons/


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