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Author Topic: Behavior on the Forums  (Read 5435 times)

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« on: July 17, 2006, 17:17 »
Due to the recent tension in the istock/vox thread, I had posted that I thought it would be good to keep black humour out of this forum.

I am all for humour and heated debates, however insults and black humour will not be tolerated.

After having mentioned this to rjmiz, he has deleted all his posts.
As a result of the deleted posts, I decided to remove the off topic 'arguement posts' from the istock/vox thread.  I hope I did not apply too much censorship to the subject.  I merely thought that if only half the conversation existed from a heated debate there was not much use in having it as it didn't add to the thread, and only created confusion as only half the posts were there.

I hope to keep this an open forum and allow for everyones opinions and comments without any censorship.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 02:53 by leaf »

« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 17:29 »
in an effort to both keep the forums organized and useful, while keeping balanced withl as a mission to keep them honest and open (ie not deleted threads or posts) I will promise to post changes, deletions in the forums so you know how or why something has changed.

Since the expected forum behavior did not allow rjmiz to be as provocative in the discussions as he wanted to be, he has regretably decided to leave us and as such as he has removed most of his posts and a 'deleted' stands in it's place.  Those threads whose remains are merely a post with 'deleted' in them have been removed from the forum.  Threads with deleted posts as well as other conversation have been kept.

« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 17:41 »
I must admit I was a little worried I feared things might go the way of the one of a yahoo microstock group e-mails that I am signed up for where the majority of the post are either bragging or bitching, which can make things very tedious. I had the bright idea to divert all those e-mails into a separate folder so I can dip into it to see what's up when I am really bored.

This is great place to compare the different sites and talk freely about microstock in general without too much fur flying.

« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 18:32 »
I agree, I enjoy the atmosphere of this forum.  When rjmiz began posting I was worried it might change  I would never suggest that he should be banned in any way as his statements where far from out of hand.  But as he said in his own posts you either love him or hate him and I have no desire for someone to cause any polarization of this forum.  As everyone here seems to be on the same page.  Great job leaf.


« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2006, 18:38 »
I also agree with Leaf.  I don't know what he said but if it has the support of some (and by some I mean those that provide valuable knowledge and insight), then by all means go for it.  I might tend to get rowdy at some points but I hope that it doesn't occur here, as I think this is one of the best forums and everyone is "on the same page".

« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 00:00 »
Next time I won't point out what I see as interesting or ironic and we won't have the issue.

« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 02:57 »
Next time I won't point out what I see as interesting or ironic and we won't have the issue.
what do you mean?

and just to be clear on the rjmiz issue.

He was not banned, nor were his posts delete by the administration.
I thanked him for his contribution to the threads, and photoshop help however also informed him that black humour was not welcome.  As a response he decided to leave the forum and delete his posts in an effort to find a community where stronger language is accepted.

« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2006, 03:42 »
What I meant was, it was my comment that set him off on his rampage against macro stock. If I would have refrained from pointing out the similarity of arguments then we could have avoided this issue at least for the time being.

« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2006, 04:46 »
sssjjjaaa.. i wouldn't be worried about that.
I also made a jest towards violence.. which only became a stepping ground to the whole problem.

What happened was inevitable.. the question was just when it came.

« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2006, 08:32 »
I understood that you didn't ban rjmiz but I thought you did an excellant job of handling the whole situation. So once again leaf, great job and you are dong an excellant job of running this forum.


« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2006, 09:04 »
thanks for the support.


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