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Author Topic: 2011 Independant microstock Survey  (Read 4205 times)

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« on: January 02, 2012, 16:19 »
Perhaps there is a better place to post this.  If so, my apologies.  I have just received the forums email invitation to participate in the 2011 Independant microstock Survey.  So I took a quick look at the 2010 survey portion that dealt with income vs portfolio size.  I will not fill out the survey form as I am somewhat concerned about the tabulation of at least this portion of the last (2010 survey).  My comments and concerns can be read at:

« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 18:15 »
Perhaps there is a better place to post this.  If so, my apologies.  I have just received the forums email invitation to participate in the 2011 Independant microstock Survey.  So I took a quick look at the 2010 survey portion that dealt with income vs portfolio size.  I will not fill out the survey form as I am somewhat concerned about the tabulation of at least this portion of the last (2010 survey).  My comments and concerns can be read at:

Your username here does not match up to that link you reference.  So we don't know which comments are yours.

« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2012, 19:13 »
My post is there using this username (oldsalt19).  There is a note by my post that says "Your comment is awaiting moderation"


« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 00:41 »
My post is there using this username (oldsalt19).  There is a note by my post that says "Your comment is awaiting moderation"

So you want us to read your comments and concerns which aren't there yet?

Maybe I'm just tired from a long weekend, but I don't think I can do that...  :)


« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 02:30 »
If this concerns all kinds of stock-photography, well then Im happy to say I beat the avg. exclusives earnings by about 5 lightyears. If it only concerns Micro ?  well then Im not surprised at all, with all Vettas and collections, much higher percentage, etc, they should earn much more, or else whats the point?
I was actually expecting a higher avg earning by exclusives. Here in Sweden, 30K, wouldnt even pay the annual bills.

I think for many here, the point isnt ALL about money, is it?  as an independant you dont put all your faith in one agency, youve got a certain freedom, etc. As an exclusive, you are relying on one agency, thats it and if history has thought us anything, it is, that any company, no matter what,  can easily fold or bite the dust tomorrow. Then what?  :)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 02:58 by lagereek »

« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2012, 03:02 »
Perhaps there is a better place to post this.  If so, my apologies.  I have just received the forums email invitation to participate in the 2011 Independant microstock Survey.  So I took a quick look at the 2010 survey portion that dealt with income vs portfolio size.  I will not fill out the survey form as I am somewhat concerned about the tabulation of at least this portion of the last (2010 survey).  My comments and concerns can be read at:

Your post is now live.

However, I don't agree.  Here is my response.
The median will never be close to the average for microstock photographers income.  The income breakdown is on a long tail curve, not a bell curve.  If we have 10 microstockers, their incomes would look like (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 10, 20, 40, 100)  The median of that range is 1.5, the avg is 7.8).   I acknowledge that there are probably some bogus numbers in the survey but the overall majority are valid.  I also think it is dangerous to start picking out certain answers saying they simply can't be true, simply because they don't fall along a certain curve.

Take a look at PhotoDune's top selling authors. http://photodune.net/author/top_authors.  Everyone with 1000 plus sales has 7000+ images.. some 19,000 images, then comes solarseven with 246 images and just as many sales.  Would his stats look out of place if he was answering the poll?  Or take a look at the iStock charts and sort by downloads.  http://istockcharts.multimedia.de/  Most people with top sales have thousands (4,000-16,000) of files, Yet the artist in 16th spot, out of 38,000 members has only 774 files.  Just becomes someone doesn't fall on the curve doesn't mean they answered the survey with bogus numbers.


« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2012, 03:33 »
Perhaps there is a better place to post this.  If so, my apologies.  I have just received the forums email invitation to participate in the 2011 Independant microstock Survey.  So I took a quick look at the 2010 survey portion that dealt with income vs portfolio size.  I will not fill out the survey form as I am somewhat concerned about the tabulation of at least this portion of the last (2010 survey).  My comments and concerns can be read at:

Your post is now live.

However, I don't agree.  Here is my response.
The median will never be close to the average for microstock photographers income.  The income breakdown is on a long tail curve, not a bell curve.  If we have 10 microstockers, their incomes would look like (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 10, 20, 40, 100)  The median of that range is 1.5, the avg is 7.8).   I acknowledge that there are probably some bogus numbers in the survey but the overall majority are valid.  I also think it is dangerous to start picking out certain answers saying they simply can't be true, simply because they don't fall along a certain curve.

Take a look at PhotoDune's top selling authors. http://photodune.net/author/top_authors.  Everyone with 1000 plus sales has 7000+ images.. some 19,000 images, then comes solarseven with 246 images and just as many sales.  Would his stats look out of place if he was answering the poll?  Or take a look at the iStock charts and sort by downloads.  http://istockcharts.multimedia.de/  Most people with top sales have thousands (4,000-16,000) of files, Yet the artist in 16th spot, out of 38,000 members has only 774 files.  Just becomes someone doesn't fall on the curve doesn't mean they answered the survey with bogus numbers.

Rather interesting actually. on the IS chart, I am on place, 533, with a port of 1600 images but the next seven beneath me have two or three times the size of my port, yet further down. Im not too sure size of portfolio matters all that.



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