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Author Topic: Zero sales of new files  (Read 31671 times)

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« on: October 16, 2019, 06:04 »
I'm tracking my sales thanks to Catalog Manager, and  I found out that  the last few batches, which is about a last month period, had literally zero sales till now. It never happened before. It is a lot of pictures with a good potential and it looks like they were just thrown down the hole. Wasted pictures, wasted time, I don't think these pictures will recover ever.
Does anybody have the same problem?

« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2019, 08:07 »
Not in my case. I am selling both old and new images. To be honest, new images are selling better than the old ones.


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2019, 08:22 »
Nothing new sells for me.

« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2019, 08:59 »
Hardly a surprise now that buyers only have two choices of search "relevant" and "new" and invariably the search defaults to "relevant" which is decided by SS

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2019, 10:01 »
Hardly a surprise now that buyers only have two choices of search "relevant" and "new" and invariably the search defaults to "relevant" which is decided by SS

And relevant shows the newest uploads for the search, which makes it a second version of new.

I'm tracking my sales thanks to Catalog Manager, and  I found out that  the last few batches, which is about a last month period, had literally zero sales till now. It never happened before. It is a lot of pictures with a good potential and it looks like they were just thrown down the hole. Wasted pictures, wasted time, I don't think these pictures will recover ever.
Does anybody have the same problem?

Nope, while old photos, and that's thousands of them, the same rather small group sell regularly, most old photos just sit. So it looks like older photos sell more, because, of course they do. Those are the established best selling. I've had a new photo join that group, but to be fair, most of my older files have never sold once and some that have, that was before 2012 and they haven't sold since.

New files have a search advantage but it only lasts until someone else uploads something that is found in the same search, and then, you are right, you will be shuffled off down the pages into oblivion.

You might try shooting less common and not "most popular" subjects. Shooting what will be pushed down in days doesn't seem to work?

I just had some strange idea from last year, that's seasonal, sell for the first time, to someone in New Orleans, where superstition is more common and Halloween is coming up. Nice! Otherwise, that photo is so out of the ordinary, I don't know if anyone would even search for it. Now on page two of my relevant.

If our own move up, based on one sale, I'd suspect that any sale will move things up in the search. No sales... dungeon of doom.

« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2019, 12:38 »
I am getting good month here with new stuffs also selling.

« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2019, 13:06 »
On my last 34 images uploaded to SS (mid to late August) I had 4 downloads.  I've earned a whopping $1.52  ::) So glad I wasted those 2-3 hours of my life editing, keywording, uploading. 

Microstock is a dead horse, so there is no point in continuing to beat it. 

« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2019, 13:19 »
Thank you all for your answers. I'm not usually posting or panicking about short term trends, but I just had a big production that was mostly uploaded during this dead (for new uploads) month, so I'm seriously demotivated now.

« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2019, 14:32 »
Maybe it's time to think about subjects. I sell both old and new and middle (I'm in from 2014) and I cannot see any preferences. Old middle and new ones are really different in subjects, this Is the only thing I can suggest you

« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2019, 21:42 »
That's actually surprising! While I noticed last month that most of my sales were coming from relatively old files (ID below 1.2 billion), the last week have seen a sharp increase of sales coming from files with an ID above 1.4 billion, plus an increase of the old and traditional best sellers.

In terms of quality, it is a bit strange, considering my files located around the ID 1.4bn are not as good as usual, due to the use of a lower quality lens during a trip, following some technical issues.

Furthermore, I have launched a search on a few terms that I'm used to search, and it seems indeed some newer files have been a bit pushed up.

That being said, considering the parameters taken in account in the algorithm, plenty of other factors could explain these differences...


« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2019, 03:41 »
Nothing new sells for me.

Same here Angela. Funny how people are able to view your work yet still put silly comments like changing subject matter or improving on quality. Or maybe those who make 100 to 500 dollars on 5k to +10k images can tell us how we should conduct our business.

Obviously something else is at work here but then that makes you a conspiracy theorist, so you cant win, just shut up and take your place in the corner while you get ripped off.

There is no doubt about it that our earnings are being controlled, the only question is to what extend. My personal experience and what I have seen and read on their forum tells me this can go pretty far.
There is also no doubt that reviewers have a lot more control over our work (exposure) then we might think.
I even think SS staff (higher up the ladder) doesnt have a clue what goes on behind the scene but as long as the money keeps coming in it probably doesn't matter anyway.

I recently read a message from Leaf mentioning he could once live from stock but that his earnings have halved in the past few years which makes it unsustainable.
Are you telling me the guy who created this forum and has a lot of knowledge of the stock photography business is suddenly clueless? Same with Sean btw

It is so disheartening to see the people that were very successful in the past suddenly became useless to these libraries. Its also disheartening to see these people just gave up without a fight. Angela is amongst the very few and brave contributors I see coming forward with this but who cares right, what does she know?

Ive seen many come and go, bragging about their (short term) success here or on Shutterstock forum, it is quite hilarious. Now it is even better with new contributors telling experienced contributors what to do while they only make a tiny fraction of their earnings. Mind you there are still people making good money in stock but they are amongst the very few and lucky people.

These libraries want you to be unique so you try to upload unique work. What happens next is that your work gets buried somewhere never to be seen again so what does this forces us to do? copy other popular topics/images like everyone else but then this is also a lost cause because we cant have a slice of their pie. One can still make money with a niche but hardly a full time or even half time income so for most this is a waste of time.

But keep the faith! its all just a coincidence, nah its the competition, no wait its your work thats below standards, hmm no wait, youre not uploading 100 images a day? thats why!  ::)

Dont give up on your work Angela. We (photographers, videographers, illustrators) are artists foremost. These libraries and even some fellow contributors have a good way to demoralize yourself and your work but dont let that get to you. Keep creating even if it was only for you or your family, friends and followers. I know this doesnt put food on the table but it will eventually turn out well somehow, somewhere! We cant keep putting our hopes into these libraries though, we have to move elsewhere, move forward, trying new things and try to take matter in our own hands!


    This user is banned.
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2019, 06:10 »
Nothing new sells for me.

Same here Angela. Funny how people are able to view your work yet still put silly comments like changing subject matter or improving on quality. Or maybe those who make 100 to 500 dollars on 5k to +10k images can tell us how we should conduct our business.

Obviously something else is at work here but then that makes you a conspiracy theorist, so you cant win, just shut up and take your place in the corner while you get ripped off.

There is no doubt about it that our earnings are being controlled, the only question is to what extend. My personal experience and what I have seen and read on their forum tells me this can go pretty far.
There is also no doubt that reviewers have a lot more control over our work (exposure) then we might think.
I even think SS staff (higher up the ladder) doesnt have a clue what goes on behind the scene but as long as the money keeps coming in it probably doesn't matter anyway.

I recently read a message from Leaf mentioning he could once live from stock but that his earnings have halved in the past few years which makes it unsustainable.
Are you telling me the guy who created this forum and has a lot of knowledge of the stock photography business is suddenly clueless? Same with Sean btw

It is so disheartening to see the people that were very successful in the past suddenly became useless to these libraries. Its also disheartening to see these people just gave up without a fight. Angela is amongst the very few and brave contributors I see coming forward with this but who cares right, what does she know?

Ive seen many come and go, bragging about their (short term) success here or on Shutterstock forum, it is quite hilarious. Now it is even better with new contributors telling experienced contributors what to do while they only make a tiny fraction of their earnings. Mind you there are still people making good money in stock but they are amongst the very few and lucky people.

These libraries want you to be unique so you try to upload unique work. What happens next is that your work gets buried somewhere never to be seen again so what does this forces us to do? copy other popular topics/images like everyone else but then this is also a lost cause because we cant have a slice of their pie. One can still make money with a niche but hardly a full time or even half time income so for most this is a waste of time.

But keep the faith! its all just a coincidence, nah its the competition, no wait its your work thats below standards, hmm no wait, youre not uploading 100 images a day? thats why!  ::)

Dont give up on your work Angela. We (photographers, videographers, illustrators) are artists foremost. These libraries and even some fellow contributors have a good way to demoralize yourself and your work but dont let that get to you. Keep creating even if it was only for you or your family, friends and followers. I know this doesnt put food on the table but it will eventually turn out well somehow, somewhere! We cant keep putting our hopes into these libraries though, we have to move elsewhere, move forward, trying new things and try to take matter in our own hands!

bravo! i agree 100%...our sales are clearly completely controlled.

you can live now with stockk mostly if you live in second tier not a case the abundance of files and house of production from serbia russia thailand and ukraine..i'd say they account for more than 40% of the ss library....they pay nothing produce, low taxes, if they exist o they are paid, and cost of life that is 3 4 times less than italy usa france. it's still possible to live with micro stock in those a western country where


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2019, 08:39 »
Thanks Snow. You are spot on. Been doing micro since 2008 and this year has been the absolute worst! I wish Shutterstock would take some pride in the work uploaded. It's very embarrassing what they accept these days. I'm happy I'm on Stocksy now but it's going to take some time to build a big port there. Been doing web design to help cover the loss of income from stock.

I really do love producing stock but I know that micro is dying ...

« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2019, 09:35 »
I wrote about this earlier this year.

Why your New Images on Shutterstock arent Being Seen

I've had just 2 sales from around 50 new images uploaded in the last month. October is so far a very poor month for me, but this comes after a good few months over the summer.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 09:38 by Microstock Posts »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2019, 10:24 »
I wrote about this earlier this year.

Why your New Images on Shutterstock arent Being Seen

I've had just 2 sales from around 50 new images uploaded in the last month. October is so far a very poor month for me, but this comes after a good few months over the summer.

Depends on what you upload, doesn't it. I just uploaded yesterday, got accepted overnight, both are on page one of the search, for Relevant.

I know people want to believe some sinister plot is behind lower earnings, some insider conspiracy behind dropping sales, while I can accept, it's not us or our work or anything controlling income.

The problem is competition and the amount of competition. Of course that's no fun... it doesn't involve the unknown, claims, mystery or conspiracy. It's just too simple that plain old supply and demand economics that's behind the marketing of everything we do, could be so easy to understand as the reason.

I'd like to suggest to the people who think everything on Microstock is a game and controlled and the managers or some computer control our earnings, should go out and do something else. You can't change the game and if you honestly believe it's all controlled, there's nothing but futility and frustration ahead.

I'm not denying that sales and earnings are down, I'm just not going to agree with the theories that everything is controlled and that's why. My images get first page placement as new images. If they get downloads they stay and earn. If not they drop down. How's that some evil plot against us?

New is new and relevant forces new to the front. Maybe there's something else going on? Hmmm, like competition!

Right, Microstock is dying. Not for agencies, but for us.

« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2019, 10:39 »
I wrote about this earlier this year.

Why your New Images on Shutterstock arent Being Seen

I've had just 2 sales from around 50 new images uploaded in the last month. October is so far a very poor month for me, but this comes after a good few months over the summer.

Depends on what you upload, doesn't it. I just uploaded yesterday, got accepted overnight, both are on page one of the search, for Relevant.

I know people want to believe some sinister plot is behind lower earnings, some insider conspiracy behind dropping sales, while I can accept, it's not us or our work or anything controlling income.

The problem is competition and the amount of competition. Of course that's no fun... it doesn't involve the unknown, claims, mystery or conspiracy. It's just too simple that plain old supply and demand economics that's behind the marketing of everything we do, could be so easy to understand as the reason.

I'd like to suggest to the people who think everything on Microstock is a game and controlled and the managers or some computer control our earnings, should go out and do something else. You can't change the game and if you honestly believe it's all controlled, there's nothing but futility and frustration ahead.

I'm not denying that sales and earnings are down, I'm just not going to agree with the theories that everything is controlled and that's why. My images get first page placement as new images. If they get downloads they stay and earn. If not they drop down. How's that some evil plot against us?

New is new and relevant forces new to the front. Maybe there's something else going on? Hmmm, like competition!

Right, Microstock is dying. Not for agencies, but for us.

You quoted me, so I'm assuming you're addressing me. I have never said there is a plot against us and I also mentioned the things you have just mentioned in the article.

« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2019, 10:54 »
Given the number of new images coming onto the market compared with slow growth in demand   if sales for most contributors weren't going down that would be strong evidence that sales were controlled. Certainly some suffer more than others. Whether that is by design, random results of algorithm changes or changing customer demand is speculation unless you have a source in shutterstock or access to their data.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 10:56 by Pauws99 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2019, 10:55 »
I wrote about this earlier this year.

Why your New Images on Shutterstock arent Being Seen

I've had just 2 sales from around 50 new images uploaded in the last month. October is so far a very poor month for me, but this comes after a good few months over the summer.

Depends on what you upload, doesn't it. I just uploaded yesterday, got accepted overnight, both are on page one of the search, for Relevant.

I know people want to believe some sinister plot is behind lower earnings, some insider conspiracy behind dropping sales, while I can accept, it's not us or our work or anything controlling income.

The problem is competition and the amount of competition. Of course that's no fun... it doesn't involve the unknown, claims, mystery or conspiracy. It's just too simple that plain old supply and demand economics that's behind the marketing of everything we do, could be so easy to understand as the reason.

I'd like to suggest to the people who think everything on Microstock is a game and controlled and the managers or some computer control our earnings, should go out and do something else. You can't change the game and if you honestly believe it's all controlled, there's nothing but futility and frustration ahead.

I'm not denying that sales and earnings are down, I'm just not going to agree with the theories that everything is controlled and that's why. My images get first page placement as new images. If they get downloads they stay and earn. If not they drop down. How's that some evil plot against us?

New is new and relevant forces new to the front. Maybe there's something else going on? Hmmm, like competition!

Right, Microstock is dying. Not for agencies, but for us.

You quoted me, so I'm assuming you're addressing me. I have never said there is a plot against us and I also mentioned the things you have just mentioned in the article.

Nah just the general concept and all the quotes. Sorry about that. I was attacking an idea, not any individual.  :)  8)

The blame game is, when something is wrong, some people find something outside of reality or make their own reality, often hidden conspiracy and plots. That's my point.

My new images, always get first page placement the day they are accepted. If they were going to page 10 I'd be all in with the futility of uploading new, and how no new files sell. I actually have had new images, last couple months, get accepted and downloaded within a day or two. Still not going to make me rich, because sales and commissions are down overall.

Yes I also have old images with no sales, mysteriously get downloads after a year or more. I assume that someone needed that image, so they paid for it. Not too tricky?  ;)

But in general, the same images sell month after month, and as those are old images, success seems to breed success for those same older images. Best sellers, remain best sellers. I wish I had a bunch more!  ;D I did have a new image, last year upload, join the group. ONE? Long road ahead, I don't see this as getting any better or easier.

Yeah good blog I always enjoy it. The stupid pop up ads are distracting and keep repeating. But your work is appreciated.

Given the number of new images coming onto the market compared with slow growth  if sales for most contributors weren't going down that would be strong evidence that sales were controlled.

That too, interesting way of looking at it.

« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2019, 10:56 »

Same here Angela. Funny how people are able to view your work yet still put silly comments like changing subject matter or improving on quality. Or maybe those who make 100 to 500 dollars on 5k to +10k images can tell us how we should conduct our business.

If you're talking to me, I was not answering to Angela but to the guy who opened the thread.

Apart from this, I think yopur words it's very unfair. If you would like a place where you and few others old old contributors can talk crying each other for how bad is the business, maybe you can open a new forum.

At the contrary, I think that any experience are welcome here, not "silly".
You should be a little more humble: if a business is going bad for you there is for sure something you should change your business model.


    This user is banned.
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2019, 13:16 »
Given the number of new images coming onto the market compared with slow growth in demand   if sales for most contributors weren't going down that would be strong evidence that sales were controlled. Certainly some suffer more than others. Whether that is by design, random results of algorithm changes or changing customer demand is speculation unless you have a source in shutterstock or access to their data.

i think if i had a proof they are capping me so breaking the contract i signed where there was no mention of a  cap...i would go to my advocate and they will be sued the second after i have the 100% confirmation...and i think many will do this..

« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2019, 13:46 »
For me new images sell after a few days/weeks, but new videos take at least 6 month to roll out.
But overall, i'm happy with my earnings, growing every year. Full time since 2012. I live in Italy (Expensive North Italy).
Honestly, i think that if you are a photographer you are out of game due to competition (unless your are a top one with
expensive models and locations or if you have a niche). The future is movie quality footage and stills.
Yes, lot of expenses, but i know several people doing well, so...
Alternatives? motion graphics, cg animations, templates. This is a dynamic business and i think that you must adapt to it to
be succesful. This is what i'm trying to do.
Best wishes to all!  :)


  • Eat, Sleep, Keyword. Repeat

« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2019, 14:50 »
Uncle Pete that is awesome your new images go straight to page 1 after uploaded. Yes, I can only wish!

Seems like a lot of you are doing very well. We are all going to have different experiences that can be the result of many factors.

Keep up the great work and wishing everyone a great season ahead :)


    This user is banned.
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2019, 14:53 »
For me new images sell after a few days/weeks, but new videos take at least 6 month to roll out.
But overall, i'm happy with my earnings, growing every year. Full time since 2012. I live in Italy (Expensive North Italy).
Honestly, i think that if you are a photographer you are out of game due to competition (unless your are a top one with
expensive models and locations or if you have a niche). The future is movie quality footage and stills.
Yes, lot of expenses, but i know several people doing well, so...
Alternatives? motion graphics, cg animations, templates. This is a dynamic business and i think that you must adapt to it to
be succesful. This is what i'm trying to do.
Best wishes to all!  :)

because you think that movie or cgi or motion design will give u forever 29 dollar 39  79...ahahah good luck soon you will realize the hard like photos will be sold for penny and competition will kill your's the same as photos, you can see already agency going sub, selling video for penny, soon even video will be a complete disaster.
alternative is a business made with direct customer who pay lot of money for single job.

« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2019, 16:40 »
The future is movie quality footage and stills.
Yes, lot of expenses, but i know several people doing well, so...
I afraid the same will happen with videos in a very close future (2-3 years) as it is happening now with images.
However I am shooting more and more videos now, and it really pays off. Videos give me 3-5 times more profit when compared with photos from the same trip. But it takes me 1-2 weeks to post process all the videos, and 1-2 months to do the same with the images. And video sales went from 0 to 600-700$ a month very quickly. Of course it is not comparable with my photo portfolio, nevertheless it looks promising.

« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2019, 00:43 »
because you think that movie or cgi or motion design will give u forever 29 dollar 39  79...ahahah good luck soon you will realize the hard like photos will be sold for penny and competition will kill your's the same as photos, you can see already agency going sub, selling video for penny, soon even video will be a complete disaster.
alternative is a business made with direct customer who pay lot of money for single job.

i'm not saying that cg or motion design will stay forever...obviously they will evolve to something else...maybe something like vr
or interactive videos or...
But, a talented photographer or motion designer will always find a job. I love microstock but, if i'll find my earnings fall, i'll move to something else.


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