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Author Topic: Zero sales of new files  (Read 31673 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2019, 00:48 »
I afraid the same will happen with videos in a very close future (2-3 years) as it is happening now with images.
However I am shooting more and more videos now, and it really pays off. Videos give me 3-5 times more profit when compared with photos from the same trip. But it takes me 1-2 weeks to post process all the videos, and 1-2 months to do the same with the images. And video sales went from 0 to 600-700$ a month very quickly. Of course it is not comparable with my photo portfolio, nevertheless it looks promising.

Yes i agree, maybe a bit more then 2-3 years. But i'm enjoying the moment. Congratulation for your result :)

« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2019, 01:28 »
Given the number of new images coming onto the market compared with slow growth in demand   if sales for most contributors weren't going down that would be strong evidence that sales were controlled. Certainly some suffer more than others. Whether that is by design, random results of algorithm changes or changing customer demand is speculation unless you have a source in shutterstock or access to their data.

i think if i had a proof they are capping me so breaking the contract i signed where there was no mention of a  cap...i would go to my advocate and they will be sued the second after i have the 100% confirmation...and i think many will do this..
You don't have proof though and where does it say in the ToS there isn't a cap? "Shutterstock shall have the right, but not the obligation, to license all Content through any of Shutterstocks brands and platforms to its customers for use in perpetuity in accordance with license agreements entered into by Shutterstock, including but not limited to Shutterstock, Inc. Terms of Service License Agreements (collectively, "Licenses").
« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 01:30 by Pauws99 »

« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2019, 06:55 »
Uncle Pete that is awesome your new images go straight to page 1 after uploaded. Yes, I can only wish!

Seems like a lot of you are doing very well. We are all going to have different experiences that can be the result of many factors.

Keep up the great work and wishing everyone a great season ahead :)

Next upload see where yours go. I don't know why he gets special treatment?

« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2019, 12:51 »
Uncle Pete that is awesome your new images go straight to page 1 after uploaded. Yes, I can only wish!

Seems like a lot of you are doing very well. We are all going to have different experiences that can be the result of many factors.

Keep up the great work and wishing everyone a great season ahead :)

Next upload see where yours go. I don't know why he gets special treatment?

Uncle Pete could provide more insight, but I am guessing that it isn't so much special treatment but it is down to subject matter. If you upload subjects that only a few are uploaded a week then your images can be on page one for a while. If you upload subjects that get hundreds of uploads per day or even hour, chances are your images won't be on page one for long, or even ever (depending on how often things get indexed).

« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2019, 14:56 »
It is disappointing that stock has become so overcrowded and that, as there are more new people for the sites to choose from, plus all of us old-timers have continued to improve, SS and many (most?) other sites are crowding out the millions of good images with so much junk. With hundreds of thousands of images, why get less picky? With all the dreck, maybe it helps our images stand out? If they get seen...

I got lucky. On a calendar shoot earlier this year, I had some illustrative editorial shots I couldn't use. Uploaded them to shutterstock and they sold right and are continuing to sell.  Just adding those images seemed to jump start my account which had been languishing, giving me my best month this year and keeping the momentum going (nothing to write home about but at least a steady - if small - payout each month). Pix from 2010-12 are still my best-sellers, some still on page one and selling weekly even when I stopped uploading, but nice to see the new work wasn't a waste.

2019 has been a weird and inconsistent year. The first half was strong. In fact, by June I'd made as much from stock as all of last year, due largely to Alamy and, to a lesser extent, SS. Volume continues to be okay at Alamy, but the prices I've gotten for sales the past couple of months have tanked. Only SS seems to be holding steady.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not all "wahoo" like clueless newbies who are crowing over tiny sales each month and blogging about how great they are doing (I saw one blogger whose account showed his BME was $4!!!). When my SS income was cut in half a few years ago, it wasn't a big loss in terms of raw numbers, but it was disappointing to realize then that stock would always be supplemental income. For those who were earning enough to pay all their bills, I can't even imagine the disappointment. Ironically, while I regret that I didn't upload a significant portion of my portfolio "back in the day," I am now planning to upload a lot more to SS as I've seen my RPI hold steady for several months now. Even if this just gives me a few thousand $ a year, it's better than leaving them on my hard drive. But it is sad that that's all it will ever be.

It's such a shame that as the microstock market has matured and so many shooters' skills have grown, average income has gone down and even top shooters have to scramble for other ways to make ends meet.

« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2019, 15:31 »
Nothing new sells for me.

Sorry to hear that I know you do good work.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2019, 21:42 »
Uncle Pete that is awesome your new images go straight to page 1 after uploaded. Yes, I can only wish!

Seems like a lot of you are doing very well. We are all going to have different experiences that can be the result of many factors.

Keep up the great work and wishing everyone a great season ahead :)

Next upload see where yours go. I don't know why he gets special treatment?

Uncle Pete could provide more insight, but I am guessing that it isn't so much special treatment but it is down to subject matter. If you upload subjects that only a few are uploaded a week then your images can be on page one for a while. If you upload subjects that get hundreds of uploads per day or even hour, chances are your images won't be on page one for long, or even ever (depending on how often things get indexed).

Right, I'm nothing special, I try to find niche areas, I also upload stupid ideas that get a download here and there, that aren't high volume to start with. And yes, I don't try to shoot "best selling" because thousands of people are also doing that already. Anyone who shoots best selling is competing against everyone else who's shooting best selling. Destination = failure.


« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2019, 12:10 »
It's such a shame that as the microstock market has matured and so many shooters' skills have grown, average income has gone down and even top shooters have to scramble for other ways to make ends meet.

If i may comment as a newbie, what everyone seems to forget is the drastic price drop in combination with evolution of equipment. Before stock near-death experiences, some other industries and jobs died or eliminated. Including respected brand names. Guess we all remember that compact consumer cameras (film) were sold in millions and labs worked overnight to make prints for individuals. Same thing as back then with the addition of social media and web-spread knowledge (or rumors).

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2019, 13:51 »
It's such a shame that as the microstock market has matured and so many shooters' skills have grown, average income has gone down and even top shooters have to scramble for other ways to make ends meet.

If i may comment as a newbie, what everyone seems to forget is the drastic price drop in combination with evolution of equipment. Before stock near-death experiences, some other industries and jobs died or eliminated. Including respected brand names. Guess we all remember that compact consumer cameras (film) were sold in millions and labs worked overnight to make prints for individuals. Same thing as back then with the addition of social media and web-spread knowledge (or rumors).

Right both. Cook photo in Iowa, which I knew of, provided the service for many corner drug stores (remember those?). They flew the film from Wisconsin to Iowa every evening, private plane. Processed overnight, or next day, and returned it to the many shops and stores. That was before Fotomat - also gone, or One Hour Photo.

Except for major cities and some exceptions, camera stores are also history, people now shop at discount and big box stores. Or online.

And the other part also, even top people have lost sales and income, as the market has matured past the initial boom times. iStock was right when they announced unsustainable.


« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2019, 13:54 »
Just checked some 2020 concepts and almost all images I checked were from contributors from Thailand, some Russia, not one from America or Europe.

Sorry but you got to be pretty naive, hmm let me rephrase pretty stupid to think there isn't something else at play here. So my suggestion to all is put Thailand, Russia, Croatia, India, etc... as your location in your profile et voila problem solved!  :o

Seriously why do we even bother anymore if they only push those people in search?

« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2019, 16:01 »
Just checked some 2020 concepts and almost all images I checked were from contributors from Thailand, some Russia, not one from America or Europe.

Sorry but you got to be pretty naive, hmm let me rephrase pretty stupid to think there isn't something else at play here. So my suggestion to all is put Thailand, Russia, Croatia, India, etc... as your location in your profile et voila problem solved!  :o

Seriously why do we even bother anymore if they only push those people in search?
Do you have any data on the proportion of new images from those places?

« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2019, 18:29 »
In catching up on other threads, it appears that 10% of all files on SS sell.

Because I get so many more sales of old images, my impression, before doing the math, was that old images are selling best and new files are getting buried. But after crunching the numbers, I was wrong.

So, where do new files fall in that statistic? Well, my worst selling new set, 30 Easter images with a limited shelf life, did the SS average, and were online for only 16 days before Easter. Summer concepts did better with 25% of new images selling. My bread and butter, travel images, did best with 86% of my new travel photos selling within around a month or less of uploading, and continuing to sell again after. As a whole, 19% of my new files sold, with those Easter concepts dragging down the average since they accounted for 40% of new uploads.

So, why did my new work get seen and sell?

I think it's pure math - those algorithms most of us don't really understand. (My daughter is a Ph.D. candidate in math, but I am still clueless). But I have a layman's appreciation for percentages. Since I started, 63% of all my images have sold (some once, some just a handful of times, my best just under 500 times). If 10% of the collection sells, then I'm above the average. So while I got lucky since my new images were seen, I'm guessing that's because the algorithm takes into account my past sales ratio as well as perhaps the length of time I've been a contributor. My top sub downloads also tend to have the most Enhanced and Single licenses, so I think sales history helps them keep selling. Otherwise I can't imagine how my tiny portfolio would keep selling amongst a sea of 300 Million+ photos.

If newbies don't have a sales history, I'd imagine they get a bump to start or they would never be seen, just like new images a get a bump, though with so many new files daily, that bump must be short-lived. But I  have to think those spammy portfolios must be hurting themselves, as their sales ratio can't be very good.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 18:45 by wordplanet »

« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2019, 04:11 »
Well, another good point.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 10:19 by dooks »


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« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2019, 05:55 »
Just checked some 2020 concepts and almost all images I checked were from contributors from Thailand, some Russia, not one from America or Europe.

Sorry but you got to be pretty naive, hmm let me rephrase pretty stupid to think there isn't something else at play here. So my suggestion to all is put Thailand, Russia, Croatia, India, etc... as your location in your profile et voila problem solved!  :o

Seriously why do we even bother anymore if they only push those people in search?
Do you have any data on the proportion of new images from those places?

data data ...check some profile....most of over 50000 are from those country is easy,,.....there was a site once some years ago with ranking of contributor for country...ukraine only had like 8 10 of pages with more than 2 3 million images...we are talking about some years ago..
in addiction every article ss publish has probably 50 60 % of photos from russian's not they are's that living and producing in those country, russia outside moscow clearly is 2 3 times cheap, in ukraine even 4 times, so that's why they keep producing thousand of files...even with 1000 dollar net they earn much more than many normal jobs....where i live you live under a bridge with 1000's simple to understand....just search lifestyle theme and you will see how many contributor are form russia....i hope trump blocked them also:), joking,.....
i shoot in ukraine's 8 dollar hour to rent a super studio and free or max 15 dollar hours for model, ranging from inexperienced to experienced, any case trained all life to be beautiful and photogenic in front of camera.


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« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2019, 06:00 »

and because 1300000 was not enough they add

so 1.800.000 files only by one producer from ukraine, i think dnipro or kharkiv not kiev....they can do this cause they have salary as low was 300 400 dollar and model cost nothing.
try do this in europe or usa.

in kiev light field project is both a studio and shutter stock provider you can search...another 400 thousand images, and there at least 10 more of this size and a lot more from 50 to 100k files...and we are already at what 2 3 percent of all database of ss.
i'm sure usa contributor don't even reach 3 4 million images.

i always said this is a business you can run in long term only in those country apart rare cases of 3 4 contributor

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2019, 09:59 »
Just for the fact bin since there's a bunch of "I remember" and made up disinformation going around.

Country Search 2017

Thailand      2567
Russian Federation   2122
Ukraine      1857
United States      818
Italy         367
Belarus         346
United Kingdom   344
Spain         301

(note: some people do not have a country listed so exact numbers were never possible.)

And from the same people who actually studied and documented their numbers, not made up to support creative hypothetical conclusions.  ::)

Today 100 of authors reached 100,000 images in their's portfolios. They has 20,604,400 images in sum. It's a 15% of all Shutterstock's library.

April 29, 2017

#   Author   Type   Portfolio   Added per week   Country   Member since
1   Africa Studio   Photographer   1067700   4700      2007
2   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   859700   14400      2014
3   Aha-Soft   Illustrator / Vector Artist   689600   300   Russian Federation   2010
4   Toluk      564100   17000      2011
5   lineartestpilot   Illustrator / Vector Artist   505900   0   United Kingdom   2009
6   wavebreakmedia   Photographer / Videographer   473400   0   Ireland   2006
7   Ionut Catalin Parvu   Illustrator / Vector Artist   431900   0   Romania   2016
8   ImageCatalog      401900   1100      2016
9   Sergey Nivens   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   338900   1000   Australia   2009
10   Kathy Hutchins   Photographer   326200   1200   United States   2010
11   iDesign   Illustrator / Vector Artist   308800   0      2011
12   Anton_Ivanov   Photographer   297500   0   Ukraine   2012
13   s_bukley      291700   0      2011
14   Elesey   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   290700   2000      2013
15   Elnur      284300   1400      2006
16   Serg-DAV      279400   1600      2014
17   alexwhite   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   271800   700   Poland   2009
18   Blan-k   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   267300   1100   Latvia   2012
19   gst   Illustrator / Vector Artist   266100   3000   Colombia   2011
20   antishock   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   265900   1600   Andorra   2008
21   Stockforliving   Photographer   252700   1200      2012
22   kzww   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   240200   1700   Kazakhstan   2008
23   Featureflash Photo Agency   Photographer   230700   0   United States   2011
24   Syda Productions   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   223500   700   Estonia   2006
25   Flat Design   Illustrator / Vector Artist   221300   0      2012
26   ValentinT   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   218800   600   Romania   2013
27   SIM VA   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   216900   2000   Georgia   2014
28   smartdesign91   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   213800   1800      2015
29   popular.vector   Illustrator / Vector Artist   213200   600   Ukraine   2015
30   VectorA      208100   1200      2015
31   Billion Photos   Photographer   203100   0   Russian Federation   2013
32   Studio_G      202400   3300      2009
33   Jacek Dudzinski   Photographer   201100   0   Poland   2013
34   eatcute      201000   0      2014
35   Ganibal   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   199200   1000      2015
36   vectorbest      194400   1100   Ukraine   2014
37   Rvector   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   194200   2000   Russian Federation   2012
38   fractal-an      191100   1600      2014
39   s_maria   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   184800   1400   Russian Federation   2015
40   Photographer / Videographer   183700   300   United States   2005
41   AF studio   Illustrator / Vector Artist   175100   1000   Ukraine   2014
42   MonsterGraphics      173900   0      2013
43   Iulian Dragomir      172500   800      2015
44   bicicletta   Illustrator / Vector Artist   169600   0   Ukraine   2012
45   TonsOfBackgrounds      169500   8300      2016
46   Illustration Projects   Illustrator / Vector Artist   167600   4100   Sweden   2016
47   xtock   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   163200   300      2013
48   WEB-DESIGN   Illustrator / Vector Artist   161600   200      2014
49   garagestock   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   160700   0   Turkey   2015
50   3vectorbest      159800   900      2015
51   Andrey Starostin   Photographer   158500   800   Russian Federation   2005
52   PictureStudio   Illustrator / Vector Artist   158100   0      2013
53   hchjjl   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   157800   300      2011
54   LovArt   Illustrator / Vector Artist   157700   300   Ukraine   2012
55   Only background   Photographer / Videographer   157200   300   United States   2014
56   StudioIcon   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   156400   0      2014
57   Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH   Photographer   155800   1300   Germany   2012
58   okart      154200   800   Andorra   2015
59   Nata-Lia   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   148900   200      2009
60   All-about-Flowers   Illustrator / Vector Artist   146900   1400      2013
61   Iakov Filimonov   Photographer / Videographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   139000   1500   Spain   2007
62   grmarc      138500   1900   Andorra   2011
63   notkoo   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   138100   0      2010
64   Alexander Rakov   Illustrator / Vector Artist   137600   300   Russian Federation   2016
65   Gregory Gerber   Photographer / Videographer   136600   0      2007
66   Paul Stringer   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   136600   1000   United Kingdom   2009
67   Jemastock   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   135900   5000      2015
68   Mademoiselle de Erotic   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   132400   1100   Swaziland   2016
69   PPVector   Illustrator / Vector Artist   131800   200   Ukraine   2015
70   Mr.Creative   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   128900   0      2015
71   design36   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   127800   400      2008
72   Shebeko   Photographer   126700   300   Belarus   2007
73   Luis Molinero   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   125100   400   Spain   2012
74   designtools      124200   100      2016
75   Oleg1969   Photographer   122500   900   Ukraine   2010
76   schankz   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   121300   900   Kazakhstan   2010
77   Julien Tromeur   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   121200   300   France   2006
78   Aquir   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   120400   100      2009
79   Tinseltown   Photographer / Videographer   118500   600   United States   2015
80   Artstyle Studio   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   118200   700   Canada   2016
81   MAHATHIR MOHD YASIN   Photographer   115700   100   Malaysia   2011
82   atibody photo   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   115200   2700      2011
83   YanaDesign   Illustrator / Vector Artist   114100   7500   Ukraine   2016
84   ilolab   Photographer   111500   500      2006
85   GN ILLUSTRATOR   Illustrator / Vector Artist   108900   800   Ukraine   2015
86   Pooh photo   Photographer   108400   500      2015
87   VectorDesigner   Illustrator / Vector Artist   107400   100   Ukraine   2008
88   Rashad Ashurov   Illustrator / Vector Artist   107000   900   Azerbaijan   2012
89   iulias   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   106500   100      2012
90   Khakimullin Aleksandr   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   104700   2700      2011
91   Visual Generation   Illustrator / Vector Artist   104400   1000   Canada   2009
92   Panda Vector   Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   104300   2700   Ukraine   2014
93   Kues   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   103400   500   Spain   2012
94   Oana_Unciuleanu   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   102400   100   Romania   2014
95   FabrikaSimf   Photographer   101900   1863   Russian Federation   2014
96   RedlineVector   Illustrator / Vector Artist   101600   500      2015
97   successo images   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   101500   400      2012
98   nikitabuida   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist / Videographer   100900   0   Russian Federation   2006
99   Maksim Kabakou   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   100900   1056   Belarus   2011
100   Netfalls Remy Musser   Photographer / Illustrator / Vector Artist   100400   367   Greece   2005

I'd guess this has some effect on new and old sales for everyone, if these 15% actually have good work. Anyone can go look if they want to draw their own conclusions.

Andorra? Andorra 168 Artists, what's with that?


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« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2019, 12:45 »
most of andorra are russian...actually lot of russian states different country probably due to political reason, they scare buyer are not buying russian content so change name and location...but acuytally for those who know and lived in russia or ukraine is pretty easy to spot them. you forgot serbian, serbia is an enormous hub of production. there is probably the only stock model agency in serbia, and probably some models it account for 100 thousandd images,.
the fact is not they love photography more, simply cost are very low and model infinite, in addiction cost of life a third of western country. so in this condition living out off stock is still possible.


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« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2019, 12:52 »
the list is pretty old, in 2 years everything has changed...actually since 2017 ss open the gate an flooding of images has began...f

this is house poe production born after 2017, in less than 2 years and a bunch of months they added half million images, there are much more from serbia and russia....the scheme is simple ,saturated all market, take idea and copycat them using many photographer paid penny,m and good model paid 10 dollar hours maximum. light field has a fully functional studio with lot of room, you can rent for 10 dollar hour if you go kiev to produce.

i have seen many house of production lately are copycatting especially the style and idea of jacob lund.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2019, 10:16 »
the list is pretty old, in 2 years everything has changed...actually since 2017 ss open the gate an flooding of images has began...f

this is house poe production born after 2017, in less than 2 years and a bunch of months they added half million images, there are much more from serbia and russia....the scheme is simple ,saturated all market, take idea and copycat them using many photographer paid penny,m and good model paid 10 dollar hours maximum. light field has a fully functional studio with lot of room, you can rent for 10 dollar hour if you go kiev to produce.

i have seen many house of production lately are copycatting especially the style and idea of jacob lund.

Show me your data collection for 2019? You know, locations, number of artists, image totals for top 20 maybe?

Thanks for the filler on Andorra I never would have known. Here's some things I found which I'd say I still don't know much about Andorra. Andorra, according to the World Bank, is among top 15 countries with the highest GDP per capita. ... According to International living index, Andorra is a 12-th position in the world in terms of level and quality of life. Andorra is often considered as one of the safest countries in the world, and Andorra La Vella one of the safest European cities. The most used language is English, 38.8% of the Andorran population speak Catalan. To date, there are 516 Russians in Andorra. The immigration policy of the Principality is under control, and the number of immigrants is strictly quoted according to demands of the economy.

The link for "house poe production born after 2017" whatever that means, doesn't show anything. Got a link that works?  ;)

Reminder, true the location could be a lie and many accounts list no location. We don't know. This is simple the best information to indicate who has the largest accounts and where they are from. I don't know if SS actually checks the listed location. What I mean is, this is the best data available, if someone has better, please show us.

The data used for artists location was the 18,000 accounts that had over 1,000 images on SS at the time. Of course that could have changed, but the selection was designed to represent active contributors, not 300,000 accounts registered. (as an example, the number is now over 500,000)

But the question remains, show me your data, numbers and proof?


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« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2019, 12:27 »
the list is pretty old, in 2 years everything has changed...actually since 2017 ss open the gate an flooding of images has began...f

this is house poe production born after 2017, in less than 2 years and a bunch of months they added half million images, there are much more from serbia and russia....the scheme is simple ,saturated all market, take idea and copycat them using many photographer paid penny,m and good model paid 10 dollar hours maximum. light field has a fully functional studio with lot of room, you can rent for 10 dollar hour if you go kiev to produce.

i have seen many house of production lately are copycatting especially the style and idea of jacob lund.

Show me your data collection for 2019? You know, locations, number of artists, image totals for top 20 maybe?

Thanks for the filler on Andorra I never would have known. Here's some things I found which I'd say I still don't know much about Andorra. Andorra, according to the World Bank, is among top 15 countries with the highest GDP per capita. ... According to International living index, Andorra is a 12-th position in the world in terms of level and quality of life. Andorra is often considered as one of the safest countries in the world, and Andorra La Vella one of the safest European cities. The most used language is English, 38.8% of the Andorran population speak Catalan. To date, there are 516 Russians in Andorra. The immigration policy of the Principality is under control, and the number of immigrants is strictly quoted according to demands of the economy.

The link for "house poe production born after 2017" whatever that means, doesn't show anything. Got a link that works?  ;)

Reminder, true the location could be a lie and many accounts list no location. We don't know. This is simple the best information to indicate who has the largest accounts and where they are from. I don't know if SS actually checks the listed location. What I mean is, this is the best data available, if someone has better, please show us.

The data used for artists location was the 18,000 accounts that had over 1,000 images on SS at the time. Of course that could have changed, but the selection was designed to represent active contributors, not 300,000 accounts registered. (as an example, the number is now over 500,000)

But the question remains, show me your data, numbers and proof?

well don't have data but is pretty easy to see the influence of russia ukraine and serbia in  the database.. zillions of file...just search any lifestyle idea you will see the predominance of house of production born in eastern europe

the link is light field fotolia google's from kiev in ukraine...450000 file in less than 2 years...they have many people working salary less than 600 dollar....model super cheap...try replicate it in usa. in serbia there is

is a stock model agency...if you ever have browsed lifestyle content in fotolia with model release you will recognize thousand of photos with the same 10 20 model of this agency....
it's not that they love doing photos more than's their cost areas cheap is still good to shoot lifestyle italy good model cost 10 times the price i pay in ukraine....where i pay 10 dollarr hour and it's already much more than what many stocker from kiev pay.

« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2019, 13:13 »
« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 13:16 by Zero Talent »


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« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2019, 14:24 »
most of andorra are russian...

yeas miha most are from russian...good trial from new york city..but is legal to shoot those? i know you can0't fly your drone in new york city...flyijng lawless makes trouble soon for less...

« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2019, 23:49 »
most of andorra are russian...

yeas miha most are from russian...good trial from new york city..but is legal to shoot those? i know you can0't fly your drone in new york city...flyijng lawless makes trouble soon for less...

Yes, I know all that.
What I didn't know is that most of that beautiful Andorra is Russian.  :'(
« Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 00:11 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #48 on: November 03, 2019, 02:40 »
I think you can't fight in the same areas that people from countries where a civil servant earns 50$ a month. In western countries most of us can do nothing with stock earnings, but there, a few bucks means a decent living.

The cost of production is zero (Ukraine). Have to think that.

So, you have to find areas that they can not shot (if they exist) or produce master pieces if you can.

For us, the new ones, it's really hard to find this. I know that I'm not going to pay a model, f.i.

« Reply #49 on: November 03, 2019, 02:46 »
the list is pretty old, in 2 years everything has changed...actually since 2017 ss open the gate an flooding of images has began...f

this is house poe production born after 2017, in less than 2 years and a bunch of months they added half million images, there are much more from serbia and russia....the scheme is simple ,saturated all market, take idea and copycat them using many photographer paid penny,m and good model paid 10 dollar hours maximum. light field has a fully functional studio with lot of room, you can rent for 10 dollar hour if you go kiev to produce.

i have seen many house of production lately are copycatting especially the style and idea of jacob lund.

Show me your data collection for 2019? You know, locations, number of artists, image totals for top 20 maybe?

Thanks for the filler on Andorra I never would have known. Here's some things I found which I'd say I still don't know much about Andorra. Andorra, according to the World Bank, is among top 15 countries with the highest GDP per capita. ... According to International living index, Andorra is a 12-th position in the world in terms of level and quality of life. Andorra is often considered as one of the safest countries in the world, and Andorra La Vella one of the safest European cities. The most used language is English, 38.8% of the Andorran population speak Catalan. To date, there are 516 Russians in Andorra. The immigration policy of the Principality is under control, and the number of immigrants is strictly quoted according to demands of the economy.

The link for "house poe production born after 2017" whatever that means, doesn't show anything. Got a link that works?  ;)

Reminder, true the location could be a lie and many accounts list no location. We don't know. This is simple the best information to indicate who has the largest accounts and where they are from. I don't know if SS actually checks the listed location. What I mean is, this is the best data available, if someone has better, please show us.

The data used for artists location was the 18,000 accounts that had over 1,000 images on SS at the time. Of course that could have changed, but the selection was designed to represent active contributors, not 300,000 accounts registered. (as an example, the number is now over 500,000)

But the question remains, show me your data, numbers and proof?

well don't have data but is pretty easy to see the influence of russia ukraine and serbia in  the database.. zillions of file...just search any lifestyle idea you will see the predominance of house of production born in eastern europe

the link is light field fotolia google's from kiev in ukraine...450000 file in less than 2 years...they have many people working salary less than 600 dollar....model super cheap...try replicate it in usa. in serbia there is

is a stock model agency...if you ever have browsed lifestyle content in fotolia with model release you will recognize thousand of photos with the same 10 20 model of this agency....
it's not that they love doing photos more than's their cost areas cheap is still good to shoot lifestyle italy good model cost 10 times the price i pay in ukraine....where i pay 10 dollarr hour and it's already much more than what many stocker from kiev pay.

In Serbia you pay 30$ for an average model but no model works for less than 20$ these days. Some with more experience have a wage as high as 65$/hr. So its pretty easy to see that an average set with 7-8 models will cost you around 1k. Not very expensive but not darn cheap either.


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