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Author Topic: SS: What is the final goal of the protest?  (Read 31123 times)

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« on: July 23, 2020, 08:53 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?


« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2020, 09:07 »
1. Percentages must be a genuine percentage of revenue, not a fictional percentage of some abstract world where subscribers use all their downloads.

2. January reset is insane and needs to go. Rolling 12 month tiers.

Do you think shareholders next year are going to say "yeah we are making enough money now, lets chill with the pressure on contributors"? You understand they are going to take and take until they get push back right? Do you want to push back now or when it is 0.005c per sale?


« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2020, 09:15 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

Compared to time, energy and money spend creating work for 10c?

What is the goal of any protest? How realistic are people's actions in these protests?

Is it better to do nothing and continue supporting worse conditions for contributors and ask on forums if it makes sense for others to protest against it?


« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2020, 09:30 »
What is the final goal of the protest?

My goal is to try to preserve a shred of my self respect. Others may have different goals.

« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2020, 09:32 »
I think the goal should be to make Shutterstock an irrelevant stock agency with very small collection after most of us unlicense our portfolio.


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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2020, 09:52 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

If you don't agree with the protest and enjoy making 10 sales, why waste your time trolling here? Troll.

« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2020, 10:01 »
Realistically now the objective is moving buyers from shutterstock to other. Either through removing content, driving traffic through social media or rating down the platform in all forums.

Understand that shutterstock is not creating demand, just catering to it. Demand will move, it make take time and be hard for us but it will. This is the only fair end we can get.

The alternative is to accept this, set ourselves up for more such cuts by them and other players. Anyway the actual reduction in earning shows just how bad jan will be.

« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2020, 10:19 »
My goal is to licence my work for a fair royalty

SS does not provide that anymore, therefore I have disabled my entire portfolio, and will likely have to delete it altogether.

I need a sense of value and respect for my works, and for me that means not supporting outfits like SS

If you let people step all over you it never ends well

« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2020, 11:04 »
I just want to take over the world.
And, man, I'm telling you, girl, it's really time-consuming. Speaking of time-consuming, did you know that influencing opinions is the goal of PR agencies, but the use of false identities and accounts is already a crime in some countries?

« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2020, 12:19 »
My goal is to keep Josephine motivated to continue posting pointless needling topics.

« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2020, 15:08 »
i've stopped upload new contents to SS since july 1.
This is what i can do ATM, but after about 2 months and no words from SS
i'm on doubt that the protest will have some success.
If nothing happen, at the end of july i'll start to upload again to SS
Call me a sheep, or whatever you want, i don't care.
But i think that after my post where i said that i stopped to upload,
i want to be honest and say that i'm starting to upload new content to SS from august 1
Right, wrong? I really don't know, but we are living in a strange time... pandemic, economic crisis, you know...
I haven't a daily job so my goals may be different from yours.
Anyways, best of all for you.

« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2020, 15:31 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

What is the final SS goal of fighting the protest with irrelevant trolls?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?


« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2020, 15:54 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

Revolutions and wars rarely have a final goal at the start. They evolve, mutate and build momentum.  The end result can justify the energy and time expended and the blood shed. Who knows what the end result will be but 'times they are a-changin' for sure.

« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2020, 21:04 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

My final goal has been met, and that is to get the fk out of SS.  Im sure you are making better money today than ever before, though. So why do you care?

« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2020, 17:42 »
Not sure this protest is working...SS Wall Street Stock is up 11% for the month of July....That is the money SS is really concerned about...


« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2020, 18:10 »
Not sure this protest is working...SS Wall Street Stock is up 11% for the month of July....That is the money SS is really concerned about...

Whatever may or may not happen to SS, we who left have our integrity intact.

« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2020, 20:45 »

Besides the whole market is up 30%+ from March lows - the economic realities will sink in at some point and I wouldnt be surprised at another pullback at some point in the near future - maybe well even retest the March lows

Id rather buy gold at this point than SS stock

« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2020, 22:43 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

How realistic are you with your life Josephine?
What is the final goal of your comments? :-)

« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2020, 00:22 »
I only had footage on SS. This month I had 7 sale at 0,84 $ and 3 sales 0,96 $.
This happens before the January new system. At these conditions it's not interesting anymore to have my work on SS. So I deleted all my clips here.

« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2020, 00:33 »
Got some of those 0.96 sales as well. I always counted on vidoes to bring the month total to a good number. It seems the vol largely remains the same and cost per vid sale dropped by almost 3-4 times.

« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2020, 03:18 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

Choosing to not upload to SS and rather support agencies that offer better rates takes less energy and time than wasting effort on an agency that will just cannibalise your sales elsewhere.

Since going exclusive for video (what we mainly do now) at P5 we have been getting steady $40 - $50 sales. We upload to one place and get comparable commissions from AS which which they have a distribution agreement anyway. That saves time and energy.

Our overall earnings have been up on the same period last year.

While I personally always wanted SS to come around on their crazy ideas, I've realised that they are really no great loss. Maybe a bit of pain in the beginning - but ultimately the future without SS looks far brighter than hanging around while they destroy the value of our work. They can keep their 10c thanks - or whatever scraps they are throwing to the dogs for video licenses now.

The goal is quite simple - to get more for your work. Perhaps in there should also be to protect the value of what you have worked so hard to produce.

1) If you can, keep your portfolio down at SS and build better value elsewhere.
2) If you are not in a position to shut down SS earnings, stop uploading to them. Pretty soon other agencies will replace them if you cut the flow of fresh new work to SS.

« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2020, 05:28 »
In the same boat as you Hard in the beggining but so satifying when all those 40$+ sales are rolling in. Good riddance to those scavengers and also to the people that support them with their work.

Choosing to not upload to SS and rather support agencies that offer better rates takes less energy and time than wasting effort on an agency that will just cannibalise your sales elsewhere.

Since going exclusive for video (what we mainly do now) at P5 we have been getting steady $40 - $50 sales. We upload to one place and get comparable commissions from AS which which they have a distribution agreement anyway. That saves time and energy.

Our overall earnings have been up on the same period last year.

While I personally always wanted SS to come around on their crazy ideas, I've realised that they are really no great loss. Maybe a bit of pain in the beginning - but ultimately the future without SS looks far brighter than hanging around while they destroy the value of our work. They can keep their 10c thanks - or whatever scraps they are throwing to the dogs for video licenses

« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2020, 06:00 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?
I think the goal must be to make SS re-consider the new earnings structure.

In principle I'm OK with levels based on 12 month sales, but I'm not OK with the January reset.

I think the payment for subscription sales is unfair. 10 cent minimum is rediculous.

Levels should be combined for images and footage.

I don't expect SS to return to the old earnings structure. But I hope they will at least drop the January reset, and also give us a share of the un-used subscription downloads.


« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2020, 08:33 »
What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?
Since going exclusive for video (what we mainly do now) at P5 we have been getting steady $40 - $50 sales. We upload to one place and get comparable commissions from AS which which they have a distribution agreement anyway. That saves time and energy.

Are you guys talking gross or net?

So far my clip sales (subs) at Adobe have been for around $30 so I'm starting to wonder if I would make more money going exclusive at P5 and use Adobe as distributor instead of direct.

How are you clips priced at P5? I see many underselling with $25 to $50 for 4K clips which is another good way to destroy this market.

« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2020, 08:45 »
Are you guys talking gross or net?


We priced our HD files at $69 and 4K at $169 - so 70% of that.
We are in a bit of a location niche though and have maintained better pricing so far. Smiling caucasian woman eating an apple, perhaps not so much.


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