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Author Topic: SS: What is the final goal of the protest?  (Read 32661 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2020, 09:00 »
Are you guys talking gross or net?


We priced our HD files at $69 and 4K at $169 - so 70% of that.
We are in a bit of a location niche though and have maintained better pricing so far. Smiling caucasian woman eating an apple, perhaps not so much.
Smart, just under the SS pricing and no crazy video subscribtion to boot.

One question, do editorial clips on Pond5 also get reflected on Adobe? Also what do you get after both agencies take their cut

« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2020, 09:40 »
WRT editorial, I'd be happy to be wrong, but I don't think so. That's an interesting question. Obviously if they did it would be a workaround for editorial footage on AS. I'm not sure if I have any editorial video that I could check with.

Anyone else exclusive to P5 that has editorial video? Does it show up at AS?

I understand what you get from an AS sale on P5 to be largely comparable to what you would get from AS by yourself. Seems to make sense with what I can piece together so far. That said, it's going to take a bit of time for videos distributed through P5 to find their way back up the database at AS. Sales from AS are likely to be slow while that happens.

Has anyone had any success through Vimeo Stock? As I understand it, P5 supplies to them too. How would we know if there were sales from them anyway?

« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2020, 10:42 »
Notice that whoever this idiot is never really comes back to have a conversation. They pose a question and then never respond back.  My definition of a troll.

« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2020, 11:35 »
I don't expect SS to return to the old earnings structure. But I hope they will at least drop the January reset, and also give us a share of the un-used subscription downloads.

That would be nice but quite problematic and even the contributors would probably not be totally OK with that. If the image is bought in the beginning of one-year plan, you would have to wait one year to get your money because nobody will know how much will be unused.

« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2020, 12:45 »
I will enable my video licensing again if they create "opt out" option for their video subscription.  Until then, I'll be happy with having only Pond5 and Adobe Stock.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 12:47 by helloitsme »

« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2020, 13:27 »
Notice that whoever this idiot is never really comes back to have a conversation. They pose a question and then never respond back.  My definition of a troll.

Notice also how those questions are really positioned as statements. It's not really someone wanting to get an answer.

« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2020, 16:06 »
Notice that whoever this idiot is never really comes back to have a conversation. They pose a question and then never respond back.  My definition of a troll.

Notice also how those questions are really positioned as statements. It's not really someone wanting to get an answer.

Well stated.

« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2020, 02:44 »
It is a pity for people who continue to upload their work to Shutterstock. Sometimes this is a very complex work, clearly not worth 10 cents. But smart people say that the whole world is gradually moving towards a slave-owning society. To replace capitalism.

« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2020, 03:18 »
... But smart people say that the whole world is gradually moving towards a slave-owning society. To replace capitalism.
here we go again w the slave talk

smart people?? who???

« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2020, 03:50 »
I think he means big thinkers.
i can point some names towards that thinking but you actually have to read a lot. Probably you are more a visual person like i am. To save you time maybe you read the new book from  Slavoj Zizek called "Pandemic! : COVID-19 Shakes the World"  where he talks about global barbarism or Yanis Varoufakis with "And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe's Crisis and America's Economic Future".

you can also follow both this guys in youtube. zizek have its own channel and varoufakis appear in Dim25 channel.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 04:03 by Evaristo tenscadisto »

« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2020, 04:00 »
BTW for those interest....
Tomorrow "Josephine friends" of SS will host a conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET to discuss the results of 2nd quarterly report . The conference call can be accessed in the U.S. at (844) 634-1442 or outside the U.S. at (615) 247-0239 with the conference ID# 2957776. A live audio webcast of the call will also be available on Shutterstock's website at

Following completion of the call, a recorded replay of the webcast will be available in the investor relations section of Shutterstock's website. A telephone replay of the call will also be available until August 4, 2020 in the U.S. at (855) 859-2056 or outside the U.S. at (404) 537-3406 with the conference ID# 2957776


« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2020, 08:28 »
It is a pity for people who continue to upload their work to Shutterstock. Sometimes this is a very complex work, clearly not worth 10 cents. But smart people say that the whole world is gradually moving towards a slave-owning society. To replace capitalism.

Capitalism supports modern slavery and of course slavery isn't uploading photos to SS and being paid a few cents.  That's not slavery.  This is slavery:

« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2020, 09:05 »
It is a pity for people who continue to upload their work to Shutterstock. Sometimes this is a very complex work, clearly not worth 10 cents. But smart people say that the whole world is gradually moving towards a slave-owning society. To replace capitalism.

Capitalism supports modern slavery and of course slavery isn't uploading photos to SS and being paid a few cents.  That's not slavery.  This is slavery:
Yes though I'm not sure Capitalism is any worse than other economic/political arrangements in this respect. I think what we see at Shutterstock and similar crowd sourcing enterprises is an extreme form of capitalism with an unbalanced market. Globalisation and technology will probably see this happen in many other knoweledge based markets.

« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2020, 09:42 »
BTW for those interest....
Tomorrow "Josephine friends" of SS will host a conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET to discuss the results of 2nd quarterly report . The conference call can be accessed in the U.S. at (844) 634-1442 or outside the U.S. at (615) 247-0239 with the conference ID# 2957776. A live audio webcast of the call will also be available on Shutterstock's website at

Following completion of the call, a recorded replay of the webcast will be available in the investor relations section of Shutterstock's website. A telephone replay of the call will also be available until August 4, 2020 in the U.S. at (855) 859-2056 or outside the U.S. at (404) 537-3406 with the conference ID# 2957776
This should be interesting, I'm sure they have a cover story prepared

« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2020, 09:45 »
WRT editorial, I'd be happy to be wrong, but I don't think so. That's an interesting question. Obviously if they did it would be a workaround for editorial footage on AS. I'm not sure if I have any editorial video that I could check with.

Anyone else exclusive to P5 that has editorial video? Does it show up at AS?

I understand what you get from an AS sale on P5 to be largely comparable to what you would get from AS by yourself. Seems to make sense with what I can piece together so far. That said, it's going to take a bit of time for videos distributed through P5 to find their way back up the database at AS. Sales from AS are likely to be slow while that happens.

Has anyone had any success through Vimeo Stock? As I understand it, P5 supplies to them too. How would we know if there were sales from them anyway?
Does anyone else know this?

1. Do editorials from Pond5 exclusive accounts show up on Adobe

2. What % of royalty comes from a pond5 clip sold on Adobe?

« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2020, 10:44 »
I am living in a country with no social welfare benefits like unemployment money, food stamps or stimulus check like in America. The alternative would be begging in the streets.
I envy people who can quit SS and argue about their lost self-respect or wasted time, because they simply do not depend on the money from SS. In times of corona I do more than ever before.
I am self-reliant, I am self-employed, I am proud of me and I am getting the respect from my family and people around me. Ten US cents here might be more then 10 Dollars in rich countries. In my eyes protest against SS is as useless as anything. And I am wondering where this hate and ire comes from?
If people with provoking opinions are called TROLLs, I am one of them.

« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2020, 11:25 »
I am living in a country with no social welfare benefits like unemployment money, food stamps or stimulus check like in America. The alternative would be begging in the streets.
I envy people who can quit SS and argue about their lost self-respect or wasted time, because they simply do not depend on the money from SS. In times of corona I do more than ever before.
I am self-reliant, I am self-employed, I am proud of me and I am getting the respect from my family and people around me. Ten US cents here might be more then 10 Dollars in rich countries. In my eyes protest against SS is as useless as anything. And I am wondering where this hate and ire comes from?
If people with provoking opinions are called TROLLs, I am one of them.

Everybody is struggling in these times of corona  ::) whether they get unemployment or not. Does the country you live in have a lower cost of living than the US? Im guessing yes. So everything is relative. And in the US, $1200 stimulus check doesnt go very far when someones out of work. And unemployment might help, but it doesnt pay the bills either.

Everyone SELLING photos needs the money they make; otherwise wed all just give our photos away. Which is basically what you do at SS now.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 13:11 by cathyslife »


« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2020, 11:45 »
Typically I average about $.70 per download on SS.  Since June I have been averaging between $.90 to $1.00 per download. My ODs have been selling over the $2.85 levels plus higher EDs (over $28). Yeah, the dimes on some of my subs suck but it's the final numbers that count. I've already made more this July than last year's July.


« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2020, 13:35 »
Typically I average about $.70 per download on SS.  Since June I have been averaging between $.90 to $1.00 per download. My ODs have been selling over the $2.85 levels plus higher EDs (over $28). Yeah, the dimes on some of my subs suck but it's the final numbers that count. I've already made more this July than last year's July.

Oh goodie, well allow me to jump in with some more good news then:

My last 10 sales at SS have earned me a whopping $1,32  ???

My last 10 sales at AS have earned me a measly $56,30  :o

All image sales with 1 EL at AS.

If AS keeps this up they don't even have to sell high volume. Still I would very much like that so I can boot SS.
For me SS has changed from most important to barely relevant.

« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2020, 13:39 »
Typically I average about $.70 per download on SS.  Since June I have been averaging between $.90 to $1.00 per download. My ODs have been selling over the $2.85 levels plus higher EDs (over $28). Yeah, the dimes on some of my subs suck but it's the final numbers that count. I've already made more this July than last year's July.
Whats an ED?
A problem, or are you referring to an EL?
Those are very rare these days, ever since the terms of a regular licence Use has been broadened.
If you are making more at SS, you are in the very small minority I dare say. Maybe you are a fairly new contributer and your portfolio has increased substantially in relation to what you had last year. Or your numbers are low enough that a RPD statistic can sound great, but in reality, if the sample size is small, it is an insignificant statistic.

By far, the complaints of contributers who have been on SS for a fairly long time and/or whose ports are a fairly good sample size when it comes to downloads, are experiencing vastly reduced incomes.

The outrage is significant enough that it is not just a small group of disenchanted contributers.

If your case was the norm for most contributers, there would be threads of overjoyed contributers here and on SS forums, celebrating and extolling the virtues of SS.
Take a look at their own forums.
Even contributers that have decided to stay with SS are NOT  singing their praises.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 13:41 by noodle »


« Reply #45 on: July 27, 2020, 14:31 »
I am living in a country with no social welfare benefits like unemployment money, food stamps or stimulus check like in America. The alternative would be begging in the streets.
I envy people who can quit SS and argue about their lost self-respect or wasted time, because they simply do not depend on the money from SS. In times of corona I do more than ever before.
I am self-reliant, I am self-employed, I am proud of me and I am getting the respect from my family and people around me. Ten US cents here might be more then 10 Dollars in rich countries. In my eyes protest against SS is as useless as anything. And I am wondering where this hate and ire comes from?
If people with provoking opinions are called TROLLs, I am one of them.

Yes, we know, youve explained your dire situation before. My question is, if youre happy with your dwindling earnings, what difference does it make to you if others find the hit to their earnings unacceptable? If they decide to boycott, why does it bother you enough to come here repeatedly and ask the same stupid questions over and over again?

And to the rare people who are somehow magically earning more, why do you think its swell to come here and rub it in the noses of people whose income has been devastated? Is it some kind of game to you? Whats your point? Im doing ok, eff all the rest of you. You think its fun to say that to people who are struggling?

« Reply #46 on: July 27, 2020, 15:23 »
Josephine you may think that 10 cents its huge for you but probably if you receive just 1 cent your argument was pretty diferent. I know a lot about poor countries since i lived in Guinea during colera in 2014 which is one of the poorest countries in the world. I do think your behaviour among other colleages here who are trying to struggle in such hard times does not justify your needs.

Now the ironic part: i invest time and money of my own to shoot jungle villages and even support them by buying a solar pannel to a clinic in Sarabanka (jungle village between Senegal and Guinea) where the mortality rate of mothers that give birth is roughly 80%.
I spent more than 8000 and I  was hopping to repeat the experience  by selling some footage/shots but with 10 cents would take years and years. In this sense i am kind of glad that i shift/quit SS some years ago and i bet in other agencies too.

Probably, because i sell in other places with better revenue i will repeat the experience and help other villages too.
Maybe if you sell in other places than SS you can help you but also others around you. Don't you think? ;-)

« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 16:16 by Evaristo tenscadisto »


« Reply #47 on: July 27, 2020, 15:52 »
Typically I average about $.70 per download on SS.  Since June I have been averaging between $.90 to $1.00 per download. My ODs have been selling over the $2.85 levels plus higher EDs (over $28). Yeah, the dimes on some of my subs suck but it's the final numbers that count. I've already made more this July than last year's July.

Oh goodie, well allow me to jump in with some more good news then:

My last 10 sales at SS have earned me a whopping $1,32  ???

My last 10 sales at AS have earned me a measly $56,30  :o

All image sales with 1 EL at AS.

If AS keeps this up they don't even have to sell high volume. Still I would very much like that so I can boot SS.
For me SS has changed from most important to barely relevant.

Last 10 sales- that a very small sample to say the least. I would say comparing your last 1,000 sales to better compare.  For example today I have 22 sales on SS for $28.67 and 15 sales on AS for $20.79. Looks pretty even according to my personal stats for today at least...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 16:04 by Cobra »

« Reply #48 on: July 27, 2020, 17:09 »
I think he means big thinkers.
i can point some names towards that thinking but you actually have to read a lot. Probably you are more a visual person like i am. To save you time maybe you read the new book from  Slavoj Zizek called "Pandemic! : COVID-19 Shakes the World"  where he talks about global barbarism or Yanis Varoufakis with "And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe's Crisis and America's Economic Future".

you can also follow both this guys in youtube. zizek have its own channel and varoufakis appear in Dim25 channel.


i DO read a lot, esp'ly history  & philosophy (Bernard-Henri Levy,Tony Judt,  Michael Mann, Braudel, Huizinga, Havel, Houillebecque among Europeans)  those names , unfortunately i wasnt familiar with - a quick search for Varoufakis quoted him saying Greeece was LIKE a slave to lenders - no mention of capitalism's change to slavery

for Zizek i found:
iek claims that the strength and originality of capitalism as an ideological apparatus what marks it out as a historically unique phenomenon is that it explicitly endorses its intrinsic imbalance. Its key injunction and substance can be summed up in one word: Enjoy! This means not only that capitalist ideology compels us to enjoy commodities, but also that we want capital to keep enjoying itself through us. Thus the two forms of enjoyment merge into one, making it difficult to distinguish between the two traditional categories of Hegelo-Marxist dialectics, namely masters and slaves

again no replacement by a slave economy - instead a 'traditional' critique OF capitalism.  both men are progressives, as am I but I left Marxism behind long ago - Stiglitz, Krugman et al have better analyses and among most 'big thinkers' slavery is at best a metaphor.  Marxists having been predicting the fall of capitalism for almost 200 years but their results have been as poor as psychics'

in any case the slave question has nothing to do w the SS opposition/boycott

« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 02:35 by cascoly »

« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2020, 17:39 »
Typically I average about $.70 per download on SS.  Since June I have been averaging between $.90 to $1.00 per download. My ODs have been selling over the $2.85 levels plus higher EDs (over $28). Yeah, the dimes on some of my subs suck but it's the final numbers that count. I've already made more this July than last year's July.

3 posts, all ass-kissing to SS. Go away shill. SS is cooked.


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