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Author Topic: SS Dashboard Fix  (Read 20563 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2018, 02:57 »
Is this to distract us from falling earnings bad interior political problems and people leaving jumping a sinking ship! conning us beyond beliefs?????  is all a bunch of horse sheit!

Why are you talking about Istock Getty on the SS forum?  ;)

I cant remember??  I together with some 50 others involved in that beef with Scott and Laurin ( representing us) got written off by Scott who just days later got the boot from SS!

We all got banned and no one returned. Even so the SS forum is a joke full of wooyay people over a 0.25 sale.

« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2018, 04:18 »
You're a joke as well.

I only come here now and then, and when I do, sure enough, derek or rinderart whining again.


« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2018, 04:36 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?
Yes it is always like this, sheep rant a lot at the beginning and then accept the status quo

« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2018, 04:43 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?
Yes it is always like this, sheep rant a lot at the beginning and then accept the status quo
We don't have a choice and in the end the $$$s talk louder and despite all the moaning SS remain by far the best selling Mstock site for most.

« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2018, 15:35 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?
Yes it is always like this, sheep rant a lot at the beginning and then accept the status quo
We don't have a choice and in the end the $$$s talk louder and despite all the moaning SS remain by far the best selling Mstock site for most.
Until when?
For me AS is getting closer months after months , slowly but surely.


« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2018, 15:46 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?

What can you do? A whole lot of people complained, but it's clear they're not going back to the faster interface. Uploading is now slow and clunky, but there's no alternative.

It does make me like Adobe more, tho.

« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2018, 08:08 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?

What can you do? A whole lot of people complained, but it's clear they're not going back to the faster interface. Uploading is now slow and clunky, but there's no alternative.

It does make me like Adobe more, tho.

Do you mean that Greasemonkey script
still works in your system? In my case it stopped working and now I must click many times. I see that no one else writes about the same problem. I wish I could pay someone who can offer script that would work again.

« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2018, 09:40 »
It seems that all gradually accept SS innovations?

What can you do? A whole lot of people complained, but it's clear they're not going back to the faster interface. Uploading is now slow and clunky, but there's no alternative.

It does make me like Adobe more, tho.

Do you mean that Greasemonkey script
still works in your system? In my case it stopped working and now I must click many times. I see that no one else writes about the same problem. I wish I could pay someone who can offer script that would work again.

The scripts created by Deymos are still working for me on this PC.
Deymos had to remove the $ value from the last 10 sales list, since it is not reported by the SS query, anymore. Otherwise, the list still shows the thumbnail, location name and time of sale.

On the earnings page, all sales are combined in a single tab and it can be ordered by your chosen criteria: ID (ie most recent upload), earnings or number of downloads for the day.

The 3rd Deymos script I found useful is the conversion of the keywords list of any SS image in text format, making easy a copy/paste action.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 15:16 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2018, 01:19 »
I've reinstalled the script and now it is working. ;D I don't know why it stopped working before.


« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2018, 03:34 »
You're a joke as well.

I only come here now and then, and when I do, sure enough, derek or rinderart whining again.

Yeah and every time you appear here you have something vicious to say

« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2018, 12:54 »
The truth is like that sometimes. I'm sorry if you can't handle the truth.


« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2018, 14:15 »
The truth is like that sometimes. I'm sorry if you can't handle the truth.

Oh I can handle the truth but you just find the most unpleasant way to get your opinions across don't they have manners in your part of the world?

« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2018, 14:18 »
Let's go private

« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2018, 02:09 »
The truth is like that sometimes. I'm sorry if you can't handle the truth.
You're talking about your truth.


« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2018, 08:00 »
Let's go private

Lets not I don't do private you want to insult people in public then learn some manners that's all there is to it


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