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Author Topic: So they do use AI to review then...  (Read 30367 times)

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« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2020, 04:56 »
There are two versions, we accept ship as a pet, and we accept octopus as a pet.

I like the octopus version.

I give up, accepted, SS uses AI. I'm fine, thanks.




« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2020, 07:40 »
I have decided to accept Octopus as a pet. I'm wrong, SS has AI in file monitoring.
A mistake on my part, sorry. I was confused, the night confuses me.
SS has AI in file exams.

Perhaps this user is an AI.. or getting text from ai.. :)
Very funny lol :)

It's just bad translation no? at least I hope it is!

Their AI translator wasn't working at the time  :)

« Reply #52 on: August 06, 2020, 07:48 »
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to meanneither more nor less."


« Reply #53 on: August 06, 2020, 14:05 »
I will not speak of the English language, to avoid disturbing the most susceptible.

I am going to speak the Spanish language.

Own language, with history, but adapted to the 21st century, with academic regulations updated every year.

Full of vocabulary, nuances, gray scales, not to mention double meanings, slang, street vocabulary or colloquial language.

A language with verbs, a series of rules and grammar to be understood correctly between interlocutors, being concise, clear and descriptive, trying to avoid the possible ambiguity of other languages.

The all-powerful Google calls it a translator, but it is actually an adapter. Your browser adapts to the client's IP. It works very well, but you know that a word in Spanish has a different meaning in an American country than in Spain.

Therefore, Google checks the IP to determine in its search what a user is looking for. Interprets, analyzes and corrects for decades.

Imagine SS with an AI just to get closer to understanding the English language.

Therefore, with this test it is enough for me to know that today if SS rejects a file, you must be clear about what @Tenebroso tells you, it is a human who rejects you.

SS would like to have something that would be a dream for the agency. And that you are enjoying it myth transmitted between users. Half truths.

I'm glad you're all in a good mood. Regards.

« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2020, 16:48 »
I have decided to accept Octopus as a pet. I'm wrong, SS has AI in file monitoring.
A mistake on my part, sorry. I was confused, the night confuses me.
SS has AI in file exams.

Perhaps this user is an AI.. or getting text from ai.. :)
Very funny lol :)

It's just bad translation no? at least I hope it is!
i doubt it - a translation would at least have some meaning - this is just gobbledygook - a more likely candidate is a bad AI essay writer working from keywords

 i ran a large section of the oringer statement thru google translate moving from english --> russian --> slovak --> english with no loss

apocryphal(?) tales of early english/russian ai translator:
english -->russian --> english
"The spirit is willing,  but the flesh is weak" --> "The vodka's good, but the meat is rotten"

"out of sight, out of mind" --> "blind idiot"

« Reply #55 on: August 06, 2020, 18:04 »
AI translation has been one of my interests, so i did a bit of exploring on a rainy day. First a short quote from a Goethe webpage:

Man soll alle Tage wenigstens ein kleines Lied hren, ein gutes Gedicht lesen, ein treffliches Gemlde sehen und, wenn es mglich zu machen wre, einige vernnftige Worte sprechen

The webpage's translation to english (not clear if human or AI)

Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words

google translation from the german

Every day you should at least hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine painting and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words

i wondered how 'exquisite' became "fine", so extracted the phrase and the google translation of "treffliches Gemlde sehen" is "see excellent painting" but becomes 'fine' in the translation!

Next i translated german --> polish --> english
Listen to a short song every day, read a good poem, see a great picture, and if possible, say a few reasonable words

 I repeated the process and got a slightly different text. Looks like there's a random element for choosing non-essential words:
Every day you should at least hear a short song, read a good poem, see a beautiful picture and, if possible, say a few reasonable words

The basic meaning is preserved in my simple test quote with only slight changes that didnt destroy the meaning.   I then tried it on a more complex text and show the results in  off topic 


« Reply #56 on: August 06, 2020, 18:21 »
Greetings @cascoly you keep brightening my day. Thank you.

I sincerely appreciate your taking part in this conversation.

After communicating that you were not going to read my comments, it is an honor for me that you confirm my theory on the difficulty of languages ​​and the great effort over decades only with languages ​​by the owners of the planet, Google.

I know that you hope to learn much more from me. I will decide from today if one day have a few beers with you and laugh at these moments or you will be part of those users who do not harbor any interest or contribution in my life. At the end of the post I will explain the reasons for this decision.

You do not confirm anything by bragging about translations, it is a simple opinion, without any proof. You have not clarified, who determines that the translation is correct and error-free. My experience in Arabic or Russian circles is exactly as you claim. They are people who appreciate the contribution and value the effort in communicating in a language that you do not know.

Criticisms of the language are generally given only with English, and generally by Americans. I do not know if they are children of the first, second, third or fourth generation of immigrants. But the antics and the ridiculousness of the language occur only with English, and generally with Americans. Some users. According to my experience. Therefore, the translator does his job, but the SS does not have enough money to start in this sector. But generally, with a specific ideology, which is far from ours. Yours and mine. I mean ideology, knowing how to be and behavior.

I agree with you, a great effort in interpreting the language by machines and a great progress in our days. Very far from bordering on perfection. It's a breakthrough.

Assuming that SS uses Google technology to understand the titles, it is still not clear that its supposed AI will show you as optional words for an image: EU flag, Union stars, Europe, euro,..... when the image is a starfish.

Assuming that a machine understands part of the language, understanding it is something of the human beings at the moment, I explain to you, it is very far from interpreting an abuse, insult, macho language, hate speech, ... It translates or understands it, but it does not It can analyze whether it will create a social conflict for the Agency to put a specific file up for sale.

Therefore, any anti-feminist title, even if it is correct English, is not an accepted title for sale by microstock.

Conclusion, I don't even go into the quality or archive without commercial content. This is only human, there is no machine that can define if something fuzzy is salable. In our days. Thank you for your interest in continuing to want to learn.

Nonsense, say the fools. If you insinuate that I am stupid, if you comment again that what I say is nonsense, I will stop teaching you more things and I will ignore you. It depends on you.

You must understand and learn that Google Translate has these problems, translating your phrase..... "this is just gobbledygook" is one of the problems of languages. Adapting languages ​​is very complicated.

Google translates it as gibberish and also as stupidity. I understand that it is my problem and not your intention. I am sure there is no problem between us. Hug.

Adapting the languages ​​is extremely difficult, far from the intentions of making money from SS. AI for this specific case is not viable for humans today.

A greeting.


« Reply #57 on: August 06, 2020, 20:10 »
I ran two recent Trump's quotes through Google translator.
The first one from from English to German, then back to English and the second from English to Spanish and back to English.

"I actually took one test when I -- very recently, when I -- when I was -- the radical left were saying, is he all there? Is he all there? And I proved I was all there, because I got -- I aced it. I aced the test."

"Ich habe tatschlich einen Test genommen, als ich - vor kurzem, als ich - als ich - die radikale Linke sagte: Ist er alles da? Ist er alles da? Und ich habe bewiesen, dass ich alles da war, weil ich - Ich habe es geschafft. Ich habe den Test bestanden. "

"I actually took one test when I - recently, when I - when I - said the radical left: is it all there? Is it everything there? And I have proven that I was everything because I - I have I did it. I passed the test. "

When you say that we lead in [coronavirus] cases, that's because we have more testing than anybody else.
"So when we have a lot of cases, I don't look at that as a bad thing. I look at that as, in a certain respect, as being a good thing because it means our testing is much better.
"So I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it's a badge of honour.
"It's a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done."

Cuando dices que somos lderes en casos [de coronavirus], eso se debe a que tenemos ms pruebas que nadie.
"Entonces, cuando tenemos muchos casos, no lo veo como algo malo. Lo veo como, en cierto sentido, como algo bueno porque significa que nuestras pruebas son mucho mejores".
"As que lo veo como una insignia de honor. Realmente, es una insignia de honor.
"Es un gran homenaje a las pruebas y todo el trabajo que muchos profesionales han realizado".

When you say we are leaders in [coronavirus] cases, that's because we have more evidence than anyone.
"So when we have a lot of cases, I don't see it as a bad thing. I see it as, in a sense, a good thing because it means our tests are so much better."
"So I see it as a badge of honor. It really is a badge of honor.
"It is a great tribute to the tests and all the work that many professionals have done."

Little bit mangled, but all in all, pretty good translations. Much better than what was possible 20 years ago.
Actually, some of the re-translated sentences sound better than the original ones by Trump.


« Reply #58 on: August 06, 2020, 22:03 »
Good contribution.

Trump is difficult to translate. Leaves many sentences unfinished, uses expressions, slang language and it is not easy. Instead, it is a widely used translation. A POTU, google, translates it countless times a day in the world. They can correct a lot in every hour. It is a text in high demand for Google, the Trump stuff.

However, Google uses AI in the translator. It depends on the day, if your developers leave you a bit of freedom, there are days when you can get into trouble, invent many things and the translator can get you into trouble. Google can say outrageous things, depending on the day.

In conversations with people of other languages, there are days on WhatsApp that we warn ourselves about the translator, be careful with Google, which seems to have abused wodka. Groups that try to speak simple things, so that each user can understand it after translating. We use simple phrases, and changing words, so that the translator can handle the translation. language adaptation is very complex.

If the text is very long, you make more mistakes, the translation is immediate. Exquisite work. There are forums for the topic of collaborating in improving the translator. Much money and many resources. google would be happy to give its technology to SS in exchange for its image AI, Google also needs it and it is impossible to see images nowadays with any clarity by the software, less examine for sale. But that's how friendly its CEO is, with ambiguous words implying that they examine with AI. They have no money to start the project.

It costs them less money to be examined by humans. As other agencies do, including Adobe, which is a developer platform and has brought a lot of innovation and development to the planet in terms of proprietary software and extensions and cutting-edge technology. Adobe are software platform, elite, and they would like machines to see text in the image, 3D letter compression or design, for example.


« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2020, 22:20 »
@Snow always asks the same thing, with so much SS technology, and it is not about cutting images or mirrors, similar images, and sometimes many non-similar ones appear, they appear identical, the same, copies and thefts.

To check its AI effectiveness, if you cut an apple in half, it will recommend you in keywords, love, February 14, Valentine's Day. Because, you see something that reminds you of a heart. But it is software that interprets the images and suggests possible text, nothing more, it is not AI examining.

SS wants to earn money, not collaborate with humanity by achieving something that today would be an extraordinary technological advance.

Your investors don't have enough money to start a project of this size. It is not your job.


« Reply #60 on: August 06, 2020, 22:40 »
Image of a waterfall, horizontal and vertical. The examiner passes the first. They are simply your orders. In order not to expand the department staff to place images in their corresponding searches, they only wanted a third of the images. They had plenty of advantage over competitors in file volume, they wanted only the best, not a waterfall horizontally and vertically. Within the minute it could be approved in a subsequent shipment, or after three months. IA does not affect the time, a rejection for IA would be rejection always, at the minute or within three months.


« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2020, 23:04 »
For the SS CEO who speaks in an established script while sipping soup, if he had an AI capable of examining files suitable for sale, both Tesla and NASA would hire their developers, if they cannot leave on contract, they would buy the company.

These developers are not able to make the web work properly, at the slightest change. And every time, you notice that his team is getting lower and lower profile. They are not capable of widening to JPG format with adequate thumbnail visibility if the vectors are not loaded with a huge size. Simply very low profile.

According to a company drowning.

An AI capable of deciding on a logo, suitable or not for sale, would be the cover of all the media on the planet. And world prestige and a place in history.

The next step would be for the machines to make designs that are sold, of quality, current and that pleases humans.

« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2020, 23:20 »

Little bit mangled, but all in all, pretty good translations. Much better than what was possible 20 years ago.
Actually, some of the re-translated sentences sound better than the original ones by Trump.

one reason the translations are reasonable is he speaks like an underperforming 5th grader

« Reply #63 on: August 07, 2020, 01:55 »
[...] AI can't review photos, we know that, they know that. [...]
This is true but it does not mean they will not do it anyway  :(!


« Reply #64 on: August 07, 2020, 02:40 »
My hypothesis is, they decided to reduce the number of images anyway, so as not to expand the staff to place images in the searches, it is slower than examining. The Agency was uploading images close to 3 million a week. It was very personal. They invented not accepting similar. And everything got complicated. By being absurd rejections, we users create the myth of AI. The CEO at the end uses this myth to his advantage.


« Reply #65 on: August 07, 2020, 02:56 »
It is also very likely that it was a test to verify the behavior of customers by reducing the number of weekly files for sale, studying paying 0.10 if 800k a week does not influence their sales. If 800k a week did not impose a flight of clients, it was the moment of 0.10 and the door was open to collaborators who wanted to move away.


« Reply #66 on: August 07, 2020, 03:47 »

Little bit mangled, but all in all, pretty good translations. Much better than what was possible 20 years ago.
Actually, some of the re-translated sentences sound better than the original ones by Trump.

one reason the translations are reasonable is he speaks like an underperforming 5th grader

Very true. To make the job more difficult for the translator, this time I used Tenebroso's post, and translated it to French and back to English.
The translator made the Tenebroso's flowery text even more convoluted.

For the SS CEO who speaks in an established script while sipping soup, if he had an AI capable of examining files suitable for sale, both Tesla and NASA would hire their developers, if they cannot leave on contract, they would buy the company.
These developers are not able to make the web work properly, at the slightest change. And every time, you notice that his team is getting lower and lower profile. They are not capable of widening to JPG format with adequate thumbnail visibility if the vectors are not loaded with a huge size. Simply very low profile.
According to a company drowning.
An AI capable of deciding on a logo, suitable or not for sale, would be the cover of all the media on the planet. And world prestige and a place in history.
The next step would be for the machines to make designs that are sold, of quality, current and that pleases humans.

Pour le PDG SS qui parle dans un script tabli tout en sirotant de la soupe, s'il avait une IA capable d'examiner les fichiers susceptibles d'tre vendus, Tesla et la NASA embaucheraient leurs dveloppeurs, s'ils ne pouvaient pas partir sous contrat, ils rachteraient l'entreprise.
Ces dveloppeurs ne sont pas en mesure de faire fonctionner correctement le Web, au moindre changement. Et chaque fois, vous remarquez que son quipe devient de plus en plus discrte. Ils ne sont pas capables de s'tendre au format JPG avec une visibilit adquate des vignettes si les vecteurs ne sont pas chargs avec une taille norme. Profil tout simplement trs bas.
Selon une entreprise en train de se noyer.
Une IA capable de dcider d'un logo, adapt ou non la vente, serait la couverture de tous les mdias de la plante. Et le prestige mondial et une place dans l'histoire.
La prochaine tape serait que les machines ralisent des designs qui sont vendus, de qualit, actuels et qui plaisent aux humains.

For the SS CEO speaking in an established script while sipping soup, if he had an AI capable of examining files that might be sold, Tesla and NASA would hire their developers, if they couldn't leave. under contract, they would buy the company.
These developers are not able to make the web work properly at the slightest change. And each time, you notice that his team becomes more and more discreet. They are not able to expand to JPG format with adequate thumbnail visibility if the vectors are not loaded with huge size. Simply very low profile.
According to a company in the process of drowning.
An AI capable of deciding on a logo, suitable or not for sale, would be the coverage of all the media on the planet. And global prestige and a place in history.
The next step would be for the machines to make designs that are marketable, quality, current, and appealing to humans.


« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2020, 04:25 »
That demands a lot from the translator.

That made me laugh.

I'm with the Duolingo, learning.


« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2020, 08:15 »
This thread is getting weirder by the day  :o

As far as I'm concerned they might be using AI now but haven't been doing so in the past or maybe very few times. I am still convinced there are (were) reviewers pushing their friends and fellow countrymen while rejecting their competition or those they don't like because of country of origin or whatever, simple as that. You know what else these reviewers can do with your work? bury it deep down in search. They will also accept work that they know won't sell much if at all. Hence the low quality crap that's being accepted. Similars, stolen, etc... they don't care but they will pick on your images if they get the chance and reject them.
Then there's the reviewers who just don't have a clue what they are doing and reject for no good reason or the wrong reason or just try to achieve their daily quota on your expense.

I am amazed that those who have been in this business long enough still don't notice this.
Check who's being featured! check who's in top of search! check who's complaining about reviews, check who's not or who defends them! Check their country! You don't have to be a scientist to start noticing patterns.

Of course there's still the honest and qualified reviewer who does a proper job and reject for the right reasons but these are rare in this business.

Those who get a free pass think they are just better then the rest and recommend others to up their game  ::)  Until they get rejects, oh boy!

This goes for Micro, Macro and even Boutique (book covers etc...)

Also and sorry for derailing but these days your presence on social media is far more important then the quality of your work and that will affect your exposure as well.

Actually I'm making all this up so please let me get back to my fantasy world...


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2020, 08:56 »
I suspected AI about a year ago when some dozen of my images were reviewed within 5 seconds of uploading


« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2020, 09:39 »
I suspected AI about a year ago when some dozen of my images were reviewed within 5 seconds of uploading

All rejected or accepted?

If only some were rejected or accepted then sure this could be AI but all no, I don't buy it. That's just a reviewer happen to have your images in front of him/her, maybe during summertime where uploads are far less then other times.
I believe AI would improve things and not reject for irrational reasons or not have a preference for certain contributors while disliking others.
I would rather have AI reviewers that only check for quality, metadata and similar (stolen) then those human reviewers mentioned above.
But I guess my experience was different then most, lucky you ;)
My port would have been double, even triple in size then it is now if it wasn't for them. Not because of the rejections because I knew they were wrong but because I had to contact support (reviewer admin) each time to get them online and I lost a lot of motivation. And now with the 0.10c deal and the bright future we have ahead of us I almost lost all motivation.
So their plan worked, they got rid of many contributors that way, be it via agency policy or reviewer's own agenda.


« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2020, 14:10 »
I suspected AI about a year ago when some dozen of my images were reviewed within 5 seconds of uploading

I remember the big long threads on this forum, "reviewers are stupid" and similar headlines. Back then, many of us told you that they examine fast because they examine Make Money style, at random, with bets on who shoots the fastest. They were waiting for someone to charge and were in a hurry to examine. Regardless of the test result, regardless of the quality of the test, regardless of people's work. Without respect for collaborators.

Perhaps they even had bets from whoever examined the most users. Already on those threads, some user answered you, that a machine cannot do so badly. Already at that time someone commented that a monkey did better. You, you insisted, that they examined you very quickly and it was a machine. Well, they were examining you humans fast. In five seconds or sooner. They know you're online, they know you're uploading files and they were examining you SS style, without looking. The examiners have voluntarily left or expelled en bloc.

There have been times of almost 13 days to examine. And after the course, they would quickly examine if the course was made up of many examiners. Some newbie on the first day would tell you three errors, error in the title, error in the keywords, noise. On the third day, similar. It was a quick test. If you took too long to examine, other colleagues would examine faster. They made more money.


« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2020, 14:27 »

I subscribe your words.

I'm surprised we're still like this It is so logical, it is seen from afar, after a simple observation.

I would add 1000 more examples, but I am observing that the users of this forum do not observe much.

When they talked about tweaking the algorithm, it was nothing more than a red light on your channel on the SS workers panel. Well, lots of red lights. The reasons may be many. From that line of red traffic lights, you had no visibility in the shop window, your relevant images would disappear and it is likely that if you left the agency, the supervisors would obtain an economic bonus for meeting objectives. Perhaps, for taking sales away from a friend.

It is not that you and I are on the same page, we are in the same paragraph and word.

The impression is of gangster behavior. Simply, a conjecture.


« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2020, 15:09 »
If an AS examiner has doubts about an image. Marks it for review by the section chief. Two days later, the head of the department enters your channel, probably in the presence of the examiner and tells him if it is a valid file or not.

This represents a reliable company, with a good system and a pleasant environment. Fair examinations, within the mistakes that anyone can make.

Exquisite level of professional workers.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #74 on: August 07, 2020, 17:13 »
I suspected AI about a year ago when some dozen of my images were reviewed within 5 seconds of uploading

All rejected or accepted?

All rejected for silly reasons. No human can review a dozen images in 5 seconds!


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