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Author Topic: Shutterstock Technical Problems Again  (Read 6706 times)

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« on: April 19, 2021, 05:44 »
After problems in early April, Shutterstock contributors are now facing:-

  • Photos are approved but still showing as pending
  • Photos are approved but not displayed in the portfolio

Some of the comments from their forum:-

"You are masters at eating our earnings, but a disaster at solving technical problems"

"We decided to live under the motto - "not a day without glitches". Otherwise it will not be interesting to live."

"Drastic interventions in the system, I suppose? This has been going on for several long days, as well as a significant drop in downloads this month ... something is wrong here."

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2021, 09:08 »
After problems in early April, Shutterstock contributors are now facing:-

  • Photos are approved but still showing as pending
  • Photos are approved but not displayed in the portfolio

Some of the comments from their forum:-

"You are masters at eating our earnings, but a disaster at solving technical problems"

"We decided to live under the motto - "not a day without glitches". Otherwise it will not be interesting to live."

"Drastic interventions in the system, I suppose? This has been going on for several long days, as well as a significant drop in downloads this month ... something is wrong here."

Oh that explains why I didn't get my 10 cents for Sunday?  ::)  ;)

At least they stopped making Vectors into Illustrations... maybe?

Sorry but SS technical problems again should be SS technical problems as usual.

The old answer was up to 72 hours for approved submissions to appear. I think last round of broken SS, the response on the forum, they made it even longer? Personally I'm not worried that an image can take five days to appear. What's the difference. They don't sell and when they do I get a stinking dime.

I mean this seriously, who cares that much about a new image appearing, up against 300 million other images, or the 10 cents it could make? Is it really that immediate or that big of an issue? For A DIME?

« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2021, 09:35 »
It's a competition!

How many photos can you get approved by Shutterstock before they appear in your image portfolio.

I'm on 17 so far!


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2021, 09:42 »
It's a competition!

How many photos can you get approved by Shutterstock before they appear in your image portfolio.

I'm on 17 so far!


You'll beat me for sure. I'm in a one a day program, if I get motivated to shoot anything.

« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2021, 10:38 »
It's a competition!

How many photos can you get approved by Shutterstock before they appear in your image portfolio.

I'm on 17 so far!


My new image per month usually appears within an hour of being approved.

However the image counter doesn't reflect the ones I deleted over the last few weeks.

That company is just a f**k up.   ;D

« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2021, 11:34 »
The biggest problem you're facing is the fact that after all of SS's shenanigans, you're still uploading new content to them.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2021, 10:48 »
The biggest problem you're facing is the fact that after all of SS's shenanigans, you're still uploading new content to them.

Guilty! I did upload a single image yesterday. I don't want to go overboard?  :)

Approved this morning, doesn't show. I think I'm done for the week unless I get inspired. Plop and shoot of some bread.

Should I be worried that of 300 million images and millions that have been on the site for 16 years, mine is so important that buyers have just been waiting for me to upload it? Or would a few more days for a lousy dime, make a difference in my life? I think I don't really care about my images appearing faster or slower, it's really meaningless and a waste of energy being concerned.

Shenanigans is really far too polite for what most the agencies have done to us? I want to be fair, I don't know any that haven't stabbed us in the back, but I didn't want to say ALL. Maybe someone knows one that hasn't taken advantage of contributors or abused our efforts?

« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2021, 11:05 »
One from 3-4 days ago showed up finally, thou a lot more waiting in line...
Guilty too, as alternative to starving.

« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2021, 12:04 »
I loaded one image today. I've 18 approved images loaded since 16th April which are yet to appear in my image portfolio.

"I think this is affectin us and our sales, because the algorithm thinks we are not uploading new content..." alvarobueno

« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2021, 12:34 »
Some good news. 10 of my 18 missing images have now appeared in my image port.  :)

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2021, 11:02 »
I loaded one image today. I've 18 approved images loaded since 16th April which are yet to appear in my image portfolio.

"I think this is affectin us and our sales, because the algorithm thinks we are not uploading new content..." alvarobueno

I see, does the algorithm give us more sales, because we uploaded more? Or do customers buy what they need?  :)

For every time I've read discoveries like this, upload more you get better placement, there have people who did something else for a year and came back and nothing changed. I can say from making notes and observing, my images don't go up and down in the search, when I'm uploading more or uploading less.

Do yourself a favor for science and facts. Log the images of yours that are on what page and position. Pick some that have been in the system a few months and have sales. Then go back and look again in June and again in August and see how they have moved up or down. Then upload a flock of new images and look a couple weeks later, at your research images.

They will be in the same spots as the other previous months. Things do not move around as much as people say they do. Yes, new uploads will bump you down, and after time, if they get no sales, yours will rise again. Others new images will make more difference than anything, on the short term. You need to look at the search for a year, and see what changes. I'll say, from the ones I did check, for a long time... Nothing changed very much.

Or believe what anyone who comes here or there and claims they see, is telling you something that's a fact instead of imagination.

But the first step is take notes and document the searches you want to research. For months and maybe years, and then see what's really going on, if anything?

Make sure the search is the identical words, identical settings and either you are logged in or not. Everything must be the same. Then make detailed notes. Without dong that, it's just "I think my images are changing rank because..."
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 11:14 by Uncle Pete »


« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2021, 09:55 »
The biggest problem you're facing is the fact that after all of SS's shenanigans, you're still uploading new content to them.

Guilty! I did upload a single image yesterday. I don't want to go overboard?  :)

Approved this morning, doesn't show. I think I'm done for the week unless I get inspired. Plop and shoot of some bread.

Should I be worried that of 300 million images and millions that have been on the site for 16 years, mine is so important that buyers have just been waiting for me to upload it? Or would a few more days for a lousy dime, make a difference in my life? I think I don't really care about my images appearing faster or slower, it's really meaningless and a waste of energy being concerned.

Shenanigans is really far too polite for what most the agencies have done to us? I want to be fair, I don't know any that haven't stabbed us in the back, but I didn't want to say ALL. Maybe someone knows one that hasn't taken advantage of contributors or abused our efforts?

Adobe is pretty bad often worse than SS for rejections. They reject images on a whim which I think to prevent you from getting to the payment threshold.


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