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Author Topic: Shutterstock providing images to Fine Art America  (Read 15308 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2019, 16:39 »
Does anyone know if other agencies follow this same practices ? This de-values our work by a lot I would assume.

My assumption is that they all do things like this - or if an agency isn't doing it now, it might start next week.


« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2019, 03:48 »
Shutterstock knows their power and basically has a captive base of suppliers (us) which they keep in the dark about any deals they make with third party agencies (WIX, FB, FAA etc) because for SS any sale is a sale and adds to the bottom line whether or not the compensation for use to the contributor is reasonable /equitable for that licensing.
The corporate SS doesn't care. It's only duty is to that of the stockholders/investors and as we were never part of any negotiation to make deals, we have neither say in our commission nor in any possible conflict in interest in direct dealing with FAA.....take it or leave it.
To SS it's irrelevant; any sale is money in the bank. If you leave there's 10 others to take your long and thanks for all the fish!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 03:54 by OM »


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