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Author Topic: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0  (Read 155759 times)

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« Reply #700 on: June 05, 2020, 04:08 »
The coronavirus is hitting the world economy... as well as the Microstock companies. And this is the reaction. The golden times are gone for EVERYBODY not only the Microstockers.

As can be seen from SS's first quarter report, it wasn't really hitting them though.....

They would have done this either way, Corona or not.

« Reply #701 on: June 05, 2020, 04:19 »
coronavirus it's completely unrelated to ss new earni g structure...they simply wants to regain market share  ...if you look at video side it"s pretty clear...they went subscription to fight back istock and other subscription plan based agency like envato and storyblocks...i can't blame ss for this because the culprits are the artsts that support those sites selling for peanuts...
i hate the 1 january reset and it's pretty unfair but ss won't step back till we support them...
u think they want to cut out small fish too indeed big contributors won't be affected that much...talking about video...


« Reply #702 on: June 05, 2020, 04:21 »
The coronavirus is hitting the world economy... as well as the Microstock companies. And this is the reaction. The golden times are gone for EVERYBODY not only the Microstockers.

As can be seen from SS's first quarter report, it wasn't really hitting them though.....

They would have done this either way, Corona or not.
Very much this. Lots of companies are using it as an excuse at the moment. I heard from tech workers who were being laid off from companies who are making out like bandits thanks to the lockdown and remote working etc. 

See also SS using the unrest over social inequality sell social media censorship as white knighting. Companies like SS will use anything to their advantage regardless of any ethical concerns.

« Reply #703 on: June 05, 2020, 04:56 »
coronavirus it's completely unrelated to ss new earni g structure...they simply wants to regain market share  ...if you look at video side it"s pretty clear...they went subscription to fight back istock and other subscription plan based agency like envato and storyblocks...i can't blame ss for this because the culprits are the artsts that support those sites selling for peanuts...
i hate the 1 january reset and it's pretty unfair but ss won't step back till we support them...
u think they want to cut out small fish too indeed big contributors won't be affected that much...talking about video...

The Storyblocks footage collection is nothing like Shutterstock's...

What will happen to Blackbox now? Wasn't it their policy that they don't submit to subscription video sites?

« Reply #704 on: June 05, 2020, 05:00 »
So, if someone from Adobe is reading this: Think really hard whether you want to piss of your contributors, who are also your customers before you ever consider following in SS's footsteps.

Since Davinci Resolve 16 came out i see quite a big movement on the Internet,  that people should change to using that because now it's better than Premiere Pro in almost every area. And cheaper, or even free if you accept some limitations.
Pissing off creatives could add fuel to that trend.

« Reply #705 on: June 05, 2020, 06:02 »

Very strongly worded

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« Reply #706 on: June 05, 2020, 06:29 »
Many contributors are praising Adobe. What about if Adobe just follows SS?
In my oppinion this is very likely.
Unfortunately, even at this level and at this time when Adobe are considered more fair to contributors, the income I get from them is not enough to compensate for SS loses. This is unsustainable business now. It just doesn't matter for me anymore what Adobe does, they are not going to take over SS customers. SS is not shutting down, they screwed contributors,there won't be much customer migration because they are not affected. Maybe some of them will hear about our problems and actually care about it, maybe 10% no more.
One more thing is very important - Adobe and the others are not ready to take over the leadership in the industry. All these years all these agencies were parasitizing on SS. In a way that contributors produce their content primarily for SS, because SS was their biggest earner, and then they send already made content to other agencies to earn some extra money. Without SS the business was not sustainable. So, we are relying on these parasites now, that is not good position for us at all. They are used to be parasites, they have parasites mentality and it can't be changed easily.

Just imagine for one second SS had decided to insist all content that comes in is exclusive.

How powerful would they have become? They might have dominated the industry like ebay or Amazon.

But...they didnt...and why...because you have to pay a lot more for exclusive content.

Gettyimages always knew how powerful exclusive content is, which is why they always signed on creatives and everything sent to them under their house contracts must be exclusive.

They do add content from over 200 partners to offer a very beautiful and diversified collection. But their exclusively owned content from top quality producers is at the heart of te company and will always allow them to survive.

Adobe cancelled Fotolias exclusive program, but from what I hear many former exclusives are still doing well.

So complaining that producers did not leave their content exclusively on SS, while SS wasnt interested in paying them a fair exclusive content price makes no sense.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 06:34 by cobalt »

« Reply #707 on: June 05, 2020, 09:45 »
coronavirus it's completely unrelated to ss new earni g structure...they simply wants to regain market share  ...if you look at video side it"s pretty clear...they went subscription to fight back istock and other subscription plan based agency like envato and storyblocks...i can't blame ss for this because the culprits are the artsts that support those sites selling for peanuts...
i hate the 1 january reset and it's pretty unfair but ss won't step back till we support them...
u think they want to cut out small fish too indeed big contributors won't be affected that much...talking about video...

The Storyblocks footage collection is nothing like Shutterstock's...

What will happen to Blackbox now? Wasn't it their policy that they don't submit to subscription video sites?
put together istock storyblocks and envato,and think about how low are they price and do your math. .
pond5 adobe will follow because they will lose market share...
business has nothing to do with being good bad or greed,it's all about make money,they don't care if we lose money...

« Reply #708 on: June 05, 2020, 10:09 »
They lifted my ban, I waited all the images to show up and just disabled them so 10000 image less for them soon.

« Reply #709 on: June 05, 2020, 13:06 »
Just wanted to drop in and say how much I appreciate this vector image, which got approved. I especially love keywords like 0.10, 0.1c, fuck you, greed and insulting, lol...   :D

Link to Original work

« Reply #710 on: June 05, 2020, 13:12 »
No one's going to like this.....but what about being paid in SS Wall Street Stock and no 10 cents sh*t. Now I know a lot of you are saying what a stupid idea and yes it is but you must admit it is original...now you can use your bad words at me...

« Reply #711 on: June 05, 2020, 15:06 »
Just wanted to drop in and say how much I appreciate this vector image, which got approved. I especially love keywords like 0.10, 0.1c, fuck you, greed and insulting, lol...   :D

Link to Original work

That's pretty awesome. So funny it got approved.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk

« Reply #712 on: June 05, 2020, 15:22 »
The coronavirus is hitting the world economy... as well as the Microstock companies. And this is the reaction. The golden times are gone for EVERYBODY not only the Microstockers.

As can be seen from SS's first quarter report, it wasn't really hitting them though.....

They would have done this either way, Corona or not.
Very much this. Lots of companies are using it as an excuse at the moment. I heard from tech workers who were being laid off from companies who are making out like bandits thanks to the lockdown and remote working etc. 

See also SS using the unrest over social inequality sell social media censorship as white knighting. Companies like SS will use anything to their advantage regardless of any ethical concerns.

A lot of companies who's work could be done remotely laid people off or decreased hours JUST so that they could take advantage of the free business loans and such. Not just tech.

« Reply #713 on: June 05, 2020, 15:24 »
No one's going to like this.....but what about being paid in SS Wall Street Stock and no 10 cents sh*t. Now I know a lot of you are saying what a stupid idea and yes it is but you must admit it is original...now you can use your bad words at me...

At least if you buy a share you get a buck out of it. Takes ... what, an hour to make $36 in many places. lol.
(please don't buy SS shares, it was a joke.)

« Reply #714 on: June 05, 2020, 15:30 »
But what if they went back to the old pay system. Would you take SS Wall Street stock as payment ?

« Reply #715 on: June 05, 2020, 15:54 »
But what if they went back to the old pay system. Would you take SS Wall Street stock as payment ?

No, Even with the buck and a half dividend it's way overpriced and already rides total market cap for the industry (low growth potential). I'd buy it for $10.

MAYBE $15 but, definitely not where it's at.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 15:56 by DallasP »

« Reply #716 on: June 05, 2020, 16:29 »
No one's going to like this.....but what about being paid in SS Wall Street Stock and no 10 cents sh*t. Now I know a lot of you are saying what a stupid idea and yes it is but you must admit it is original...now you can use your bad words at me...

Maybe better that ten cents deal... who knows...

« Reply #717 on: June 05, 2020, 17:42 »
In case you havent heard about this, here is the link:


« Reply #718 on: June 05, 2020, 17:44 »
Just wanted to drop in and say how much I appreciate this vector image, which got approved. I especially love keywords like 0.10, 0.1c, fuck you, greed and insulting, lol...   :D

Link to Original work

Anyone on twitter can retweet this or make up their own to spread the love far and wide


Don't forget the #BoycottShutterstock hashtag :)

« Reply #719 on: June 05, 2020, 18:05 »
Shutterstock has revealed itself. Fine.
Sorry Shutterstock, my pictures can not be valued at 0.10 cents. I value my efforts in creating stock images that sell. Therefore you are not qualified to have my High Quality work on your platform. Creative contributors with High Quality works will all leave you. Soon you will stay with the piles of crappy mediocre mobile photos of unskilled first timers amateurs and the millions of identical marijuana and other drugs shots. That is what you deserve. If you are asking if I can sell my photos at better prices. The answer is yes, and this is what I am doing by the way. So long Shutterstock. Your descent has just started.

« Reply #720 on: June 05, 2020, 18:11 »
I just would like to ask: Has anybody seen Mat from AS lately?

« Reply #721 on: June 05, 2020, 18:16 »
But what if they went back to the old pay system. Would you take SS Wall Street stock as payment ?


« Reply #722 on: June 05, 2020, 18:29 »
I just would like to ask: Has anybody seen Mat from AS lately?

Not Surprised - they aren't going to jump into the middle of this fray.
They'll wait and see how it plays out before they react in any way.

« Reply #723 on: June 05, 2020, 19:16 »
But what if they went back to the old pay system. Would you take SS Wall Street stock as payment ?

Let's mental math your question, since you're stuck on it ... at the 10 cent rate it would take 400 subscription sales to buy a SINGLE share of Shutterstock. Which would net you the 1.60whatevercent dividend if owned for an entire year.

Or sold, your 40 dollars. Seeing as how the stock is worth closer to 12 dollars (or as low as $5 actual book value) and it were an option. I'd probably do it for 100 sales IF they weren't diluting shares already.

I'm glad that you're interested in stocks and stuff, I really am but, Wall Street is mostly a place where people lose money ... so it's important to use your brain. They're already the largest image supplier, which means they've already nearly saturated the market to it's upmost potential. So you have to rule them out as a growth stock. As a value stock you're looking at ... idk 18 years for your $36 back in dividends. Since there's low growth opportunity, don't expect increased dividends ... and since they're already cutting costs to squeeze the last pennies of earnings out of their revenues, and giving them to shareholders to artificially boost their share price anyway, my guess is that they're hoping to be acquired or they're going to ride out that 300m as long as they can.

Buy it when the price is less than the cash-debt. Not a cent more. It's a crap company and a crap stock.

Edit: (Cash - minus - debt) divided by outstanding shares. There's software to do that for you but, I don't know if it was clear. You can quickly do it in your head or with a pencil and paper if you don't have access.

Second Edit: NOT the reported book value since their only true assets are servers and servers have a lifespan of ... meh 10 years give or take. They are sold for about half their book. Tech companies are difficult.

Third Edit: and to do that, they'd have to dilute the shares ... or someone would have to be willing to sell theirs for that $40. Math dude ... math.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 20:02 by DallasP »

« Reply #724 on: June 05, 2020, 19:36 »
I just would like to ask: Has anybody seen Mat from AS lately?

I keep hoping they'll pop in with an exclusivity option. Uploading and everything is just SO fricken easy at AS. I'd probably track down my random crap portfolios to do it. lol.


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