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Author Topic: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0  (Read 152857 times)

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« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2020, 12:28 »
its always the same and will always be the same. i left i stock and 123rf and I am leaving shutterstock now.

Complains are senseless, they do what the want. Only actions count.

I am not the slave of Stock agencies.

« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2020, 12:29 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

and U believed her ???   ::)
It is on Shutterstock forum, she is an admin. 10 cents I would like not to believe her.

« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2020, 12:30 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

Relief? I hope you're joking!

Getting closer to put my stock +20.000 images for free on the web and ask for donations for those who download them. Soon it won't be worse than having them on stock.

Hope AdobeStock launches a wrecking ball into SS headquarters.

The first step would be to accept editorial content which is a huge part of my SS income, and them promote good exclusivity conditions.


« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2020, 12:30 »
I've been with Shutterstock for 15 years, but if they are in fact going to reset everyone every January 1st, I WILL pull my entire portfolio.

I've already pulled my videos out of SS and AS, gone exclusive to P5.

Now I may pull photos out of SS and keep 'em in AS, P5, and DT. 

It's the principle more than the $$$ for me. But truly, this is DISGUSTING!!!

« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2020, 12:31 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

Relief? I hope you're joking!

Getting closer to put my stock +20.000 images for free on the web and ask for donations for those who download them. Soo it won't be worse than having them on stock.

Hope AdobeStock launches a wrecking ball into SS headquarters.

The first step would be to accept editorial content which is a huge part of my SS income, and them promote good exclusivity conditions.
Of course I'm joking what


« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2020, 12:31 »
I am not the slave of Stock agencies.

Me neither!

I left iStock in 2011 when they pulled this same trick. I'll leave SS now if they don't reverse course.


« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2020, 12:31 »
Well, that's it for me with them.
I currently have over 80,000 files at Shutterstock and I've been at it for over 15 years.
From a friendly, nice agency, which I had even visited once in my early days and met some nice people there, has become an ugly, greedy agency.
That was unfortunately foreseeable, the flotation announced it.
The steady deterioration since then has already made me delete some files - I once had over 100,000 files with them.
I only have two microstock agencies left anyway.
Now I only have one...
Adobe gets my microstock stuff now exclusively.
If they screw up too, that's it for me in microstock.
Economically simply no longer interesting.

After this move, I wish Shutterstock only the worst.
A slow steady descent.

May the (please insert here the worst insult you know) choke on their greed!

« Reply #82 on: May 26, 2020, 12:32 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

and U believed her ???   ::)
It is on Shutterstock forum, she is an admin. 10 cents I would like not to believe her.

maybe she was being a bit Katty !?  ;)  lol

« Reply #83 on: May 26, 2020, 12:32 »
I'm wondering if communal image/video factories are the way to go. We could create our own version of blackbox and get to the highest tier/level in no-time. If we all contribute as 1 then fuck their system? Are there any coders in here?

« Reply #84 on: May 26, 2020, 12:32 »
I've been with Shutterstock for 15 years, but if they are in fact going to reset everyone every January 1st, I WILL pull my entire portfolio.

I've already pulled my videos out of SS and AS, gone exclusive to P5.

Now I may pull photos out of SS and keep 'em in AS, P5, and DT. 

It's the principle more than the $$$ for me. But truly, this is DISGUSTING!!!
Will do the same. I hope Adobe is monitoring this closely. It is time to offer photo exclusivity.

« Reply #85 on: May 26, 2020, 12:33 »
Some girl named Katty from Shutterstock just came and said that it will not bi lower than 10 cents, not 3 or 6 cents as we assumed. What a relief.

and U believed her ???   ::)
It is on Shutterstock forum, she is an admin. 10 cents I would like not to believe her.

maybe she was being a bit Katty !?  ;)  lol
What"s wrong with you?

« Reply #86 on: May 26, 2020, 12:33 »
It's time for AS to make good proposals for the contributors. I would be willing to become exclusive with them if they knew how to be attractive enough. And what a pleasure it would be to kick Shutterstock's a**...

« Reply #87 on: May 26, 2020, 12:33 »
I was really shocked to wake up to SS's email this morning. All our hard work building up our portfolios with the hope of increasing sales is just a waste of time now and this company is totally robbing us contributors now. They make us feel like ants going nowhere...


« Reply #88 on: May 26, 2020, 12:33 »
Hope AdobeStock launches a wrecking ball into SS headquarters.

The first step would be to accept editorial content which is a huge part of my SS income, and them promote good exclusivity conditions.

Mat, are you listening? Is Adobe?

You guys could capture a *huge* chunk of the market right now by upping the ante for us, continuing to treat us well, and helping us sink SS.


« Reply #89 on: May 26, 2020, 12:34 »
It's time for AS to make good proposals for the contributors. I would be willing to become exclusive with them if they knew how to be attractive enough. And what a pleasure it would be to kick Shutterstock's a**...


Mat, over to you and your colleagues at Adobe Stock.

« Reply #90 on: May 26, 2020, 12:36 »
Look at there share price it going up today:

Why not clicking there Adwords/Advertising at Google away?
yes lets hurt them by clicking 1 cent at a time

it is more than 1 cent and we can make them invisible at Google.
What will you do?
i dont know but i am not going to sit here for hours clicking their fuсking google ads link fuсk sake

hours? ;D If everyone of us will do this 2 times a day it will hurt them...  :-*

The company is worth almost $1.5b. You have no idea how little impact you'd have on them. By the time you'd found and clicked an advert they'd have probably made $5-10k in sales.

Just to go into more detail. If it was possible that you could click one of their ads once per second and it cost them exactly $1 per click, doing this 24/7 - 365, it would take 31 years to reach a $1b in clicks.

it only works if many contributor will do...

But maybe we better should do nothing ... ;D

We're not called contributors any longer. I prefer the term Slaves.

And I'm certainly not wasting what's left of my life clicking some ads for a company I already bust a gut over for little in return


« Reply #91 on: May 26, 2020, 12:37 »
Basically theyre saying a big f*ck you to all individual contributors while rewarding image factories.

Unless we all turn off our ports this will be it...

I will do that for sure. With pleasure!


« Reply #92 on: May 26, 2020, 12:40 »
Will do the same. I hope Adobe is monitoring this closely. It is time to offer photo exclusivity.

Yes, Mat!!!

« Reply #93 on: May 26, 2020, 12:40 »
What a miserable and disgraceful company they are. They should rot in hell and don't worry at some point they will loose their leading position in the game the same as Getty did. You laugh at all of us now. You will get your bonuses. We all will remember what a scumbags you all are.

« Reply #94 on: May 26, 2020, 12:40 »
I hope Adobe will offer exclusivity now. Otherwise I will apply for Istock exclusivity, because If SS earnings vanish, I really have no other choice.

« Reply #95 on: May 26, 2020, 12:42 »
This does seem worse than a Getty move and I left them for similar reasons, any small incentive from Adobe and I would go exclusive.

« Reply #96 on: May 26, 2020, 12:42 »
I can see this tip coming. Save some images throughout the year, and dump a LOAD in January to instantly boost your rate. Not good for client and not good for comtributors.

« Reply #97 on: May 26, 2020, 12:43 »
The massive AI rejections showed that they don't want small contributors anymore. Now It's pretty clear with this new movement.

Sad news. I will not upload anymore to them.

« Reply #98 on: May 26, 2020, 12:43 »

It is on Shutterstock forum, she is an admin. 10 cents I would like not to believe her.

She contradicted.  First post said existing sub fixed fee was going and ALL percentage based.

She then said "minimum 10 cents" which contradicts that.

I asked directly what the MAXIMUM is twice and got no reply....i suspect 10 cents.

So 0.38 down to 0.1 at BEST maybe.

The fact that they introduce this with 5 days warning, have a mistake in the email (video pricing) and dont seemingly have ANY  updated earning schedule to show contributors is crazy.


« Reply #99 on: May 26, 2020, 12:44 »
Look at there share price it going up today:

Why not clicking there Adwords/Advertising at Google away?
yes lets hurt them by clicking 1 cent at a time

it is more than 1 cent and we can make them invisible at Google.
What will you do?
i dont know but i am not going to sit here for hours clicking their fuсking google ads link fuсk sake

hours? ;D If everyone of us will do this 2 times a day it will hurt them...  :-*

I have a good auto clicker, and a machine that I can dedicate to this work :D :D
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 15:31 by Chichikov »


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