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Author Topic: Shutterstock acquires PicMonkey (Canva-like design site)  (Read 4416 times)

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« on: September 07, 2021, 17:37 »

From what I've read, it seems Canva is the market leader in the online design-with-templates space and PicMonkey is just another player.

PicMonkey was using Unsplash and iStock as a partner for images and illustrations, but that's ending Sept 14th (Shutterstock takes its place).

Here's what PicMonkey is telling their users about the buyout:


If you're curious about the (many) online design tool subscriptions currently out there, here are a couple of alternatives-to-Canva articles:


From the contributor's point of view, more buyers could be a very good thing, but for many of these design services, the royalty per download is small. It's also not clear that this is expanding the pool of buyers; it may be Shutterstock wants to be sure it doesn't lose buyers to one of the other design tools.

Shutterstock's stock (SSTK) closed down today but jumped in after-hours trading. No clue what that's about.


  • Hip Hip Holly for the Holidays!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2021, 23:48 »
For some reason I saw "PigMonkey" Maybe that could be their new name? LOL :P
Anyways, thanks for the info.  To me over all this company merger is more like "PacMan" gobbling up more pellets to make more of a monopoly for its self.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2021, 21:52 »
For some reason I saw "PigMonkey" Maybe that could be their new name? LOL :P
Anyways, thanks for the info.  To me over all this company merger is more like "PacMan" gobbling up more pellets to make more of a monopoly for its self.

That was my first thought. Easier to buy competition or new markets than copy or create something. If they could, SS would start a version of Wirestock which would be an absurdity, but just another way to dominate the market. Stockpigs  :)

« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2021, 11:36 »
On a somewhat related note...

Canva announced an additional round of investment, bringing its theoretical valuation to $40b and they project $1b in revenue by the end of this year. Possibly Shutterstock's interest in PicMonkey was a consequence of viewing Canva as a threat


Interesting note that of the total 60 million monthly active users, only about half a million "teams" are paying for the service "...in some capacity"


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