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Author Topic: Shutterstock "improving" the Contributor dashboard again  (Read 21410 times)

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« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2022, 14:55 »
I don't understand the map thing. What do I care in which country my stuff gets sold? It's ever changing so it doesn't do anything statistically, it's not useful for any market best it's just a visual gimmick used as dashboard filler.

For those of us who live in countries which don't have an income tax treaty with the USA, having the map AND the last 20 sales listed showing where they were sold around the world is very useful.

For every image/clip sold outside the USA I don't have to pay 30% withholdings to the IRS, so it's a great resource to know how much I will likely receive at the end of the month as SS doesn't keep any info regarding sales in/out of USA in the earnings tabs.

« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2022, 15:02 »
Ah ha! I found a back door. Kinda

Right if you're using mobile version go to your top earners. See all top earners where you can view your top earners and see keywords used. Unpaid earnings is also at the top right of that. Clearly visible.

Screen grabbed lol.

Thanks again folks

Good point, only further step I needed to do was turn my device to landscape view.

« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2022, 15:20 »
Erm I too have the new dashboard. You can't see how much they owe you. Literally nowhere. You can see monthly downloads etc but not total since last payout. Vanished. And how can you tell if you reach payout. what. Most of it is them pushing their crap at you. They are complete hemorrhoids.

Upper right hand corner "Unpaid Earnings"

Here's a trick, another broken part of the new pages. Go to Earnings, now you have to click it again to see Earnings Summary, and then it's just numbers, but if you click the date, it finally shows Subscriptions, but not the rest, you have to click each column individually to finally see what sold. Waste of time. h.

ridiculous.  Just had a rare decent S&O sale.  4 clicks required from front page to see what image it was. 

and yeah that back-arrow bug is a mess, nice find.

« Reply #78 on: December 16, 2022, 09:20 »
I can't find where the last download are ... wowww

« Reply #79 on: December 16, 2022, 09:52 »
I can't find where the last download are ... wowww

Nowhere, they are gone.

« Reply #80 on: December 16, 2022, 20:49 »
I don't understand the map thing. What do I care in which country my stuff gets sold? It's ever changing so it doesn't do anything statistically, it's not useful for any market best it's just a visual gimmick used as dashboard filler.

For those of us who live in countries which don't have an income tax treaty with the USA, having the map AND the last 20 sales listed showing where they were sold around the world is very useful.

For every image/clip sold outside the USA I don't have to pay 30% withholdings to the IRS, so it's a great resource to know how much I will likely receive at the end of the month as SS doesn't keep any info regarding sales in/out of USA in the earnings tabs.

You can do it with the map but its clunky. You can see the latest sales on the earnings summary and you can match them to the map by running the 'arrow' over the dot on the map. Then just note them on a spreadsheet or other.

The problem comes if you have multiple sales to the same client/location. You only see the last sale so you can't be sure that the other sales have gone there as well.

It's also a problem if you have a lot of sales in a day. The old system only kept a record of the last 20 as does the new map. However, it also wiped a more recent sale of mine - a bug perhaps?. If you have more than 20 in a day then you might have a problem keeping track of them. But that was also the case previously.

« Reply #81 on: December 17, 2022, 07:04 »
Personally, I don't really need the card for my stats. Just seeing the latest sales is the main thing for me but it's now gone from the dashboard. It's really badly thought out and made to fool us.

« Reply #82 on: December 19, 2022, 10:57 »
Yup, it's complete garbage and rude as hell to boot.
No option of opt out, it's like they think this is the greatest
improvement since the beginning of the world.

« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2022, 12:20 »

I've just contacted them saying they've become an disgrace.
Maybe we should all do that!

Yes they "modified" again - you open url of your contributor's page, SS redirects you to the buyer page again - after a short period they removed this rubbish but today again the same. Disgusting and hypocrite. M...e.
PS: today a client was looking for a stock library advise. I didn't advise SS.

« Reply #84 on: January 01, 2023, 09:58 »
Exactly. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

From Dashboard page other than keywording and submitting clips I was looking at "The latest files sold" box which used to be with thumbnails on the right bottom corner, it's gone. Filled in all available feedback forms accordingly.

« Reply #85 on: January 03, 2023, 16:43 »
Hi guys, I was able to see the available earnings before but now they're gone and I have no way of knowing how much I've got available for payouts... On another note I have no way of knowing what has sold recently as I used to so I can't tell what is selling and what is not...

« Reply #86 on: January 04, 2023, 03:45 »
Hi guys, I was able to see the available earnings before but now they're gone and I have no way of knowing how much I've got available for payouts... On another note I have no way of knowing what has sold recently as I used to so I can't tell what is selling and what is not...

If you are using your phone to view the dashboard scroll to the bottom half. There you will find top earners. Click o the blue link that says view all top performers.

When that loads your earnings will be displayed at the top right.

To view recently sold from the main dashboard page,  click on 'View earnings summery' that months list of sold pops up day by day. If you click on each day it will show you what has sold. If you have no photo there it is because an asset of yours has been used to train the AI and to confirm this scroll to the right to view the column named contributor fund. You won't know what they used it is just a non transparent usage amount that you have no way of checking. Another thing that will eventually rip SS a new one legally later. I wouldn't risk investing in this company if it were free. They are literally running fast and lose and when the music stops whoever is left with no chair is going to jail.

To get back to the main dashboard from any of the ridiculous sub menus cluck on the SS logo top left. Hope that helps.

« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2023, 03:51 »
Don't worry everybody, the next dashboard update is looking good...

« Reply #88 on: January 04, 2023, 07:03 »
Don't worry everybody, the next dashboard update is looking good...


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